
Authorised form of nameKater; Henry (1777 - 1835)
Dates1777 - 1835
Place of birthBristol, Gloucestershire, England
Date of birth16 April 1777
Place of deathHis residence, York House, Regent's Park, London
Date of death26 April 1835
Dates and placesBurial:
Vault in the catacombs of St Mary-in-the-Castle, Hastings
Research fieldGeodesy
Was in business; Ensign, 12th Foot and went to Madras (1799); Assistant to William Lambton (FRS 1817); made important pendulum and telescopical experiments
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election15/12/1814
Royal Society activityRoyal Society roles:
Treas 1827-1830; VP 1826-1830
Medals and prizes:
Copley Medal 1817
Bakerian 1820
RelationshipsSon of Henry Kater, sugar backer; married (1833) Mary Reeve of Hastings; father of Edward Kater (FRS 1840)
Bulloch's Roll; DNB; DSB
Proc Roy Soc 1834-1835 No 3 pp 350-354
A D C Simpson, 'Newton's Telescope and the Cataloguing of the Royal Society's Repository' in NR 1983-84 vol 38 pp 187-214
A W Skempton and Joyce Brown, 'John and Edward Troughton, Mathematical Instrument Makers' in NR 1972-3 vol 27 pp 233-262
L F Gilbert, 'The Election to the Presidency of the Royal Society in 1820' in NR 1954-55 vol 11 pp 256-279
Virtual International Authority File
Royal Society codeNA1206
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
EC/1814/19Kater, Henry: certificate of election to the Royal Society
DM/3/128Bill and Receipt, Henry Kater and Thomas Jones, Instrument MakerJune 1816-May 1817
MM/17/47Letter from John H Wilkinson to Herbert Rix, Assistant Secretary, Royal Society13 June 1895
DM/3/140'Captain Kater's account of expenses in Experiments on the Pendulum' 1819
DM/3/159Henry Kater, 'Telescope with Mr Faraday's Glass'24 March 1831
DM/3/141'Captain Kater's account of expenses in Experiments on the Pendulum' 19 May 1819
DM/3/139'Captain Kater's account of expenses in experiments on the Pendulum at the Stations of the Trigonometrical Survey'1818
DM/3/136Receipt for £100 and a letter of credit for £200, from Sir Joseph Banks to Henry Kater18 June 1818
DM/3/130Bill and Receipt, Henry Kater and WH Richardson £4.15.0July 1816-May 1817
DM/3/129Bill and Receipt, Henry Kater and J CorlessMarch-June 1817
DM/3/68Letter from Bontemps, Londres, to Henry Kater5 January 1829
DM/3/65Letter from Bontemps, Myddleton Square, to Henry Kater26 December 1828
DM/3/138Bill and Receipt, Henry Kater and P & G Dollond, £118.0.0September 1818-February 1820
DM/3/132Bill and Receipt, Henry Kater and J Corless October 1817
DM/3/62Letter from Henry Kater, 12 York Gate, Regents Park, to Davies Gilbert, President, Royal Society8 December 1828
DM/4/63Letter from JA Lloyd to Henry Kater14 December 1830
DM/3/63Letter from Bontemps, Londres, to Henry Kater8 December 1828
DM/4/60Letter from JA Lloyd, Salopian Coffee House, to Henry Kater31 October 1830
DM/3/160Report by the Barlow Telescope CommitteeMay 1831
MC/1/261Letter from Henry Kater, York Gate, Regent's Park, to John George Children, Secretary of the Royal Society 10 December 1830
MC/2/169Letter from John Grover, 10 Gloucester Place, New Road, to Dr. [Peter Mark] Roget, Secretary of the Royal Society8 May 1835
MS/427/45Copy letter from [Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount] Palmerston; to [Prince Augustus Frederick] the Duke of Sussex, K.G29 June 1833
PT/8/21/3Plate, microscope arrangements by unknown artist[1814]
DM/3/53Minutes of meetings of the Optical Glass Committee November 1828
IM/005115Kater, Henrynd
DM/3/69Letter from Bontemps, Londres, to Henry Kater6 January 1829
DM/3/105Letter from Henry Kater, York Gate, to P M Roget, Secretary, Royal Society, 25 January 1831
PT/8/21/2Plate, components of astronomical instruments by unknown artist[1814]
PT/15/11Paper, 'Notice respecting a lunar volcano' by Capt H [Henry] Kater in a letter to Sir Humphry Davy8 February 1821
PT/8/21/1Manuscript, 'An improved method of dividing astronomical circles and other instruments' by Capt Henry Kater[1814]
PT/12/4/1Manuscript, 'Account of experiments for determining the length of the pendulum vibrating seconds in the latitude of London' by Capt Henry KaterJuly 1817
PT/12/4/2Plate, diagram of pendulum, support, frame, and instruments by Mary F KaterJuly 1817
PT/12/4Paper, 'Account of experiments for determining the length of the pendulum vibrating seconds in the latitude of London' by Capt Henry KaterJuly 1817
PT/15/10Paper, 'The Bakerian Lecture. On the best kind of steel and form for a compass needle' by Capt H [Henry] Kater[1821]
