Description | Daily observation of meteorological conditions, varying between one and three observations per day. The columns record day and hour, barometric pressure ['Barometri altitudo in digitis vulgaribus rhenanis duodecimalibus'], temperature, wind, and brief general weather remarks.
The manuscript follows the format recommended in the paper: 'Invitatio ad observationes meteorologicas communi consilio instituendas', by James Jurin, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, v.32 (1723), pp.422-427. Its results were summarised in: 'An abstract of the Meteorological diaries, communicated to the Royal Society, with remarks upon them...part V', by William Derham, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, v.38 (1734), pp.458-470.
Endorsed [p.12]: 'Hall 1728 & 1729 Jan. 22. 1729'. and in a later hand '42. Halle (Saxony) 1728-1729'. |