Authorised form of name | Gregory; Frederick Gugenheim (1893 - 1961); plant physiologist |
Other forms of name | Fritz Gugenheim |
Dates | 1893 - 1961 |
Nationality | British |
Place of birth | London, England |
Date of birth | 22 December 1893 |
Place of death | London |
Date of death | 27/11/1961 |
Research field | Plant physiology |
Activity | Career: Assistant Director, Research Institute of Plant Physiology, Imperial College of Science
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 14/03/1940 |
Royal Society activity | Medals and prizes: Royal Medal 1957 |
Sources | Sources: Bulloch's Roll; DSB Obituaries: Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 1963 vol 9 pp 131-153, plate, by Helen K Porter and F J Richards Notes: The entry in BR is blank apart from the name, which is given as 'Fritz Gugenheim Gregory'; in the supplement to R, however, his first name is as above, Frederick. |
Royal Society code | NA1782 |
Reference number | Title | Date |
RR/60/5 | Referee's report by Henry Horatio Dixon, on a paper 'The diffusion porometer' by Frederick Gugenheim Gregory and J I Armstrong | May 1936 |
NLB/68/484 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [Alfred] Daniel Hall, KCB, FRS | 16 July 1925 |
RR/49/148 | Referee's report by Henry Horatio Dixon, on a paper 'The resistance porometer and its application to the study of stomatal movement' by Frederick Gugenheim Gregory and H L Pearse | [December 1933] |
RR/71/292 | Referee's report by Frederick Guggenheim Gregory, on a paper 'Respiration of barley plants IV. Protein catabolism and the formation of amides in starving leaves' by E W Yemm | 1948 |
NLB/64/748 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Albert Charles] Seward, FRS | 14 June 1923 |
NLB/68/611 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Frederick Gugenheim] Gregory Esq.; Imperial College of Science, South Kensington, S.W.7. | 23 September 1925 |
IM/GA/WS/2119 | Gregory, Frederick Gugenheim | 1946 |
EC/1940/09 | Gregory, Frederick Gugenheim: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
NLB/68/537 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [Alfred] Daniel Hall, FRS | 29 July 1925 |
NLB/68/572 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [Alfred] Daniel Hall, FRS | 11 August 1925 |
RR/71/55 | Referee's report by Frederick Gugenheim Gregory, on a paper 'The effects of temperature and of certain nutrient treatments on cell division and cell extensions in the root' by Robert Brown and P Rickless | [1948] |
RR/74/16 | Referee's report by Frederick Gugenheim Gregory, on a paper 'Experiments on spirodistichous apices I' by Mary Snow | [1950] |
RR/74/18 | Referee's report by Frederick Gugenheim Gregory, on a paper 'Experiments on bijugate apices' by George Robert Sabine Snow | 12 June 1950 |
RR/76/51 | Referee's report by Frederick Gugenheim Gregory, on a paper 'Studies in the respiratory and carbohydrate metabolism of plant tissue. I. The formation of carbon dioxide, of lactic acid and of other products in potato tubers under anaerobic conditions' by J Barker and A F el Saifi | 30 August 1951 |
RR/76/76 | Referee's report by Frederick Gugenheim Gregory, on a paper 'Cell wall studies in the chlorophyceae. I. A general survey of sub-microscopic structure in filamentous species' by E Nicolai and Reginald Dawson Preston | 6 February 1952 |
RR/76/57 | Referee's report by Frederick Gugenheim Gregory, on a paper 'The production of extracellular nitrogenous substances by a blue-green alga' by Gordon Elliott Fogg | 16 November 1951 |
RR/76/56 | Letter from Albert Charles Chibnall, on a paper 'The production of extracellular nitrogenous substances by a blue-green alga' by Gordon Elliott Fogg, to D C Martin | 2 October 1951 |
RR/80/47 | Referee's report by Frederick Gugenheim Gregory, on a paper 'Membrane behaviour in Nitella' by M C Bennett and Eric Keightley Rideal | 14 March 1954 |
RR/78/87 | Referee's report by Frederick Gugenheim Gregory, on a paper 'Cell wall studies in the Chlorophyceae. II. A preliminary study of the effect of continuous illumination on wall structure in Cladophora rupestris' by E Nicolai and Reginald Dawson Preston | 26 January 1953 |
RR/78/65 | Referee's report by Frederick Gugenheim Gregory, on a paper 'Studies in the respiratory and carbohydrate metabolism of plant tissues. II. The influence of air following anaerobic conditions on the formation of carbon dioxide, and on the content of lactic acid and of other products in potato tubers' by John Barker and A F el Saifa | 30 August 1951 |
RR/78/83 | Referee's report by Frederick Gugenheim Gregory, on a paper 'The terminal oxidases in the respiration of the embryos and young roots of barley' by William Owen James | 5 January 1953 |