Reference number | Title | Date |
PT/8/4/2 | Plate, figures showing electrochemical experiment with brass bulbs and thermometers by unknown artist | [1813] |
MM/14/140 | Letter from William Thomas Brande to the Royal Mint | 1 August 1838 |
DM/2/109 | Letter from JW Croker, Admiralty Office, to William Thomas Brande | 7 July 1825 |
DM/4/125 | Letter from Thomas Young, Board of Longitude, to W T Brande, Secretary, Royal Society | 7 February 1824 |
DM/2/140 | Letter from William Thomas Brande, Royal Society, to Attorney General | 21 June 1825 |
DM/2/138 | Letter from William Tooke, Grays Inn, to W T Brande | 15 June 1825 |
DM/4/126 | Letter from Sir John Barrow, Admiralty, to W T Brande, Secretary, Royal Society | 1 November 1828 |
DM/3/151 | Copy of a letter from William Thomas Brande, Secretary, Royal Society, to Edward Sabine | 10 March 1826 |
DM/2/137 | Letter from William Thomas Brande, Royal Society, to William Tooke | 5 May 1825 |
MS/743/1/20 | Testimonial by William Thomas Brande, Royal Mint on behalf of John Hall Gladstone | 14 July 1857 |
IM/000540 | Brande, William Thomas | nd |
IM/001362 | Faraday, Michael and Brande, William Thomas | nd |
MS/377/1/172 | Admission ticket to lectures at the Royal Institution of Great Britain | nd [19th century] |
MS/377/1/173 | Admission ticket to lectures at the Royal Institution of Great Britain | n.d. [19th century] |
PT/7/10 | Paper, 'Additional remarks on the state in which alcohol exists in fermented liquors' by William Thomas Brande | [1812] |
RR/1/93 | Referee's report by William Thomas Brande, on a paper 'On some elementary laws of electricity' by William Snow Harris | 4 June 1834 |
MC/1/131 | Letter from William Sooke [?], Gray's Inn, to William Thomas Brande, Secretary of the Royal Society | 30 May 1825 |
MS/426/508 | Copy letter from Edward Sabine, Treasurer of the Royal Society; to Dr [Peter Mark] Roget | 17 February 1854 |
IM/Maull/000539 | Brande, William Thomas | nd |
IM/000541 | Brande, William Thomas | nd |
L&P/12/120 | Paper, 'Chemical experiments on Guaiacum' by William Thomas Brande | 1805 |
DM/3/120 | Letter from John Barrow, Admiralty Offices, to W T Brande, Secretary, Royal Society | 3 April 1824 |
MM/13/85 | Minutes of meeting of the Excise Committee | 20 December 1832 |
EC/1809/02 | Brande, William Thomas: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
MM/13/88 | Minutes of meeting of the Excise Committee | 29 January 1833 |
MM/13/92 | Minutes of meeting of the Excise Committee | 3 March 1836 |
PT/8/4 | Paper, 'The Bakerian Lecture: on some new electrochemical phænomena' by William Thomas Brande | [1813] |
PT/6/4 | Paper, 'Observations of a comet, with remarks on the construction of its different parts' by Wm [William] Herschel | 16 December 1811 |
PT/6/3 | Paper, ['Chemical researches on the blood, and some other animal fluids'] by William Brande | [1811] |
MC/1/59 | Letter from Augustus Bozzi Granville, Saville Row, to William Thomas Brande, Secretary of the Royal Society | 6 January 1819 |
MC/1/57 | Letter from T. Phillips, 8 George Street, to William Thomas Brande, Secretary of the Royal Society | 3 June 1818 |
MC/1/58 | Letter from William Bain, Comely Bank, Edinburgh, to [William Thomas Brande], Secretary of the Royal Society | 17 November 1818 |
MC/1/89 | Letter from John Burridge, 55 Nelson Square, to William Thomas Brande, Secretary of the Royal Society | 12 May 1823 |
PT/8/4/1 | Manuscript, 'The Bakerian Lecture: on some new electrochemical phænomena' by William Thomas Brande | [1813] |
MC/1/140 | Letter from R. Slade, Doctor's Commons, to William Thomas Brande, Secretary of the Royal Society | 7 March 1826 |
MC/1/130 | Letter from Knight, Jones and Knight, solicitors, St James' Square, to William Thomas Brande, Secretary of the Royal Society | 25 May 1825 |
MC/1/137 | Letter from an unknown correspondent, to William Thomas Brande, Secretary of the Royal Society | 23 November 1825 |
PT/11/5 | Paper, 'Observations on an astringent vegetable substance from China' by William Thomas Brande | [1816] |
PT/15/22 | Paper, 'Observations on the variation of local heat made amongst the Garrow Hills in February and March 1820' by D [David] Scott in a letter to W T [William Thomas] Brande | 14 April 1820 |
PT/14/20 | Letter, introducing George Fisher's paper 'On the errors in longitude as determined by the chronometers at sea, arising from the action of the iron in the ships upon the chronometers' from John Barrow to Wm [William] Thos [Thomas] Brande | 6 May 1820 |
PT/2/16 | Paper, 'Some observations on Mr [William Thomas] Brande's paper on calculi' by Evd [Everard] Home | [1808] |
