
Authorised form of nameEve; Arthur Stewart (1862 - 1948)
Dates1862 - 1948
Date of birth22 November 1862
Date of death24/03/1948
MA (Camb); DSc (McGill)
CBE 1918
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election03/05/1917
Bulloch's Roll
Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society 1948-1949 vol 6 pp 397-407, plate, by J S Foster
Sir Brian Pippard, FRS, 'Schoolmaster-Fellows and the campaign for science education' in NR 2002 vol 56 pp 63-81, plate
R W Home, 'The Royal Society and the Empire: the colonial and Commonwealth Fellowship. Part 2. After 1847' in NR 2003 vol 57 pp 47-84
Virtual International Authority File
Royal Society codeNA1228
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
IM/001329Eve, Arthur Stewartnd
NLB/54/495Copy letter from [Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society]; to Major [Arthur Stewart] Eve, FRS1 June 1917
NLB/57/185Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr AS [Arthur Stewart] Eve, FRS 8 August 1919
NLB/60/413Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur Stewart] Eve, FRS1 February 1921
RR/54/22Referee's report by Arthur Stewart Eve, on a paper 'The mechanism of the bactericidal action of radioactive radiations I & II' by D E Lea, R B Haines and Charles Alfred CoulsonDecember 1935
RR/63/95Referee's report by Arthur Stewart Eve, on a paper 'Fine-structure of soft X-ray absorption edges - I—Li, Mg, Ni, Cu metals' by Herbert Wakefield Banks Skinner and J E JohnstonMay 1937
RR/63/132Referee's report by Arthur Stewart Eve, on a paper 'The variation with temperature of the thermal con­ductivity and the X-ray structure of some micas - II—The X-ray examination of the structure' by W A Wood27 August 1937
RR/64/27Referee's report by Arthur Stewart Eve, on a paper 'Identification and measurement of helium formed in beryllium by gamma-rays' by E Gluckauf and Friedrich Adolf Paneth[1937]
RR/64/80Referee's report by Arthur Stewart Eve, on a paper 'The ionization measurement of Y-radiation' by George William Clarkson Kaye and W Binks[May 1937]
NLB/57/384Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor AS [Arthur Stewart] Eve, FRS, CBE29 October 1919
NLB/70/314Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur Stewart] Eve, FRS3 March 1927
NLB/70/165Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur Stewart] Eve, FRS18 January 1927
NLB/71/935Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Arthur Stewart] Eve, C.B.E., FRS10 December 1928
RR/63/94Referee's report by Arthur Stewart Eve, on a paper 'The distribution of electricity in thunderclouds' by George Clarke Simpson and F J ScraseApril 1937
RR/64/97Referee's report by Arthur Stewart Eve, on a paper 'The action of radiations on bacteria III—Y-rays on growing and on non-proliferating bacteria' by D E Lea, R B Haines and Charles Alfred Coulson[January 1937]
NLB/64/75Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur Stewart] Eve, FRS26 January 1923
EC/1917/06Eve, Arthur Stewart: certificate of election to the Royal Society
NLB/57New Letter Book volume 57, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration27 June 1919-27 February 1920
RR/64/6Referee's report by Arthur Stewart Eve, on a paper 'On the occurrence of helium in beryls' by J W J Fay, E Gluckauf and Friedrich Adolf Paneth[1937]
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