Authorised form of name | Simpson; Maxwell (1815 - 1902) |
Dates | 1815 - 1902 |
Place of birth | Beach Hill, County Armagh, Ireland |
Date of birth | 15 March 1815 |
Place of death | 7 Darnley Road, Holland Park Avenue, London |
Date of death | 26/02/1902 |
Dates and places | Burial: Fulham cemetery, London |
Research field | Chemistry |
Activity | Education: Schooled in Newry; Trinity College, Dublin, BA (1837); studied under Adolph Kolbe at Marburg; studied under Robert Bunsen at Heidelburg. MB (after 1847); AB (TCD) Career: Trained as a Chemist in London, attended lectures at London University given by Thomas Graham and worked in Graham's laboratory (1843-1945); returned to Dublin (1845); Professor of Chemistry, Medical School of Park Street, Dublin (1847); moved to Peter Street or 'Original' School of Medicine (1849); moved to Paris (1857-1859) assisted Wurtz; took up teaching and chemical research in Dublin; returned to Wurtz in Paris for a few years; moved to London - examiner to the Indian Civil Service and to the Queen's University in Ireland; Honorary Fellow of the King's and Queen's College of Physicians of Ireland (1865); Professor Chemistry, Queen's College, Cork (1872-1892); President, Chemical Section of the British Association (1878); honorary LLD, University of Dublin (1878); Honorary DSc Queen's University (1882); retired (1892) Memberships: FCS (1857), Vice President (1872-1874) |
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 05/06/1862 |
Relationships | Son of Thomas Simpson of Beech Hill, County Armagh, Ireland; married Mary Martin of Loughorne, Co Down, sister of John Martin the Young Irelander |
Sources | Sources: Bulloch's Roll; DNB; Irish Innovators Obituaries: Proc Roy Soc 1905 vol 75 pp 175-181 signed by H D |
Virtual International Authority File | |
Royal Society code | NA2857 |
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference number | Title | Date |
IM/Maull/004206 | Simpson, Maxwell | nd |
NLB/10/372 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Mrs Maxwell Simpson, 9 Barton Street, West Kensington, W. | 14 November 1894 |
NLB/8/293 | Copy letter from 'the Clerk' [Theodore E James], to Messrs Harrison & Sons | 22 September 1893 |
NLB/12/690 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Maxwell Simpson, Fellow of the Royal Society | 13 April 1896 |
NLB/20/151 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr Maxwell Simpson, Fellow of the Royal Observatory | 15 February 1900 |
RR/4/237 | Referee's report by August Willhelm von Hofmann, on a paper 'On the synthesis of succinic and pyrotartaric acids' by Maxwell Simpson | 3 May 1861 |
RR/4/236 | Referee's report by Edward Frankland, on a paper 'On the synthesis of succinic and pyrotartaric acids' by Maxwell Simpson | 16 May 1861 |
EC/1862/11 | Simpson, Maxwell: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
PT/63/4 | Paper, 'On the synthesis of succinic and pyrotartaric acids' by Maxwell Simpson | 8 April 1861 |
RR/5/150 | Referee's report by Edward Frankland, on a paper 'On the synthesis of tribasic acids' by Maxwell Simpson | 15 June 1865 |
RR/5/246 | Letter from Maxwell Simpson, to the Committee of Papers, regarding a paper 'On the synthesis of tribasic acids' by Maxwell Simpson | 3 July 1865 |
AP/47/9 | Unpublished paper, 'On the synthesis of tribasic acids' by Maxwell Simpson | 24 January 1865 |
AP/47/9/2 | Unpublished diagram, 'Organic acid discovered by Dr Maxwell Simpson' by Maxwell Simpson | 24 January 1865 |
RR/5/245 | Letter from Maxwell Simpson, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the synthesis of tribasic acids' by Maxwell Simpson | 3 July 1865 |
AP/47/9/1 | Unpublished manuscript, 'On the synthesis of tribasic acids' by Maxwell Simpson | 24 January 1865 |
RR/5/244 | Referee's report by William Odling, on a paper 'On the synthesis of tribasic acids' by Maxwell Simpson | 27 June 1865 |