
Reference numberNLB/13/418
Alternative reference numberNLB/13 p258-264
TitleCopy letter from Michael Foster, to the Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office, S.W.
Date26 August 1896
DescriptionAcknowledges receipt of a copy of a despatch from the Governor of Zululand enclosing a further report by Surgeon Major [David] Bruce upon the tsetse fly disease, and the Under Secretary's request that the Royal Society have the report printed.

Bruce has incorporated into this report his preliminary report intercalating his new observations so that if this further report is published, there will be a great deal of repetition. However, the Society are having the whole set up and a proof will be sent to the Governor.

Sends thanks for the ten copies of the preliminary report which will be of great use to the Committee.

With regard to the estimate of probable expenditure, any estimate by the Committee with its present information is a matter of great difficulty. Explains how the approximate estimate in his former letter was arrived at. If acceptable to Bruce that a gentleman should be sent to assist him in the more entomological part of the enquiry, his personal expenses might be provided for by the money obtained from the Government Grant Fund. It was supposed that Bruce's pay would be continued and his extra personal expenses were put down at £800 for one year at least. Though it would perhaps be safer to suggest £1000. Foster is directed to request that with Mr Secretary Chamberlain's permission the sum mentioned is Foster's former letter may be so changed. In any case it must be understood that the application is not a final one; whether further money will be needed must depend upon the course taken by the investigations.
Access statusOpen
Related materialSee also NLB/13/375.
Fellows associated with this archive
NA8220Foster; Sir; Michael (1836 - 1907); physiologist1836 - 1907
NA8153Bruce; Sir; David (1855 - 1931); bacteriologist and parasitologist1855 - 1931
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