
Authorised form of nameMassey; Sir; Harrie Stewart Wilson (1908 - 1983); physicist
Dates1908 - 1983
Date of birth16/05/1908
Date of death27/11/1983
PhD (Cantab); MSc ( Melbourne)
Independent Lecturer in theoretical Physics
Kt 1960
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election14/03/1940
Age at election31
Royal Society activityRoyal Society roles:
Council: 1949-1951; 1959-1960; Physical Sec 1969-1978; VP 1969-1978
Medals and prizes:
Hughes Medal 1955; Royal Medal 1958
Rutherford 1967; Blackett Memorial 1976
Other Royal Society activityThe Massey Award honours the memory of Sir Harrie, a member of the COSPAR Bureau from 1975-8. Award consists of a gold medal and a prize, awarded jointly by the RS and COSPAR (UCL cover the cost of the medal and prize) and is awarded every 2 years at the COSPAR Scientific Assembly
Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 1984 vol 30 pp 443-511, plate, by Sir David Bates, Sir Robert Boyd and D G Davis
Blackett Memorial Lecture delivered in Delhi
Royal Society codeNA1702
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
EC/1940/15Massey, Sir Harrie Stewart Wilson: certificate of election to the Royal Society
HWT/14/4Correspondence and papersSeptember - December 1974
HWT/36/1/9General correspondence and papersJanuary-February 1967
HWT/36/1/2General correspondence and papersJanuary 1966
HWT/36/2/1Working Party on Scientific InterchangeJuly - August 1969
HWT/36/1/10General correspondence and papersMay-October 1967
HWT/36/1/14General correspondence and papersMarch - December 1969
IM/GA/R/6177Massey, Sir Harrie Stewart Wilsonnd
MDA/A/16/52Minutes of theRoyal Society and Nuffield Foundation Commonweath Bursaries Committee16 May 1956
EXP/11/1/1/217Halley Bay expedition, file 'IGY/Finance estimates 1959-60', E, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research/ International Geophysical Year28 October 1958- 29 February 1960
EXP/11/1/1/209Halley Bay expedition, file 'Treasury and Department Estimates 1960-1962'1960-1962
RR/40/1Referee's report by Charles Galton Darwin, on a paper 'Scattering of fast electrons and nuclear magnetic moments' by Harrie Stewart Wilson MasseyMarch 1930
RR/40/2Referee's report by Charles Galton Darwin, on a paper 'Theory of the elastic scattering of electrons in molecular hydrogen' by Harrie Stewart Wilson MasseyJuly 1930
RR/70/142Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'Cosmic radiation variations and mesotron disintegration' by A R Hogg1947
RR/45/8Referee's report by Charles Thomson Rees Wilson, on a paper 'The elastic scattering of slow electrons in gases.—II' by Edward Crisp Bullard and Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey[August 1931]
RR/48/107Referee's report by Charles Galton Darwin, on a paper 'The collision of slow electrons with atoms. II.—General theory and inelastic collisions' by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey and C B O Mohr[September 1932]
RR/70/136Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'Self-consistent field, with exchange, for nitrogen and sodium' by Douglas Rayner Hartree and W Hartree1947
RR/69/95Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Massey, on a paper 'The application of quantum electrodynamics to multiple processes' by C Jayaratnam Eliezer1945
RR/69/179Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'Local and extensive penetrating showers' by L. Jánossy and Donald Eric Broadbent1946
RR/65/177Referee's report by Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, on a paper 'The low-temperature properties of gaseous helium' by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey and R A BuckinghamJuly 1938
RR/69/326Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'The mechanism of ionospheric ionization' by Richard Van Der Riet Woolley1945
RR/65/178Referee's report by John Douglas Cockcroft, on a paper 'The low-temperature properties of gaseous helium' by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey and R A Buckingham16 July 1938
RR/72/94Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'The electrical conductivity of thin wires' by R B Dingle1949
RR/70/42Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'Extensive penetrating cosmic ray showers' by Donald Eric Broadbent and L Jánossy1947
RR/69/218Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'Atmospheric tides in the ionosphere - I. Solar tides in the F2 region' by David Forbes Martyn1946
RR/69/219Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'Atmospheric tides in the ionosphere. II. Lunar tidal variations in the F region near the magnetic equator' by David Forbes Martyn1946
RR/70/43Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'Production of penetrating particles in extensive air showers' by Donald Eric Broadbent and L Jánossy1947
RR/70/148Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'Meson formation and the geomagnetic effects' by L Jánossy and P Nicolson1947
RR/71/238Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'The induction of electric currents in a non-uniform ionosphere' by A T Price and A A Ashour1948
RR/67/284Referee's report by Nevill Francis Mott, on a paper 'The polarization of electrons by double scattering' by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey and C B O MohrSeptember 1940
RR/70/20Referee's report by Sydney Chapman, on a paper 'The basic reactions in the upper atmosphere II. The theory of recombination in the ionized layers' by David Robert Bates and Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey14 March 1947
RR/69/17Referee's report by Sydney Chapman, on a paper 'The basic reactions in the upper atmosphere. I' by David Robert Bates and Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey17 December 1945
