RefNo | WF/253 |
Previous numbers | 253 |
Level | Series |
Title | Grant applications from Rothamsted Experimental Station to the Wolfson Foundation |
Date | 1964-2007 |
Description | Grant application papers from Rothamsted Experimental Station to the Wolfson Foundation. Correspondents include Norman Pirie FRS, who was conducting research into the extraction of leaf protein at the Station. The file also includes some correspondence from DC Martin in his capacity as executive secretary at the Royal Society regarding the International Biological Programme (IBP). The file contains some photographs of scientific instruments.
Correspondents include Norman Pirie FRS, Solly Zuckerman FRS, John Cockcroft FRS, |
Extent | One file |
AccessStatus | Closed |
AccessConditions | Please contact the Wolfson Foundation (0207 7323 5730) to request access to this file. For further information please go to
Review for data protection issues: personal data included. |
AdminHistory | Part of the Wolfson Foundation archive - in archival storage at the Royal Society. |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA6389 | Pirie; Norman Wingate (1907 - 1997) | 1907 - 1997 |
NA3607 | Zuckerman; Solly (1904 - 1993); Baron Zuckerman of Burnham Thorpe | 1904 - 1993 |
NA8174 | Cockcroft; Sir; John Douglas (1897 - 1967); physicist | 1897 - 1967 |