
Authorised form of nameBoycott; Arthur Edwin (1877 - 1938)
Dates1877 - 1938
Date of birth06 April 1877
Date of death12/05/1938
MA; BSc (Oxon); DM
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election07/05/1914
Bulloch's Roll
Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society 1936-1938 vol 2 pp 561-571, plate, by C J Martin
Virtual International Authority File
Royal Society codeNA1716
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
EC/1914/05Boycott, Arthur Edwin: certificate of election to the Royal Society
NLB/67/47Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Scott] Sherrington, OM. President of the Royal Society9 October 1924
MS/912/1Letters from JS Haldane FRS to GCC Damant1920s-1930s
NLB/30/285Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Arthur Edwin Boycott, [Fellow of the Royal Society], Secretary, Lister Institute25 February 1905
NLB/30/811Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr Arthur Edwin Boycott, [Fellow of the Royal Society]25 May 1905
NLB/52/325Copy letter from [Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society]; to [Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society]3 July 1914
RR/37/26Referee's report by Reginald Crundall Punnett, on a paper 'The inheritance of sinistrality in Limnoea peregra' by Arthur Edwin Boycott, C Diver, S Hardy and F M TurnerNovember 1928
NLB/58/748Copy letter from Edwin Deller, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Arthur Edwin] Boycott, FRS15 June 1920
NLB/58/903Copy letter from Edwin Deller, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Arthur Edwin] Boycott, FRS1 July 1920
NLB/57/549Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor AE [Arthur Edwin] Boycott, FRS3 December 1919
NLB/58/301Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur Edwin] Boycott, FRS19 April 1920
NLB/59/51Copy letter from Edwin Deller, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Arthur Edwin] Boycott, FRS12 July 1920
RR/38/112Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'The mechanism of secretion in the thyroid gland' by Reginald James Ludford and W CramerSeptember 1928
NLB/57/587Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr AL [Arthur Edwin] Boycott, FRS9 December 1919
RR/40/111Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'Cellular individuality in the higher animals, with special reference to the individuality of the red blood corpuscle' by Charles ToddNovember 1929
RR/41/33Referee's report by Reginald Crundall Punnett, on a paper 'The inheritance of sinistrality in Limnaea peregra (Mollusca, Pulmonata)' by Arthur Edwin Boycott, C Diver, S L Garstang, and F M TurnerMay 1930
NLB/66/916Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Arthur Edwin] Boycott, FRS23 September 1924
RR/47/3Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'The production of cancer by pure hydrocarbons. - Part II' by James Wilfred CookMay 1932
RR/47/49Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'Chondrogenesis in cultures of endosteum' by Honor Bridget Fell9 January 1933
NLB/61/519Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Arthur Edwin] Boycott, FRS15 July 1921
RR/45/47Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'Mesoblastic tumours following intraperitoneal injections of 1 : 2 : 5 : 6-Dibenzanthracene in a fatty medium' by Harold Burrows14 June 1932
RR/46/36Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'Differences in the growth of transplantable tumours in plasma and serum culture media' by Reginald James Ludford7 November 1932
NLB/61/531Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur Edwin] Boycott, FRS20 July 1921
NLB/57/168Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr AE [Arthur Edwin] Boycott, FRS31 July 1919
RR/48/135Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'The development in vitro of the blood of the early chick embryo' by P D F Murray14 June 1932
RR/62/13Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'Studies on adaptation' by Hans Selye4 August 1936
RR/49/81Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'The action of radium on cancer cells. I.—Effects of hydrocyanic acid, iodo-acetic acid, and sodium fluoride on the metabolism and transplantability of cancer cells' by H G Crabtree and W Cramer12 May 1933
NLB/57/400Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr AE [Arthur Edwin] Boycott, FRS1 November 1919
RR/50/90Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'A spectrographic investigation of the metallic content of the liver in childhood' by Hugh Ramage and J H SheldonMay 1933
RR/50/74Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'Physico-chemical experiments on the amphibian organizer' by Joseph Needham, Conrad Hal Waddington and Dorothy Mary Moyle NeedhamNovember 1933
RR/60/42Referee's report by Edwin Arthur Boycott, on a paper 'The relation of pathogenic viruses to the cells of their hosts' by J R Perdrau and Charles ToddAugust 1936
RR/62/15Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'Polynuclear count of the Alouites' by William M Shanklin1 May 1936
RR/63/124Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'Loss of potassium from embryonic chick hearts in potassium-free media with and without calcium' by E Watchorn and P D F MurraySeptember 1937
RR/61/20Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'The production of cancer by pure hydrocarbons—IV' by W E Bachmann, James Wilfred Cook, A Dansi, C G M de Worms, G A D Haslewood, C L Hewett and A M Robinson14 April 1937
RR/61/76Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'Neoplasia following the application of X-rays to inflammatory lesions' by Harold Burrows, William Valentine Mayneord and J. E. RobertsApril 1937
RR/63/31Second referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'The control of beating and of micro-fibrillation by means of potassium, calcium and sodium in the chick embryo heart calcium fibrillation and the control of beating' by P D F MurraySeptember 1937
NLB/57/477Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor AE [ [Arthur Edwin] Boycott, FRS13 November 1919
NLB/63/64Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society and FRS; to Dr. [Arthur Edwin] Boycott, FRS16 June 1922
NLB/57/447Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr AE [Arthur Edwin] Boycott, FRS10 November 1919
NLB/57/151Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor FG [Frederick Gowland] Hopkins, FRS, Chairman of the Physiology Committee30 July 1919
NLB/67/425Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur Edwin] Boycott, FRS18 December 1924
