
Reference numberEC/1903/05
Previous numbersCert XII, 169
TitleHiern, William Philip: certificate of election to the Royal Society
CitationWrangler. Late Fellow of St John's College. Corresp Mem R Acad Lisb. Distinguished for his botanical researches. Author of: - 'On a Quality of the Eye in Relation to Perspective' (Messenger of Math, vol ii, 1863, pp 30-34); 'On a Magical Equation to the Tangent of a Curve' (Quart Journ Math, vol vi, 1863 pp 31-38); 'On the Forms and Distribution over the World of the Batrachium Section of Ranunculus' (Journ Bot, vol ix, 1871, pp 43-049, 65-69, 97-107); 'On Physotrichia, a New Genus of Umbelliferae from Angola' (ibid, 1873, pp 161, 162); 'On a Theory of the Forms of Floating Leaves in Certain Plants' (Camb Phil Soc Proc, vol ii, 1876, pp 215-217,227-236); 'A Monograph of the Ebenaceae' (Camb Phil Soc Trans, vol xii, 1873, pp 27-300); 'Notes on Ebenaceae, with Descriptions of New Species' (Journ Bot, vol xii, 1874, pp 238-240; vol xiii, 1875, pp 353-357; vol xv, 1877, pp 97-101); 'Sul Valore delle Determinazioni dei Fossili che sono stati riferiti al Genere Diospyros o a Generi Affini' (Nuovo Giorn Bot Ital, vol ix, 1877, pp 45-48); 'The Orders Solanaceae, Acanthaceae, Gesneraceae, Verbenaceae,' in Warming's 'Symbolae ad Floran Brasiliae Centralis cognoscendam' (Kjobenhavn, Vidensk Meddel 1877, pp 37-108); 'The Order Lythraceae,' in Oliver's 'Flora, Tropical Africa' (vol ii, 1871); 'The Orders Umbelliferae, Araliaceae, Rubiaceae, Valerianeae, Dipsacaceae, Goodenovieae, and Ebenaceae,' and with Prof Oliver, 'Compositae' (ibid, vol iii, 1877); 'The Orders Meliaceae and Sapindaceae,' in Hooker's 'Flora of British India' (vol i, 1875); 'On the Peculiarities and Distribution of Rubiaceae in Tropical Africa' (Journ Linn Soc, 1878, pp 248-280); 'On the African Species of the Genus Coffea' (Trans Linn Soc, 1880, pp 169-176); 'A Catalogue of Welwitsch's African Plants' (Pt 1, 1896, pp 336. Published by the Trustees of the British Museum). And other botanical memoirs.
ProposersW Carruthers; G Murray; [William H Flower]; C B Clarke; Joseph D Hooker; D Oliver; M T Masters; George King; H G Seeley; John Lubbock
Extent1 sheet
Access statusOpen

Hiern, William Philip: certificate of election to the Royal Society

Fellows associated with this archive
NA1334Hiern; William Philip (1839 - 1929)1839 - 1929
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