RefNo | WF/349 |
Previous numbers | 349 |
Level | File |
Title | Grant application from the Cardiff University (University of Wales, Cardiff) to the Wolfson Foundation |
Date | 1968-2003 |
Description | Application from the Cardiff University (University of Wales, Cardiff) for a grant in aid of the development of the centre for the technology of soft magnetic materials (now Wolfson Centre for Magnetics Technology).
The application was made to the Wolfson Foundation's Science and Medicine programme area.
The application meeting was held on 20 October 1968.
Amount requested, £132000 Amount paid, £132000
Contains correspondence to Solly Zuckerman FRS. |
Extent | 1 file |
AccessStatus | Closed |
AccessConditions | Please contact the Wolfson Foundation (0207 7323 5730) to request access to this file. For further information please go to
Review for data protection issues: personal data included. |
AdminHistory | Part of the Wolfson Foundation archive - in archival storage at the Royal Society. |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA3607 | Zuckerman; Solly (1904 - 1993); Baron Zuckerman of Burnham Thorpe | 1904 - 1993 |