
Authorised form of nameWalker; George Walker (1874 - 1921)
Dates1874 - 1921
Date of birth24 February 1874
Date of death06/09/1921
MA (Camb)
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election01/05/1913
Bulloch's Roll
Proc Roy Soc Series A 1922-1923 vol 102 pp xxii-xxiii signed by C V B, xxiii-xxv by C C and xxv-xxvi by H H T
Royal Society codeNA1196
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
NLB/52/566Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to George Walker Walker Esquire, FRS15 January 1916
NLB/49New Letter Book volume 49, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration27 October 1913-6 April 1914
RR/15/276Letter from Arthur William Rucker,on a paper 'The application of the kinetic theory of gases to to electric, magnetic & optical properties of diatomic gases' by George Walker Walker to the author3 May 1901
RR/16/128Referee's report by Charles Vernon Boys, on paper 'The dependence of the Refractive Index of gases on temperature' by George Walker WalkerMarch 1903
RR/16/129Referee's report by Augustus Edward Hough Love, on a paper 'The Theory of Refraction in Gases'by George Walker Walker20 June 1903
RR/16/130Referee's report by Joseph Larmor, on a paper 'The Theory of Refraction in Gases'by George Walker Walker13 June 1903
RR/26/142Referee's report by Arthur Schuster, on a paper 'The problem of finite focal depth revealed by seismometers' by George Walker Walker[April 1921]
NLB/51/614Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society to George Walker Walker FRS7 May 1915
NLB/23/1/713Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to George Walker Walker, Aberdeen Conservative Club, Aberdeen8 January 1902
NLB/23/1/721Copy letter from Joseph Larmor, to Mr George Walker Walker, [Fellow of the Royal Society]9 January 1902
NLB/23/1/620Copy letter from Joseph Larmor, to George Walker Walker, [Fellow of the Royal Society], Trinity College, Cambridge 16 December 1901
NLB/23/1/675Copy letter from Joseph Larmor, to George Walker Walker, [Fellow of the Royal Society]27 December 1901
NLB/27/112Copy letter from Joseph Larmor, to George Walker Walker, [Fellow of the Royal Society]2 July 1903
RR/16/131Letter from George Walker Walker, on his paper 'The theory of refraction in gases' to Augustus Edward Hough LoveJune 1903
NLB/50/712Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to [George Walker] Walker, Fellow of the Royal Society19 October 1914
NLB/30/51Copy letter from Joseph Larmor, to George Walker Walker, [Fellow of the Royal Society]January 1905
NLB/30/511Copy letter from Joseph Larmor to George Walker Walker, [Fellow of the Royal Society]6 April 1905
NLB/30/580Copy letter from Joseph Larmor, to George Walker Walker, [Fellow of the Royal Society]14 April 1905
NLB/30/608Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to George Walker Walker, [Fellow of the Royal Society], Physical Laboratory, The University, Glasgow17 April 1905
MC/27/349Letter from George [Walker] Walker, The Observatory, Eskdalemuir, Langholm, Dumfries-shire, to Me [Rober] Harrison, [Royal Society]30 July 1912
NLB/41/451Copy letter from Joseph Larmor, to [George Walker] Walker, [Fellow of the Royal Society]17 December 1909
NLB/42/62Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Dr W [William] N [Napier] Shaw FRS 18 March 1910
NLB/42/577Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to G [George] W [Walker] Walker FRS11 July 1910
NLB/54/315Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Messrs Harrison & Sons30 March 1917
NLB/52/239Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to George Walker Walker Esquire, FRS22 October 1915
MC/28/288Letter from George [Walker] Walker, 63 Lensfield Road, Cambridge, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]19 October 1913
NLB/50/5Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to [George Walker] Walker, Fellow of the Royal Society, c/o Magnetic Survery, Ordnance Survey, Southampton7 April 1914
MC/28/139Letter from the Levelling Division, Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton, to [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]3 December 1913
NLB/50/55Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to [George Walker] Walker, Fellow of the Royal Society22 April 1914
NLB/48/621Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr George Walker Walker, Fellow of the Royal Society11 August 1913
NLB/48/658Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to [George Walker] Walker, Fellow of the Royal Society5 September 1913
NLB/50/207Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to [George Walker] Walker, Fellow of the Royal Society 22 May 1914
NLB/50/115Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to [George Walker] Walker, Fellow of the Royal Society4 May 1914
NLB/50/307Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to [George Walker] Walker, Fellow of the Royal Society12 June 1914
NLB/51/732Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society to George Walker Walker FRS11 June 1915
