Description | Contains letters to and from Thomas Gold about his attending a Mechanics of Hearing Workshop on 7 July 1988 at the University of Keele, Jun-Aug 1988. Also contains a published transcript of a talk Gold gave at the Workshop entitled, 'Historical background to the proposal, 40 years ago, of an active model for cochlear frequency analysis' [1988]. Also includes the following published papers: David T Kemp, 'Hearing in focus? New discoveries about the ear'; three papers from Å Flock and J Wersäll (ed), 'Cellular mechanisms in hearing en hommage à Georg von Békésy' (Nobel Symposium 63, Elsevier, 1985); D T Kemp, 'Developments in cochlear mechanics and techniques for noninvasive evaluation' from S D G Stephens and S Prasanuk (ed), 'Measurement in hearing and balance: papers in honour of Ronald Hinchcliffe', (Karger, 1988); Geog V Békésy, 'On the reasonance and the decay period at various points on the cochlear partition' from 'The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America', Vol 21, No 3, May 1949; J Zwislocki, 'Theory of the acoustical action of the cochlea' from 'The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America', Vol 22, No 6, Nov 1950. |