RR/68/240Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The elastic scattering of fast positrons by heavy nuclei' by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey[1942]
RR/68/19Referee's report by Nevill Francis Mott, on a paper 'The scattering of neutrons by deuterons and the nature of nuclear forces' by R A Buckingham and Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey[1941]
RR/67/231Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'Inner excited states of the proton and neutron' by Walter Heinrich Heitler and S T MaJune 1940
RR/71/190Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'Atmospheric tides in the ionosphere IV. Studies of the solar tide, and the location of the regions producing the diurnal magnetic variations' by David Forbes Martyn[1948]
RR/71/156Referee's report by Walter Heinrich Heitler, on a paper 'Non-central interactions between neutron and proton' by Tsi-ming Hu and Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey[1948]
RR/71/162Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'Experimental and theoretical studies of the behaviour of slow electrons in air. II. Ionospheric and other applications' by L H G Huxley[1948]
RR/70/46Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The capture of neutrons by deuterons' by Eric Henry Stonely Burhop and Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey1947
RR/71/155Second referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'Non-central interactions between neutron and proton' by Tsi-ming Hu and Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey4 September 1948
RR/71/160Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'Experimental and theoretical studies of the behaviour of slow electrons in air. I' by L H G Huxley and A A Zaazou[1948]
RR/71/154Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'Non-central interactions between neutron and proton' by Tsi-ming Hu and Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey[June 1948]
IM/GA/WS/1223Massey, Sir Harrie Stewart Wilsonnd
HWT/20/42Correspondence and papers regarding EMBO fellowships, RSEP fellowships, Parliamentary Grant in aid, German and Norwegian awards, invitation to P Aigrain to visit London as guest of Royal SocietyNovember - December 1968
MS/926/2/1Correspondence regarding the procurement of Luna 24 samples for the UK, collected by Colin Pillinger15 September 1976 - 30 June 1977
RR/72/55Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'Asymptotic formulae for hypergeometric functions' by Thomas MacFarlane Cherry 31 May 1950
MS/926/8/2/1Papers relating to the discussion meeting 'The Moon: a new appraisal from space missions and laboratory analyses,' held by the British National Committee on Space Research, of Colin Pillinger5 February 1975 - 17 April 1975
IM/003014Massey, Sir Harrie Stewart Wilsonnd
IM/000448Borman, Frankc 1969
HWT/5/5Papers relating to the first meeting of the International Relations Committee held on 30 March 1966March 1966
HWT/5/6Papers, minutes and correspondence relating to the International Relations Committee, May to September 1966May 1966 - September 1966
RR/43/103Referee's report by Charles Galton Darwin, on a paper 'The collision of slow electrons with atoms. I.—General theory and elastic collisions' by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey and C B O MohrJanuary 1932
RR/67/15Referee's report by Douglas Rayner Hartree, on a paper 'Exchange effects in the theory of the continuous absorption of light' by David Robert Bates and Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey September 1940
RR/65/179Referee's report by Nevill Francis Mott, on a paper 'Dissociation, recombination and attachment processes in the upper atmosphere II. The rate of recombination' by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, David Robert Bates, R A Buckingham and J J UnwinOctober 1938
RR/67/39Referee's report by Edmund Clifton Stoner, on two papers 'The low-temperature properties of gaseous helium. II' by R A Buckingham, J Hamilton and Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey24 January 1941
RR/67/40Second referee's report by Edmund Clifton Stoner, on two papers 'The low-temperature properties of gaseous helium. II' by R A Buckingham, J Hamilton and Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey5 February 1941
RR/68/7Referee's report by Edmund Clifton Stoner, on a paper 'The negative ions of atomic and molecular oxygen' by David Robert Bates and Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey31 December 1941
RR/68/8Referee's report by Douglas Rayner Hartree, on a paper 'The negative ions of atomic and molecular oxygen' by David Robert Bates and Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey[1941]
RR/73/12Referee's report by Paul Dirac, on a paper 'Excitation and ionization of atoms by electron impact. II. The Born and Oppenheimer approximations - Comparison with experiment' by David Robert Bates, A Fundaminsky and Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey1950
RR/73/10Referee's report by Paul Dirac, on a paper 'Excitation and ionization of atoms by electron impact. I. The Born and Oppenheimer approximations - General theory' by David Robert Bates, A Fundaminsky and Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey1950
RR/73/293Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'Radiative corrections to the angular correlation in internal pair creation' by Richard Henry Dalitz19 January 1951
RR/79/311Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'A new classical theory of electrons. III' by Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac5 February 1954
RR/73/203Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The application of variational methods to atomic scattering problems. I. The elastic scattering of electrons by hydrogen atoms' by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey and B L Moiseiwitsch18 September 1950