MC/1/221Letter from Captain Henry Kater, York Gate, to Dr. [Peter Mark] Roget, Secretary of the Royal Society 26 April 1830
PT/15/11/2Plate, location of volcano on lunar surface by unknown artist8 February 1821
PT/15/7Paper, 'An account of the comparison of various British standards of linear measure' by Capt Henry Kater3 August 1820
MC/1/247Letter from Dr. Peter Mark Roget, [Secretary of the Royal Society], to [Sir John Barrow]15 July 1830
MC/1/264Letter from Henry Kater, York Gate, to John George Children, Secretary of the Royal Society 22 December 1830
PT/23/9/2Plate, shape of card used in escapement by Edward Kater[1840]
MC/1/283Letter from [Heinrich Christian] Schumacher, Altona, to James Hudson, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society8 February 1831
PT/12/4/3Plate, diagram of arrangement of instruments for Kater's experiment by Caroline Broume[1817]
MC/2Volume 2 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1832-1838
MC/2/57Letter from Henry Kater, York Gate, to John George Children, Secretary of the Royal Society22 October 1832
PT/8/21Paper, 'An improved method of dividing astronomical circles and other instruments' by Capt Henry Kater[1814]
MC/3/289Letter from Richard Sheepshanks to the Marquis of Northampton, [President of the Royal Society] c. May 1843
PT/23/9Paper, 'Description of an astronomical clock invented by the late Capt Henry Kater FRS, drawn up from his own memorandums' by Edward Kater[1840]
MC/1Volume 1 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1800-1831
PT/16/24Paper, 'An account of experiments made with an invariable pendulum at New South Wales' by Major Gen Sir Thos [Thomas] Brisbane[1823]
PT/15/26Paper, 'An account of the re-measurement of the cube, cylinder, and sphere used by the late Sir Geo [George] Shuckburgh Evelyn in his enquiries respecting a standard of weights and measures' by Capt H [Henry] KaterMarch 1821
PT/7/25Paper, 'On the light of the Cassegrainian telescope, compared with that of the Gregorian' by Brigade Major Henry Kater22 April 1813
PT/15/11/1Manuscript, 'Notice respecting a lunar volcano' by Capt H [Henry] Kater in a letter to Sir Humphry Davy8 February 1821
PT/73/11/10Diagram, floating collimator by [Henry Kater?][1825]
PT/16/22Letter, 'Communicating the details of experiments made with an invariable pendulum, at various places on the South American station' by Captain Basil Hall to Captain [Henry] Kater23 February 1823
PT/8/14Paper, 'Further experiments on the light of the Cassegrainian telescope compared with that of the Gregorian' by Capt Henry Kater in a letter to the Rt Hon Sir Joseph Banks1813-1814
MC/5/213Letter from G B [George Biddell] Airy, Royal Observatory Greenwich, to Walter White, Royal Society, Somerset House18 September 1855
AP/15/10/2Unpublished diagrams, mountain barometer by [Thomas Charles Robinson][1831]
AP/14/3/1Unpublished manuscript, 'Description of a quadrant for measuring horizontal angles by reflection' by W [William] Barnes[1830]
AP/11/5/6Unpublished letter, regarding observations with invariable pendulum from Tho [Thomas] Brisbane to Capt [Henry] Kater6 November 1824
AP/14/2/1Unpublished manuscript, 'Description of an ellipse-plate, or instrument for describing ellipses' by W [William] Barnes[1830]
AP/14/3/2Unpublished diagram, 'Description of a quadrant for measuring horizontal angles by reflection' by W [William] Barnes[1830]
AP/15/10/1Unpublished manuscript, 'Description of a mountain barometer the column of which is divisible into two portions, for safer and more convenient transport' by Tho Chas [Thomas Charles] Robinson[1831]
AP/15/10Unpublished paper, 'Description of a mountain barometer the column of which is divisible into two portions, for safer and more convenient transport' by Tho Chas [Thomas Charles] Robinson[1831]
RR/1/131Referee's report by George Biddell Airy, on a paper 'Description of an escapement for an astronomical clock, invented by the late Captain Henry Kater' by Henry Kater and Edward Kater17 June 1840
PT/13/6Paper, 'Remarks on the advantage of multiplied observations in the physical sciences, and on the density and internal structure of the earth' by Thomas Young in a letter to Capt Henry Kater29 December 1818
PT/12/5Paper, 'On the length of the French metre estimated in parts of the English standard' by Capt Henry KaterNovember 1817
PT/23/9/1Manuscript, 'Description of an astronomical clock invented by the late Capt Henry Kater FRS, drawn up from his own memorandums' by Edward Kater[1840]
