Reference number | NLB/8/163 |
Alternative reference number | NLB/8 p80 |
Level | Item |
Title | Copy letter from Lord Kelvin [William Thomson], to Joseph Henry Gilbert, Fellow of the Royal Society |
Date | [24 July 1893] |
Description | Thomson explains that he and the Council of the Royal Society have addressed a letter of congratulations to Sir John Bennet Lawes on the Jubilee of the experimental work which he and Gilbert carried out at Rothamsted, and further notes that they wish also to offer Gilbert their congratulations on the 'happy event'.
He makes clear that the Society do not attempt to distinguish between the contributions of the two colleagues, but simply wish to inform him of their pride in his work. Thompson further points out that the Society have been instrumental in making known the results, and that for over thirty years Gilbert has been a Fellow, to whom they have given aid and support. As a consequence, they 'reflect with satisfaction' that the Rothamsted research has contributed 'in a remarkable manner to the advancement of that branch of natural knowledge with which they deal', and feel 'something like paternal pride' in its success. |
Extent | 1p |
Format | Carbon |
Physical description | Typescript |
Access status | Open |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | Name | Dates |
NA8289 | Thomson; William (1824 - 1907); Baron Kelvin of Largs; mathematician and physicist | 1824 - 1907 |
NA5830 | Gilbert; Sir; Joseph Henry (1817 - 1901); agricultural chemist | 1817 - 1901 |