Description | List of exhibits at the Royal Society's conversazione at Burlington House, arranged by room. Headed 'Burlington House. March 10th 1866'. Inscribed in pencil and in red crayon verso, '1866 March'. Items and exhibitors were as follows:
Linnaean Library.
Series of original drawings by Nicolas Poussin, from the Royal Collection, exhibited by permission of H.M. The Queen. Various signal apparatus, employed in promoting the safety of railway traffic. Manufactured by Messrs. Silver and Company. Exhibited by Mr. W. H. [William Henry] Preece C.E. Parabolic glass mirror 10 ¼ inches diameter and 5 feet 10 inches focus only, for a reflecting telescope, mounted rigidly, on a new plan. Large diagonal prism, 21/2 inches in the minor axis of the ellipse, for a 13-inch reflecting telescope: constructed for Mr. Warren De la Rue. Diagonal mirror for a reflecting telescope, mounted on a plan by which the arm is dispensed with. Aneroid barometer, 2 feet diameter, having a range of 18 inches for 1 inch of the mercurial barometer. New micro-spectroscope as made for Mr. H. C. [Henry Clifton] Sorby. Exhibited by Mr. J. [John] Browning. Illustrations of the development and natural history of oysters, As applied to practical culture: and Roman relics from the Oyster Beds near Reculver. Mr. F. [Frank] Buckland. Bust in marble of Dr. [John Addington] Symonds, of Clifton. Exhibited by T. [Thomas] Woolner. Madonna and child, in alto relievo, and bust of F. Grant Esq., P.R.A. Exhibited by E. [Edward] Davis. Original drawings of wild flowers of the mountains of Southern and Western India. Drawn and exhibited by Mrs. (General) Read Brown.
Linnaean Meeting Room.
Ansell's fire-damp indicator. Exhibited by Mr. [George Frederick] Ansell. New thermo-electric battery, in operation. Constructed and exhibited by Mr. [William] Ladd. Electrical induction machine, in operation. Exhibited by Dr. [Henry] Bence-Jones. Clock with new brass tubular compensating pendulum. Mr. C. [Charles] Frodsham.
Howell's patent anemograph. Capt. Arthur's self-registering ship's compass Thomson's astatic reflecting galvanometer. Prof [James] Clerk Maxwell's dynamical top. Messrs. Elliot Brothers. Solar autographs of February 1866 taken at Ely with the Rev. W. [William] Selwyn's heliograph. New form of stereoscope for showing objects in the air. Invented and exhibited by Prof. J. [James] Clerk Maxwell. Graphotype: a process by which blocks for surface-printing may be produced directly from drawings. D. C. Hitchcock, New York, inventor. Exhibited by Mr. H. Fitz-Cook. Series of coloured Japanese drawings illustrative of old Romances. Mr. J. Williams.
Entrance Saloon.
Portion of a meteorite, very rare, which fell at Montauban, May 1864. Exhibited by Mr Warren De la Rue. Resistance coils: copies of the British Association Unit (1864) to be deposited at Kew Observatory. Exhibited by Dr. [Augustus] Matthiessen. Cpt. Lendy's topography: a military surveying instrument. Exhibited by Mr. P. [Patrick] Adie. Model of American Monitor engines. Sir Samuel Morland's pocket calculating machine (1666) with descriptive book and miniature portrait of the inventor. Mr. Bennet Woodcroft. Collection of various forms of silica, and cameo specimens of the same. Prof. [James] Tennant. Bust in marble of the late Duke of Newcastle, and of Charles Knight Esq. Exhibited by J. [Joseph] Durham. Models of H.M. iron-plated corvette Pallas, of the wood-built sloop of war Amazon, and half-models of H.M. iron-plated frigate Bellerophon, and of the Indian Transport Euphrates. Designed and exhibited by E. J. [Edward James] Reed Esq., Chief Constructor, R.N. Painting - Dante inspired by the Muse of Poetry. Exhibited by Signor F. [Felice] Barucco.
All the trees, plants and flowers throughout the apartments, are lent by the Royal Botanic Society.
Apparatus for the liquefaction of gases, and for showing the compressibility of water. [Hans Christian] Oersted's invention: exhibited by Dr. [Edward] Frankland. Electric clock, illustrative of a new mechanical arrangement for obtaining perfectly uniform rotation under varying conditions of power and resistance. Mr. C. W. [Charles William] Siemens. View of Murchison Falls, and diagram chart of Mr. Baker's explorations. Paintings of scenery and natives of the Niger Valley, by Mr. Valentine Robins. [Heinrich] Kiepert: maps of the Valley of the Nile. Lent by the Royal Geographical Society. Patent binocular microscope, illuminating the whole field of view without curtailment of aperture. Messrs. Powell and Lealand. Microscopic specimens of Trichina in various stages of development. Exhibited by Dr. Spencer Cobbold. Statuettes: two boys playing at marbles. Exhibited by J. [Joseph] Durham. Bronze statuette - Puck. Exhibited by T. [Thomas] Woolner.
Council Room.
Model of the 3,500 ton sea-going cupola ship (on Capt. Coles's principle) proposed by J. D'A. Samuda, M.P., for the service of the Royal Navy. Exhibited by Mr. [Joseph d'Aguilar] Samuda. Globe illustrative of the magnetism of the Earth. Exhibited by Staff Commander [Frederick John Owen] Evans, R.N. Lithographic portraits of President [Andrew] Johnson and Mr. Secretary [William Henry] Seward. Series of carte de visite photographs of eminent Americans. Series of Cooper vignettes. Photographs of American picture galleries, and of Peruvian scenery, Lima, the Chincha Islands, &c. Messrs. Stevens Brothers. Chromolithographic illustrations of Jerusalem, by Carl Werner. Exhibited by Messrs. Hanharts. Raaz - relief atlas, specimens of photolithography - polar star charts. Baines - views of Zambesi scenery. Lent by the Royal Geographical Society. Portrait specimens of untouched photographs. Exhibited by Messrs. Wilson and Beadall. Memorials of Queen Eleanor illustrated by photography. Exhibited by Mr. J. [John] Abel. Series of photographs by the new solar camera process, in which life-size portraits are produced without the aid of hand-work. Exhibitted by J. E. [John Jabez Edwin] Mayall.
Bust in marble of the Chancellor of the Exchequer (for the University of Oxford). Exhibited by T. [Thomas] Wollner.
Lower Library.
Model of iron-clad turret ships: the Wyvern, Huascar (Peruvian) and the Minerva (double screw). Built by Messrs. Laird Brothers. Exhibited by J. Laird M.P. Models of the self-righting lifeboat. Exhibited by the National Lifeboat Institution. Specimen of 15-inch shell from Fort Sumter. Exhibited by Mr. Bennet Woodcroft. Taranaki iron sand, and specimens of bars and cables manufactured therefrom. Exhibited by Mr. G. Gladstone. Statue and block of [Francois] Coignet's Beton, showing its application to ornamental and building purposes. Exhibited by M. Francis Coignet, of Paris. Instantaneous photographs of the animals in the Zoological Gardens. Taken and exhibited by Frank Haes (to be shown by the magic lantern in the R.S. Meeting Room at 10p.m.). |