RefNo | WF/350 |
Previous numbers | 350 |
Level | File |
Title | Grant application from the University of Surrey to the Wolfson Foundation |
Date | 1968-1974 |
Description | Application from the University of Surrey to the Wolfson Foundation for a grand towards a centre for research and development in bio-analytical instrumentation.
The application was made to the Wolfson Foundation's Science and Medicine programme area.
The application meeting was held on 20 October 1968.
Amount requested, £132000 Amount paid, £132000
Contains correspondence to Solly Zuckerman FRS. |
Extent | 1 file |
AccessStatus | Closed |
AccessConditions | Please contact the Wolfson Foundation (0207 7323 5730) to request access to this file. For further information please go to
Review for data protection issues: personal data included. |
AdminHistory | Part of the Wolfson Foundation archive - in archival storage at the Royal Society. |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | PersonName | Dates |
NA3607 | Zuckerman; Solly (1904 - 1993); Baron Zuckerman of Burnham Thorpe | 1904 - 1993 |