
Authorised form of nameEvershed; John (1864 - 1956)
Dates1864 - 1956
Place of birthGomshall, Surrey, England
Date of birth26 February 1864
Place of deathEwhurst, Surrey
Date of death17/11/1956
Research fieldSolar physics
CIE 1923
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election06/05/1915
Bulloch's Roll; DSB
Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 1957 vol 3 pp 41-51, plate, by F J M Stratton
R Singh and F Riess, 'The nobel laureate Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman FRS and his contacts with the British Scientific community in a social and political context' in NR 2004 vol 58 pp 47-64
Royal Society codeNA1208
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
RR/15/327Referee's report by Arthur Schuster, on a paper 'Solar eclipse of 1900, May 28th. General discussion of spectroscopic results' by John EvershedJanuary 1903
RR/15/328Referee's report by Frank Watson Dyson, on a paper 'Solar eclipse of 1900, May 28th. General discussion of spectroscopic results' by John EvershedJanuary 1903
NLB/22/74Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to John Evershed, [Fellow of the Royal Society], Henley, Surrey25 February 1901
NLB/23/2/311Copy letter sent from Joseph Larmor, to John Evershed, [Fellow of the Royal Society]20 March 1903
NLB/31/460Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to John Evershed, [Fellow of the Royal Society] 22 September 1905
NLB/52/124Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society to John Evershed FRS8 September 1915
NLB/68/890Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Astronomical Society20 November 1925
MOB/074Reflecting prism1928
IM/001335Evershed, Johnnd
RR/15/47Referee's report by William de Wiveleslie Abney, on a paper 'Wave-length determinations & general results obtained from a detailed examination of spectra photographed at the solar eclipse of Jan. 22 1898' by John EvershedFebruary 1901
NLB/57/659Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor A [Alfred] Fowler, FRS7 January [1920]
NLB/57/655Copy letter from Sir James Hopwood Jeans, FRS, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor HF [Hugh Frank] Newall, FRS7 January 1920
EC/1915/04Evershed, John: certificate of election to the Royal Society
NLB/52New Letter Book volume 52, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration9 July 1915-8 March 1916
RR/15/46Referee's report by Arthur Schuster, on a paper 'Wave-length determinations & general results obtained from a detailed examination of spectra photographed at the solar eclipse of Jan. 22 1898' by John EvershedJanuary 1901
MC/30/51Letter from [John] Evershed, Ramunshi Bagh, Srinagar, Kashmir, to The Assistant Secretary, Royal Society, London5 October 1915
MC/30/50Letter from [John] Evershed, Ram Munshi Bagh, Srinagar, Kashmir, to The Assistant Secretary, Royal Society, London28 July 1915
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