Description | The files contain faxes, e-mails, letters and papers sent to Thomas Gold by numerous individuals and organisations, Jun-Jul 1999, Oct 1999, Dec 1999-Feb 2000; Jun-Nov 2000; Apr-May 2001. The files also contain faxes, e-mails and copies of letters from Thomas Gold to various individuals and organisations, Oct 1999-Mar 2000; Jul-Aug 2000; Oct-Dec 2000. The letters, faxes and e-mails cover various matters e.g. how Gold came to use ultrasound imaging during the second world war (958); publication of a German edition of 'The deep hot biosphere' (956); the role of gas clouds in causing aeroplanes crashes and accidents (953; 951; 938; 935-934); grouping of metals whose concentration can not be explained by hydrothermal leaching (950; 933); origin of hydrocarbons in ocean vents as noted in an article in Nature on mercury coming up in ocean vents (949); publication of an article by Frank Jülicher, Daniel Andor and Thomas Duke, ‘Physical basis of two-tone interference in hearing’. Thomas Duke had asked Gold to communicate the paper to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, in the hope it would be published by them (945). The letters, faxes and e-mails have been numbered by Gold or a secretary from 931 to 960. They are not indexed and were originally stored in a hanging file. |