Reference number | NLB/66/703 |
Alternative reference number | NLB/66 p391 |
Level | Item |
Title | Copy letter from [William Bate Hardy?], Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [James Hartley] Ashworth, FRS |
Date | 23 June 1924 |
Description | Informs that the referees have reported favourably on the paper [On the blood-glands of earthworms of the genus Pheretima] by Dr. Stephenson and have included remarks on a separate sheet [not enclosed]. Asks Ashworth to bring these up with the author. Letter is unsigned. |
Extent | 1p |
Format | Carbon |
Access status | Open |
Related records in the catalogue | RR/31/68 |
RR/31/67 |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | Name | Dates |
NA1708 | Ashworth; James Hartley (1874 - 1936) | 1874 - 1936 |
NA8234 | Hardy; Sir; William Bate (1864 - 1934); biologist and food scientist | 1864 - 1934 |