Description | Lists those present. Gives Committee business -- 1. The signing of last meeting's minutes. 2. A letter from the India Office extending Captain Greig's leave to work on sleeping sickness. 3. A reading of the Council minutes granting the Committee's fund request, and taking on board their suggestion to bring the need for a study of trypanosoma and parasitic protozoa to the attention of the Government and the Lister Institute. 4. A resolution to refer the publication of Dr Nabarro's report to the sub-committee. 5. A resolution to communicate Col Bruce's paper on the lymphatic glands and sleeping sickness to the Royal Society. 6. Consideration of a letter from Dr Moffat and the drafting of a response. 7. C J Martin's report on the safe receipt of Surra-infected animals from Dr Lingard. 8. Report from the Secretary of the Society that the Council had forwarded their recommendations on the proposed Mediterranean Fever investigation to the Colonial Office, and a resolution to refer the matter of an advisory committee to Colonel Bruce, Professor Klein, C J Martin and Sidney Martin. p8-12. |