
Reference numberRR/15/197
TitleReferee's report by William Crookes, on a paper 'Notes on quantitative spectra of beryllium' by Walter Noel Hartley
Date12 November 1901
DescriptionSectional committee: not stated

Though he does not think Hartley entirely succeeds in his goal to employ spectrum analysis to obtain quantitative results, he thinks he has made some useful observations which deserve to be placed on record. Several attempts have been made to apply spectroscopic observations to exact measurements and in this very difficult branch of research every hint is of value. Therefore recommends the paper be accepted for the Proceedings. The line in the spectra with a wavelength of 2478'1 may be an impurity in salt. Encloses one of his photographs of this part of the spectrum for comparison [not attached]. Thinks Hartley's wavelength of the double line 3130'3 is a little out and encloses another photograph for comparison [not attached]. Crookes has not made these few observations with a view to disparage Hartley's results but being familiar with the spectrum of beryllium, he thinks it may be of interest to see the lines as photographed.

[Published in Proceedings of the Royal Society, 1901].

Endorsed on verso as received 13 November 1901.
Physical descriptionReport on paper
Digital imagesView item on Science in the Making
Access statusOpen
Related materialDOI: 10.1098/rspl.1901.0108
Related records in the catalogueRR/15/198
Fellows associated with this archive
NA8188Crookes; Sir; William (1832 - 1919); chemist and science journalist1832 - 1919
NA6669Hartley; Sir; Walter Noel (1847 - 1913); chemist1847 - 1913
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