
Reference numberNLB/42/157
Alternative reference numberNLB/42 p97-98
TitleCopy letter from Joseph Larmor, Secretary RS to The Director, The Meteorological Office
Date14 April 1910
DescriptionWith regard to the transfer of the work of Kew and Eskdalemuir Observatories to the Meteorological Office.

The Royal Society appointed the Gassiot Committee to act under the scheme adopted in December last for the cooperation of the Royal Society and Meteorological Committee.

The Gassiot Committee met yesterday and propose that the appointment of two Superintendents should be upon the same terms, mutatis mutandis, as those upon which their present positions under the National Physical Laboratory are held. The Committee passed a resolution to pay over the income of the Gassiot Fund to the Meteorological Committee. The question of units employed in the international publication of Meteorological observations was discussed and it was resolved unanimously that; it is essential that all meteorological returns compiles for international use should be expressed in terms of an international system of units founded on the metric system; that a system in which the measure of parometric pressure is expressed in megadynes per square centimetre, and temperature in centigrade.
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