Description | Geikie has discussed with Mr Forster Morley, Director of the Central Bureau of the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature, the wishes of the Council of the Geological Society with reference to the catalogue. Morley and the Royal Society regret that the Geological Society believes it cannot continue the preparation of slips relating to British Geology for the Catalogue. The Central Bureau has no fund out of which work for the British part of the catalogue may be paid, and he explains that each contributing country has its regional bureau by whom the geological literature is indexed and the costs paid.
Morley has suggested that they might prepare for the Geological Society's annual compendium of "Geological Literature" entries which are also available for the International Catalogue. With this in mind, he proposes that the entries for "Geological Literature" be formatted in to correspond with entries in the International Catalogue; a thin lead be inserted in the authors part to allow easy cutting into separate slips; the registration number be inserted in square brackets after each entry in the authors' part; the family as well as species of fossil be given; 20 copies of "Geological Literature" be supplied to the Central Bureau of the International Catalogue. Aside from the suggestion regarding fossils, which would require palaeontologists' assistance, he believes there should be no difficulty accepting the suggestions.
The international character of the work is highlighted, with the consequent need for the geological part of the work to be well done and undertaken by the Society naturally considered the leading body in geological matters. Geikie therefore urges that the concessions mentioned be made. He encloses a copy of the most recent schedule of the International Catalogue. |