NLB/64/843Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Sidney [Frederic] Harmer K.B.E. FRS28 June 1923
NLB/66/564Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Arthur Edwin] Boycott, FRS30 May 1924
NLB/65/931Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, KCMG, FRS31 January 1924
NLB/66/26Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir John Rose Bradford, K.C.M.G FRS11 February 1924
NLB/68/85Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur Edwin] Boycott, FRS8 May 1925
NLB/66/825Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Arthur Edwin] Boycott, FRS21 July 1924
NLB/69/929Copy letter from Henry Hallett Dale, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Arthur Edwin] Boycott, FRS19 November 1926
NLB/68/249Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur Edwin] Boycott, FRS5 June 1925
NLB/70/178Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Arthur Edwin] Boycott, FRS24 January 1927
NLB/72/541Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Registrary; Cambridge University6 December 1929
NLB/73/367Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Arthur Edwin] Boycott, FRS8 July 1931
NLB/69/900Copy letter from Henry Hallett Dale, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof [Arthur Edwin] Boycott, FRS11 November 1926
IM/000488Boycott, Arthur Edwinnd
NLB/56/172Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Arthur Edwin] Boycott, FRS5 December 1918
RR/54/148Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'Observations on the structure of striated muscle fibre' by Oscar Werner TiegsMay 1934
RR/63/30Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'The control of beating and of micro-fibrillation by means of potassium, calcium and sodium in the chick embryo heart calcium fibrillation and the control of beating' by P D F MurrayJuly 1937
RR/36/50Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'Experiments concerning the question of secretion of phenolsulphone-phthalein by the renal tubule' by Alfred Newton Richards and John B. Barnwell15 June 1927
NLB/67/575Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Sidney [Frederic] Harmer, KBE, FRS23 January 1925
NLB/59New Letter Book volume 59, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration9 July 1920-2 December 1920
RR/51/23Second referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'Factors influencing the growth of normal and malignant cells in fluid culture media' by Reginald James Ludford16 April 1934
RR/64/98Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'The action of radiations on bacteria III—Y-rays on growing and on non-proliferating bacteria' by D E Lea, R B Haines and Charles Alfred Coulson13 January 1937
NLB/57New Letter Book volume 57, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration27 June 1919-27 February 1920
RR/52/125Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'The mouse suprarenal: a critical review' by R Whitehead2 August 1934
RR/31/52Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'Observations on the formation of bi-nuclear cells' by [Thomas Strangeways Pigg] Strangeways26 January 1924
RR/36/77Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'The distribution of lymphatics defined by fatly acid compounds developed in the autolysis of their contents' by James Lorrain Smith and Theodore Rettie1 July 1927
RR/53/115Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'Hypophysectomy of birds. I-Technique, with a note a on results' by R Towner Hill and Alan Sterling Parkes25 May 1934
MDA/C/9/9Correspondence on the Foulerton Studentship held by Howard William Copland Vines1922-1927
MDA/C/9/8Correspondence on the Foulerton Professorship held by Ernest Henry Starling1922-1928
RR/64/43Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'The effect of freezing on bacteria' by R B Haines8 October 1937
RR/43/100Referee's report by John Charles Grant Ledingham, on a paper 'The vital staining of normal and malignant cells. IV. - A comparison of the vital staining of the parenchyma cells of the liver with acid and basic dyes' by Reginald James Ludford30 March 1931
RR/47/1Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'The production of cancer by pure hydrocarbons.—Part I' by James Wilfred Cook, I Hieger, Ernest Laurence Kennaway and William Valentine MayneordMay 1932
RR/38/126Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'The yearly variations in plague in India in relation to climate: Forecasting epidemics' by Leonard James Rogers26 January 1928
RR/41/145Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'The vital staining of normal and malignant cells. III. Vital staining of acinar cells of the pancreas and its bearing on the theories of vital staining with basic dyes' by Reginald James Ludford3 July 1930
RR/43/99Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'The vital staining of normal and malignant cells. IV. - A comparison of the vital staining of the parenchyma cells of the liver with acid and basic dyes' by Reginald James Ludford16 February 1931
RR/49/58Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'Studies on epithelial phagocytosis. II. A method for demonstrating the origin of dust cells' by H M Carleton[December 1933]
RR/49/82Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'The action of radium on cancer cells. II.—Some factors determining the susceptibility of cancer cells to radium' by H G Crabtree and W Cramer12 May 1933
RR/51/22Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'Factors influencing the growth of normal and malignant cells in fluid culture media' by Reginald James Ludford[March 1934]
RR/51/50Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'Unco-ordinated contractions caused by egg white and by alternations in the cation ratio of the medium in the heart of the chick embryo in vitro' by P D F Murray25 April 1934
RR/54/102Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'The secretory phenomena in the oviduct of the fowl, including the process of shell formation examined by the microincineration technique' by K C Richardson20 August 1934
RR/54/141Referee's report by Arthur Edwin Boycott, on a paper 'Experimental pituitary basophilism' by Kenneth W Thompson and Harvey Williams Cushing20 February 1934
MC/20/128Letter from Arthur [Edwin] Boycott, The Lister Institute of Preventitive Medicine, Chelsea Gardens, Chelsea Bridge Road, London, to the Secretary of the Royal Society, Burlington House24 February 1905
MC/20Volume 20 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1905
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