MC/1/247 | Letter from Dr. Peter Mark Roget, [Secretary of the Royal Society], to [Sir John Barrow] | 15 July 1830 |
MC/1/243 | Letter from Sir John Barrow, [Second Secretary to the Admiralty], Admiralty Office, to William Thomas Brande | 7 July 1830 |
PT/5/15 | Paper, 'An account of a vegetable wax from Brazil' by William T [Thomas] Brande | 15 March 1811 |
PT/7/26 | Paper, 'Additional observations on the effects of magnesia in preventing an increased formation of uric acid, with remarks on the influence of acids upon the composition of the urine' by William Thomas Brande | [1813] |
PT/3/22 | Paper, 'Observations on albumen, and some other animal fluids; with remarks on their analysis by electro-chemical decomposition' by Wm [William Thomas] Brande | 1 May 1809 |
PT/5/17 | Paper, 'Experiments to ascertain the state of spirit in fermented liquors: with a table exhibiting the relative proportion of pure alcohol contained in several kinds of wine and some other liquors' by William Thos [Thomas] Brande | 1 May 1811 |
MC/1 | Volume 1 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1800-1831 |
AP/8A/7 | Unpublished paper, 'Memoir on the antiseptic qualities of peat moss viewed as a preventive of dry rot in wood' by Archibald Duff | 7 December 1818 |
PT/4/12 | Second part of paper, 'On the mode of breeding of the ovoviviperous [sic] shark, and on the aeration of the fœtal blood in different classes of animals' by Everard Home | [1810] |
AP/10/13 | Unpublished paper and letter, 'On the rectification of curves' by John Walsh | 14 July 1823 |
MC/4 | Volume 4 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1844-1850 |
AP/11/21 | Unpublished paper, 'On the binomial theorem' by John Walsh | 1 June 1822 |
AP/10/13/1 | Unpublished letter, regarding paper on curves from John Walsh to W T [William Thomas] Brande | 14 July 1823 |
AP/10/13/2 | Unpublished manuscript, 'On the rectification of curves' by John Walsh | 14 July 1823 |
AP/11/13/1 | Unpublished letter, regarding trisection of an angle from John Nicholetts to William Thomas Brande | 30 December 1823 |
AP/11/13/3 | Unpublished diagram, trisection of an angle by [John Nicholetts] | [December 1823] |
AP/11/13/2 | Unpublished manuscript, 'Geometrical trisection of an angle' by John Nicholetts | 24 December 1823 |
AP/11/22 | Unpublished paper, 'Memoir of the binomial calculus, the Irish calculation' by John Walsh | 11 November 1823 |
AP/8/4 | Unpublished paper, 'Experiments on the contents of the cardiac portion of the stomach, with a view to prevent an increased secretion of uric acid, with some remarks on the composition of the urine' by William T [Thomas] Brande | 1 January 1810 |
AP/11/13 | Unpublished paper and letter, 'Geometrical trisection of an angle' by John Nicholetts | December 1823 |
RR/1/128 | Referee's report by William Thomas Brande, on a paper 'Contributions to the chemistry of the urine - Paper III' by Henry Bence Jones | 1 July 1848 |
PT/15/6 | Paper, 'On the new compounds of chlorine and carbon, and on a new compound of iodine, carbon, and hydrogen' by Mr [Michael] Faraday | [1820] |
PT/15/23 | Paper, 'On some subterraneous trees discovered at the foot of the cliffs about a mile to the eastward of Mundsley [Mundesley]' by Jeaffreson Miles in a letter to W T [William Thomas] Brande | 7 September 1820 |
AP/10/7 | Paper, 'On the mutual action of sulphuric acid and alcohol, with observations on the composition and properties of the resulting compound' by Henry Hennell | [1826] |
PT/14/2 | Paper, 'The Bakerian Lecture. On the composition and analysis of the inflammable gaseous compounds resulting from the destructive distillation of coal and oil, with some remarks on their relative heating and illuminating powers' by William Thomas Brande | [1819] |
PT/2/15 | Paper, 'On the differences in the structure of calculi, which arise from their being formed in different parts of the urinary passages, and on the effects that are produced upon them, by the internal use of solvent medicines' by Mr W [William Thomas] Brande in a letter to Everard Home | 23 April 1808 |
PT/73/8/3 | Paintings, gas light burners by Wm [William] Tite | [1819] |
HSF/1/2/13 | Letter from Wm Thos [William Thomas] Brande, Royal Mint, to Sir John [Frederick William Herschel] | 29 September 1862 |
MC/1/146 | Letter from William Thomas Brande, Secretary of the Royal Society, Grafton Street, to Sir John Frederick William Herschel, Secretary of the Royal Society | 26 October 1826 |
MS/743/1/2 | Testimonial by William Thomas Brande, Royal Mint on behalf of John Hall Gladstone | 24 April 1849 |
MS/859/2/48 | Letter from W T [William Thomas] Brande, Grafton Street, to Charles Hatchett, 7 Royal Crescent, Brighton | 14 January 1826 |