Description | Magnetic dip observations made at Cape Adare during the overwintering of the British Antarctic Expedition of Captain Carsten Borchgrevink (also known as the Southern Cross Expedition)
Observations made by Louis Bernacchi, expedition physicist (29 observations) and William Colbeck, seamen (28 observations).
Observations chiefly made during the overwintering of the British Antarctic Expedition at Cape Adare; 45 observations, 28 March 1899 - 27 January 1900 Volume also includes: Two observations made at Kew Observatory, 03 August 1898 Two observation made in the icepack, 02 January 1899 - 03 January 1899 Eight observations made from Cape Adare to Mount Erebus, with latitude and longitufe and a description of the location provided for each, 04 February 1900 -09 February 1900
Observations are made with varying frequency ranging from twice daily to gaps of months without observations. Most obsevations were recorded between September 1899 and January 1900.
Obsevattions are recorded by hand on printed sheets provided by the Kew Observatory, labelled K.O. Mag. Form D.]. Each form has space to record the following information: Station (i.e. location) Date Circle no. Needle no. Setting of azimuth circle Remarks (usually general descriptive comments on weather conditions inncliding temperature in fahrenheir) Time Observer
There follows a set of tables to record the readings of the needles east and west with poles direct and reveresed and caluclations to work out the mean of each needle.
Approximately a quarter of the printed sheets in the volume have been used.