
Reference numberNLB/33/139
Alternative reference numberNLB/33 p81-83
TitleCopy letter from Archibald Geikie, to the Under Secretary of State, Colonial Office
Date3 July 1906
DescriptionIn reply to Mr Antrobus's letter of 22 June, 19466/1906, the Royal Society proposes to devote the grant of £500 from the Tropical Diseases Research Fund to discover some curative or preventive treatment for Sleeping Sickness.

Details important points in relation to the disease that may now be definitely stated regarding its causation and mode of spread.The Committee thinks the most urgent question now is with the prosecution of therapeutic researches. These researches can best be undertaken in Europe and therefore for the present no further investigators should be sent to Uganda. It is earnestly hoped the Protectorate authorities will maintain the laboratory at Entebbe for future investigations. The lab apparatus, mainly purchased by the Society, would be at the service of the medical authorities of the Protectorate. The search for a drug will in all probability be laborious and tedious and involve considerable cost. The Tropical Diseases Committee propose to apply to this investigation the grant of £500 this year from the Tropical Disease Research Fund. Should it appear that further assistance than this will be needed from the Colonial Office, a communication will be made to the Under Secretary before December.
Physical descriptionTypescript
Access statusOpen
Related records in the catalogueMC/21/350
Fellows associated with this archive
NA6174Geikie; Sir; Archibald (1835 - 1924); geologist and historian1835 - 1924
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