PT/73/9/12Painting, Madras Observatory interior by unknown artist [1821]
PP/15/14Paper, 'On the unit of length of a standard scale by Sir George Shuckburgh, appertaining to the Royal Society' by [James Thomas] Walker1 February 1890
AP/10/8Paper, 'Description of an improved hygrometer' by Thomas Jones20 February 1825
PT/13/24Paper, 'An account of experiments for determining the variation in the length of the pendulum vibrating seconds, at the principal stations of the trigonometrical survey of Great Britain' by Capt Henry KaterJune 1819
HS/19/69Letter, from Sir John Herschel to Henry Kater, dated at Slough23 February 1833
HS/11/13Incomplete letter, from Sir John Herschel to Henry Kater30 March 1830
HS/11/9Letter, from Henry Kater to Sir John Herschel, dated at York Gate25 March 1826
HS/19/76Letter, from Sir John Herschel to Henry Kater1830 to 1833-5-31
HS/11/15Letter, from Henry Kater to Sir John Herschel, dated at York Gate8 June 1830
HS/11/10Letter, from Henry Kater to Sir John Herschel, dated at York Gate18 July 1828
HS/11/8Letter, from Henry Kater to Sir John Herschel, dated at Union Place, Regents Park3 June 1822
HS/11/14Incomplete letter, from Henry Kater to Sir John Herschel, dated at York Gate31 March 1830
HS/11/12Letter, from Henry Kater to Sir John Herschel, dated at York Gate15 February 1830
HS/11/7Letter, from Henry Kater to Sir John Herschel, dated at Union Place, Regents Park1 June 1822
HS/11/18Letter, from Henry Kater to Sir John Herschel, dated at York Gate22 November 1832
HS/19/52Letter, from Sir John Herschel to Henry Kater, dated at Slough6 May 1826
HS/20/140Copy letter, Sir John Herschel to [Henry] Kater, dated at 9 Downing St., London18 May 1822
HS/19/50Letter, from Sir John Herschel to Henry Kater, dated at [56 Devonshire St.]16? November 1825
HS/19/14Letter, from Sir John Herschel to Henry Kater, dated at Slough16 January 1821
HS/21/50Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Henry Kater, dated at Slough19 November 1829
HS/21/19Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Henry Kater, dated at Slough17 July 1828
HS/19/51Letter, from Sir John Herschel to Henry Kater31 July 1823
HS/19/15Letter, from Sir John Herschel to Henry Kater, dated at Paris5 August 1821
HS/19/58Letter, from Sir John Herschel to Henry Kater, dated at [Slough]3 April 1830
HS/19/43Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Mrs. Mary Frances Kater, dated at [Slough]1822-9?
HS/21/113Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Henry Kater, dated at Slough16 July 1832
HS/19/55Letter, from Sir John Herschel to Henry Kater, dated at Slough18 February 1830
HS/19/16Letter, from Sir John Herschel to Henry Kater1822-3-28 or later
HS/26/62Letter, from Sir John Herschel to Henry Kater, dated at Devonshire St.27 June 1827
HS/25/13/22Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Mrs. Mary Frances Kater, dated at [Slough]1821 to 1828
HS/25/13/23Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Mrs. Mary Frances Kater, dated at Kensington1821 to 1828
HS/19/18Letter, from Sir John Herschel to Henry Kater, dated at 9 Downing St.18 May 1822
HS/19/59Letter, from Sir John Herschel to Henry Kater, dated at [Slough]6 June 1830
HS/20/136Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Henry Kater15 March 1822
HS/20/231Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Henry Kater, dated at St. John's College, Cambridge21 March 1826
HS/19/20Letter, from Sir John Herschel to Henry Kater, dated at [London]28 June 1822
HS/19/25Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Henry Kater, dated at 9 Downing St.2 August 1822
HS/19/17Letter, from Sir John Herschel to Henry Kater, dated at [Slough]1821 to 1822
HS/25/13/20Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Henry Kater, dated at [London]1822 to 1829
HS/25/13/24Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Mrs. Mary Frances Kater, dated at [London?]20? March 1828
HS/11/17Letter, from Henry Kater to Sir John Herschel, dated at Tunbridge Wells4 August 1832
HS/11/16Letter, from Henry Kater to Sir John Herschel, dated at York Gate12 May 1831
HS/21/25Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Henry Kater, dated at Southampton1 August 1828
HS/11/11Letter, from Henry Kater to Sir John Herschel, dated at York Gate21 November 1829
HS/21/59Copy of letter, from Sir John Herschel to Henry Kater, dated at Slough18 February 1830
MS/957Certificates and correspondence of Henry Kater and of Edward Kater1799-1864
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