
TitleThomas Gold correspondence, 2000-2003
DateApr 2000-Dec 2003
DescriptionContains e-mails and letters to Thomas Gold from numerous individuals and organisations, Apr-May 2000, Jul 2000, Apr 2002, Jul-Dec 2003. Also contain e-mails and copies of letters from Thomas Gold to various individuals and organisations, May 2000, Feb 2002, May-Jun 2003, Aug-Sep 2003, Nov 2003. The letters and e-mails cover various matters e.g. carbon isotopes (1036); thermal radiation (1035); open letter (a copy of which was sent to Gold) to the scientific community asking that funding be given to investigating alternatives to the Big Bang theory and to observational contradictions to the Big Bang (1034); e-mail from Gold to Dr Lerner, in which he suggests that Mach's Principle does not undermine Relativity Theory, and that a uniformly expanding universe is an essential factor of a Steady State Theory, with the final product of all the nuclear energy in the stars being the expansion of the universe when radiation pressure is taken into account over cosmological distances (1034); Gold questioning the need for another space shuttle in a letter to the Editor of the New York Times (1025); letter from Gold to Lord May, President of the Royal Society explaining why he thought there could be no radiation pressure exerted by light on a mirror. This meant that, in his opinion, the invention of a solar sail would not work (1021). The letters and e-mails have been numbered by Gold or a secretary from 1021 to 1025 and from 1028 to 1036 (1026 and 1027 do not appear in these files and it is not clear if they ever existed). They are not indexed and were originally stored in a hanging file.
Extent1 file
FormatPrinted documents
ArrangementIt is not clear how the e-mails and letters are arranged.
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