RefNo | RBO/4/14 |
AltRefNo | RBO.4.49 |
Level | Item |
Title | A Cypher of Mons. Christian Huygens de Zulichem |
Date | 4 February 1669 |
Description | 'Containing an Invention of his, which he not thought fit to make publick as yet, but would secure it to himself this way; which he sent to the Royal Society in a letter of his dated 6 February 1669 (st. no.) and exhibited to the said Society 4 February 1669' |
Language | English |
Extent | 1 side |
Format | Manuscript |
Digital images | View item on Science in the Making |
AccessStatus | Open |
RelatedRecord | RBO/4/15 |
CLP/3i/46 |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA8062 | Huygens; Christiaan (1629 - 1695); natural philosopher | 1629 - 1695 |