RefNo | WF/198 |
Previous numbers | 198 |
Level | File |
Title | Grant application from University of Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation |
Date | 1965-1973 |
Description | Papers of application from University of Cambridge to the Wolfson Foundation for a grant to establish the Institute of Astronomy under Professor Hoyle (later Sir Fred Hoyle).
The application was made to the Wolfson Foundation's 'Science and Medicine' programme area.
The application meeting was held on 9 February 1965.
Correspondents include Martin Rees FRS, Fred Hoyle FRS, Donald Lynden-Bell FRS and John Cockcroft FRS.
Grant amount awarded: £175,000 Grant amount paid: £139,966. Grant was underspent as the cost of the building turned out to be lower than anticipated |
Extent | 1 file |
AccessStatus | Closed |
AccessConditions | Please contact the Wolfson Foundation (0207 7323 5730) to request access to this file. For further information please go to |
AdminHistory | Part of the Wolfson Foundation archive - in archival storage at the Royal Society. |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA5692 | Hoyle; Sir; Fred (1915 - 2001) | 1915 - 2001 |
NA4329 | Lynden-Bell; Donald (1935 - 2018) | 1935 - 2018 |
NA8174 | Cockcroft; Sir; John Douglas (1897 - 1967); physicist | 1897 - 1967 |