Reference number | NLB/17/206 |
Alternative reference number | NLB/17 p139 |
Level | Item |
Title | Copy letter from A H White, to the Under Secretary of State, Foreign Office, S.W. |
Date | 29 August 1898 |
Description | White is directed to acknowledge the receipt of the Under Secretary's letter of the 26th, enclosing a letter received from M v Ditten, requesting permission for M Bergman to visit the Kew Observatory. This will be brought before the notice of the Officers without delay.
Also acknowledges a letter reporting that the French Government regret that they are unable to grant the facilities required by Mr Eagle Clarke to enable him to watch the migration of birds from the lighthouse on the island of Ushant. |
Extent | 1p |
Format | Carbon |
Physical description | Typescript |
Access status | Open |