
AltRefNoNLB/32 p407
TitleCopy letter from Archibald Geikie, to Professor John Bretland Farmer, Fellow of the Royal Society, Claremont House, Wimbledon Common
Date12 May 1906
DescriptionGeikie states that their correspondence regarding Mr Walker's complaints has been presented to the President and Officers of the Royal Society, who took a serious view of the matter, and requested that Geikie to write to Farmer about the subject. He terms Walker's statements about his visit to Burlington House 'irrelevant' and 'inaccurate'. On 4 April J E S Moore called at the Society and gave his name, and there was then a misunderstanding about whom he should see, but this was cleared up and acknowledged as such by Moore in a letter to Robert Harrison, Assistant Secretary.

The most serious part of Walker's letter is the insinuation of the Society operating a system whereby its staff obtain commissions on illustrations in their publications, citing a case where an estimate for £18 was given for work he found could be done for £7. Geikie defends the estimate provided by Mr White, whose extensive experience in providing illustrations for the Society means that the cost quoted is usually very close to the eventual cost of engraving. The accusation is deemed 'as groundless as it is odious', as it was made to Farmer as a member of Council and may have been repeated both inside and outside the Society. Consequently, a retraction and apology, through Farmer, is requested.

Giekie explains that they do not think Farmer has given any credit to the accusation, but he quotes from a recent letter and asks for assusrance that this is the case. He states the Society's approach its publications could, of course, be improved, but suggestions must be made in an open and honest manner. They President and Officers feel that they have a duty to protect the reputation of Society and its administration.
Fellows associated with this archive
NA1831Farmer; Sir; John Bretland (1865 - 1944); botanist1865 - 1944
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