NLB/51/438Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society to G Walker Walker FRS19 March 1915
NLB/51/818Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society to George Walker Walker FRS5 July 1915
NLB/50/810Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to [George Walker] Walker, Fellow of the Royal Society10 November 1914
NLB/51/527Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society to George Walker Walker FRS16 April 1915
NLB/50/686Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to [George Walker] Walker, Fellow of the Royal Society12 October 1914
NLB/51/597Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society to George Walker Walker3 May 1915
NLB/51/160Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society to George Walker Walker, FRS22 December 1914
NLB/52/161Copy letter from [Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society]; to the Manager of the Union Bank of Scotland; Hillhead Branch, Glasgow1 October 1915
NLB/52/162Copy letter from [Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society]; to George Walker Walker, FRS1 October 1915
NLB/52/271Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. Charles Chree, FRS1 November 1915
NLB/52/812Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Messrs Harrison & Sons28 February 1916
NLB/52/854Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to George Walker Walker Esquire, FRS3 March 1916
RR/22/128Referee's report by William Watson, on a paper 'A portable variometer for magnetic surveying' by George Walker WalkerDecember 1915
NLB/54/350Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [George Walker] Walker Esquire, FRS; Heath Cottage, Boar's Hill. Oxford19 April 1917
NLB/54/266Copy letter from [Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society]; to [George Walker] Walker Esquire, FRS19 March 1917
NLB/54/752Copy letter from [Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society]; to [George Walker] Walker Esquire, FRS10 September 1917
RR/22/127Referee's report by Arthur Stanley Eddington, on a paper 'Some problems illustrating the forms of nebulœ' by George Walker WalkerApril 1915
RR/21/155Referee's report by Edmund Taylor Whittaker, on a paper 'Approximately permanent electronic orbits and the origin of spectral series' by George Walker Walker[November 1914]
RR/22/126Referee's report by Frank Watson Dyson, on a paper 'Some problems illustrating the forms of nebulœ' by George Walker WalkerMarch 1915
RR/24/85Referee's report by Horace Lamb, on a paper 'Surface reflexion of earthquake waves' by George Walker Walker[August 1917]
RR/25/57Referee's report by George Walker Walker, on a paper 'The measurement of magnetic susceptibilities of low order' by Ernest Wilson29 October 1918
MC/32/267Letter from George [Walker] Walker, Admiral House, Peverell Terrace, Porthleven, Cornwall, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]10 August 1917
MC/31/31Memorandum by Colonel C.F Close C.M.G, R.E, and Mr George [Walker] Walker F.R.S on the Magnetic Resurvey of the British Isles15 November 1915
NLB/55/599Copy letter from [Dr.] Arthur Schuster, Secretary of the Royal Society; to The Director General, Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton21 June 1918
NLB/56/444Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [George Walker] Walker Esquire, FRS13 February 1919
NLB/53/501Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [George Walker] Walker, FRS16 October 1916
NLB/53/556Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [George Walker] Walker, FRS30 October 1916
NLB/51New Letter Book volume 51, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration18 November 1914-9 July 1915
NLB/61/749Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Vernon] Boys Esquire, FRS21 October 1921
NLB/61/386Copy letter from an unknown correspondent; to [George Walker] Walker Esquire, FRS; 27 Anglesey Crescent, Alverstoke, Hants30 June 1921
NLB/55/624Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Colonel] C.F. Close, C.B., C.M.G., Director General, Ordnance Survey, Southampton28 June 1918
NLB/55/581Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to unknown correspondent17 June 1918
EC/1913/15Walker, George Walker: certificate of election to the Royal Society
RR/15/275Referee's report by Joseph John Thomson, on a paper 'The application of the kinetic theory of gases to to electric, magnetic & optical properties of diatomic gases' by George Walker WalkerApril 1901
NLB/48/259Copy letter from Arthur Schuster, to Dr George [Walker] Walker, Fellow of the Royal Society, 63 Lensfield Road, Cambridge5 June 1913
NLB/50/535Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to [George Walker] Walker, Fellow of the Royal Society25 July 1914
RR/24/86Referee's report by Joseph Larmor, on a paper 'The effective inertia of electrified systems moving with high speed' by George Walker Walker5 April 1917
