RefNo | RBO/18/36 |
AltRefNo | RBO.18.243 |
Level | Item |
Title | Account of the instrument to show the different velocities of a planet or comet in its motion around the sun by J Desaguliers |
Date | 1732 |
Description | That 'it is accelerated when it moves from the Aphelion to the Perihelion and retarded as it returns from the Perihelion to the Aphelion: describing (by a Radius Vector or Ray drawn from the Sun to the comet or Planet) Areas proportionable to the times the Velocities of the revolving Body being reciprocally as the distances from the central Body' Refers to figure - none attached but blank page on page 245. Read to the Royal Society on 22 March 1732 |
Language | English |
Extent | 4 sides |
Format | Manuscript |
Digital images | View item on Science in the Making |
AccessStatus | Open |
RelatedRecord | CLP/18ii/36 |