Description | Daily meteorological observations, between one and five taken at various times. Columns for month, day and times, barometer and thermometer, wind direction and strength, rainfall, and general remarks on weather.
Observations by Laurelius are noted in ‘An account and abstract of the meteorological diaries communicated to the Royal Society, for the years 1729 and 1730’, by George Hadley, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, v.40 (1738), pp.154-175. The observations were prompted by the paper: 'Invitatio ad observationes meteorologicas communi consilio instituendas', by James Jurin, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, v.32 (1723), pp.422-427.
Heading [p.1] commences: 'Sequentes Observationes meteorologia facte sunt duobus milliaribus a Norcopia...' [The following meteorological observations were made at a distance of two miles from Norrköping...]. Signed 'S. Laurelio'. |