NLB/60/879Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [George Walker] Walker Esquire, FRS21 April 1921
NLB/50/517Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to [George Walker] Walker, Fellow of the Royal Society, 63 Lensfield Road, Cambridge23 July 1914
NLB/54New Letter Book volume 54, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration10 January 1917-2 November 1917
RR/24/73Referee's report by George Walker Walker, on a paper 'The support and origin of the mountains of central Asia' by Richard Dixon Oldham[May 1917]
NLB/52New Letter Book volume 52, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration9 July 1915-8 March 1916
RR/16/127Referee's report by William Ramsay, on paper 'The dependence of the Refractive Index of gases on temperature' by George Walker WalkerMarch 1903
RR/15/274Referee's report by George Hartley Bryan, on a paper 'The application of the kinetic theory of gases to to electric, magnetic & optical properties of diatomic gases' by George Walker WalkerMarch 1901
RR/24/84Referee's report by Henry Reginald Arnulph Mallock, on a paper 'Surface reflexion of earthquake waves' by George Walker Walker4 August 1917
RR/15/277Second referee's report by Joseph John Thomson, on a paper 'The application of the kinetic theory of gases to to electric, magnetic & optical properties of diatomic gases' by George Walker Walker12 December 1901
RR/15/273Referee's report by Joseph Larmor, on a paper 'The application of the kinetic theory of gases to to electric, magnetic & optical properties of diatomic gases' by George Walker Walker8 February 1901
MC/33/168Letter from George [Walker] Walker, Heath Cottage, Boar's Hill, Oxford, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]11 May 1918
MC/28/216Letter from [John Henry] Poynting, 2 The Myrths Sidmouth, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]28 March 1913
MC/28/138Letter from the Levelling Division, Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton, to [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]24 November 1913
MC/29/271Letter from George [Walker] Walker, 63 Lensfield Road, Cambridge, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]30 September 1914
MC/28/286Letter from George [Walker] Walker, 63 Lensfield Road, Cambridge, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]8 August 1913
MC/28/287Letter from George [Walker] Walker, 63 Lensfield Road, Cambridge, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]28 September 1913
NLB/48/620Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to Dr George Walker Walker, Fellow of the Royal Society11 August 1913
MC/29/267Letter from L.C Bromley, Treasury, S.W, to [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]25 June 1914
MC/29/272Letter from George [Walker] Walker, 63 Lensfield Road, Cambridge, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]14 October 1914
NLB/50/670Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to [George Walker] Walker, Fellow of the Royal Society8 October 1914
MC/30/210Letter from Geroge [Walker] Walker, 63 Lensfield Road, Cambridge, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]14 November 1915
MC/31/223Letter from George [Walker] Walker, Heath Cottage, Boar's Hill, Oxford, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]18 October 1916
MC/31/224Letter from George [Walker] Walker, Heath Cottage, Boar's Hill, Oxford, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]19 November 1916
MC/31/222Letter from George [Walker] Walker, Heath Cottage, Boar's Hill, Oxford, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]12 June 1916
MC/32/164Letter from [Horace] Lamb, 6 Wilbraham [Road], Fallowfield, Manchester, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]14 July 1917
MC/32/264Letter from George [Walker] Walker, Heath Cottage, Boar's Hill, Oxford, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]16 February 1917
MC/32/268Letter from George [Walker] Walker, Red Lion Inn, Broughton, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]8 September 1917
NLB/54/137Copy letter from [Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society]; to [George Walker] Walker Esquire, FRS15 February 1917
NLB/54/658Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [George Walker] Walker Esquire, FRS18 July 1917
MC/32/265Letter from [Ernest Clifford] Hardy, Hydrographic Department, Admiralty, London, S.W, to The Secretaries of the Royal Society, Burlington House, W13 February 1917
MC/33/153Letter from [George Adolphus] Schott, Mintaro, North [Road], Aberystwyth, to The Secretaries, Royal Society15 April 1918
MC/32/266Letter from George [Walker] Walker, Heath Cottage, Boar's Hill, Oxford, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]17 July 1917
MC/33/128Letter from the Director-General of the Ordnance Survey, Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton, to The Assistant Secretary, The Royal Society22 May 1918
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