RR/77/117Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'Electrodynamics without potentials' by L Infeld and J Plebanski31 July 1952
RR/75/28Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'Angular distribution from (d,p) and (d,n) nuclear reactions' by S T Butler6 March 1951
RR/75/89Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'The diffraction of radio waves in passing through a phase-changing ionosphere' by Antony Hewish19 May 1951
RR/75/134Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'The diamagnetism of free electrons' by E H Sondheimer and Alan Herries Wilson2 August 1951
RR/75/226Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The scattering of neutrons and of protons by deuterons' by R A Buckingham, S J Hubbard and Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey20 August 1951
RR/75/301Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'The application of variational methods to atomic scattering problems. II. Impact excitation of the 2s level of atomic hydrogen - distorted wave treatment' by G A Erskine and Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey22 November 1951
RR/77/53Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'A perturbation method for Dirac's new electrodynamics' by M Cini28 March 1952
RR/77/55Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'The angular distribution and attenuation of the star-producing component of cosmic rays' by N C Barford and G Davis12 May 1952
RR/77/72Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'The diffraction of galactic radio waves as a method of investigating the irregular structure of the ionosphere' by A Hewish11 June 1952
RR/77/118Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'Circulation in the flow of electricity: Dirac's new variables' by Oscar Peter Buneman31 July 1952
RR/77/106Referee's report by Rudolf Ernst Peierls, on a paper 'Inelastic collisions between atoms. I. General theoretical considerations' by David Roberts Bates, Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey and A L Stewart13 June 1952
RR/79/146Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'The vibration spectra of helical molecules: infra-red and Raman selection rules, intensities and approximate frequencies' by Peter Ware Higgs4 August 1953
RR/75/253Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'Wave theory of plasma' by D Gabor9 November 1951
RR/77/203Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'Radio propagation over a flat earth across a boundary separating two different media' by P C Clemmow10 December 1952
RR/75/276Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'X-ray absorption line-width and electron stopping power calculated with a screened coulomb interaction' by G E Lee-Whiting30 November 1951
RR/79/20Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'Theoretical studies in nuclear structure IV' by J P Elliott, J Hope and H A Jahn22 April 1953
RR/79/19Letter from Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'Theoretical studies in nuclear structure IV' by J P Elliott, J Hope and H A Jahn, to D C Martin, assistant secretary of the Royal Society22 April 1953
RR/77/217Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'Diffraction by a thick semi-infinite plate' by D S Jones10 December 1952
RR/77/78Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'The spherical shell nuclear model' by Harold Albert Wilson19 June 1952
RR/77/63Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'The spin-Hamilton and line widths in nickel Tutton salts' by K W H Stevens4 May 1952
RR/79/127Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'The diffraction of waves in passing through an irregular refracting medium' by J A Fejer4 August 1953
RR/79/287Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'Homogeneous dynamos and terrestrial magnetism' by Edward Crisp Bullard and H Gellman19 January 1954
RR/77/19Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'Neutron proton scattering at 156±3 MeV' by T C Randle, A E Taylor and E Wood4 March 1952
RR/73/9Referee's report by Robert Ernest Davies, on a paper 'Excitation and ionization of atoms by electron impact. I. The Born and Oppenheimer approximations - General theory' by David Robert Bates, A Fundaminsky and Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey[March 1950]
RR/75/107Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'A Table of √(½π)e½iπρ2∫ρ∞e-½iπλ2dλ for Complex Values of ρ' by P C Clemmow and Cara M Munford7 June 1951
RR/77/10Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'A transformation of the hodograph equation and the determination of certain fluid motions' by T M Cherry28 March 1952
RR/73/11Referee's report by Robert Ernest Davies, on a paper 'Excitation and ionization of atoms by electron impact. II. The Born and Oppenheimer approximations - Comparison with experiment' by David Robert Bates, A Fundaminsky and Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey[March 1950]
RR/73/280Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'On higher Born approximations in potential scattering' by Richard Henry Dalitz18 December 1950
RR/77/239Referee's report by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey, on a paper 'The morphology of the ionospheric variations associated with magnetic disturbance. I. Variations at moderately low latitudes' by David Forbes Martyn6 February 1953
RR/77/274Memorandum from D C Martin, on a paper 'On the diffraction theory of optical images' by Harold Horace Hopkins, to Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey5 January 1953
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