Authorised form of name | Currey; Frederick (1819 - 1881) |
Dates | 1819 - 1881 |
Nationality | British |
Place of birth | Norwood, Surrey, England |
Date of birth | 19 August 1819 |
Place of death | Blackheath, London |
Date of death | 08 September 1881 |
Dates and places | Burial: Weybridge |
Occupation | Barrister |
Activity | Education: MA Memberships: FLS
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 03/06/1858 |
Sources | Sources: Bulloch's Roll; DNB |
Virtual International Authority File | |
Royal Society code | NA3464 |
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference number | Title | Date |
EC/1858/04 | Currey, Frederick: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
RR/3/85 | Referee's report by John Lindley, on a paper 'On the fructification of certain sphœriaceous fungi' by Frederick Currey | 20 August 1857 |
RR/3/84 | Referee's report by Arthur Humphrey, on a paper 'On the fructification of certain sphœriaceous fungi' by Frederick Currey | 24 June 1857 |
PT/58/12 | Paper, 'On the fructification of certain sphæriaceous fungi' by Frederick Currey | 13 May 1857 |
PT/75/6 | Illustrations produced for the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, volume 147 | 1847 |
PT/75/6/4 | Drawings, asci and sporidia of Sphaeria siparia and Prosthemium betulinum by [Frederick Currey] | [1857] |
PT/75/6/3 | Drawings, asci and sporidia of various Sphaeria by [Frederick Currey] | [1857] |
PT/75/6/1 | Drawings, Sphaeria verrucaeformis and Sphaeria favacea by [Frederick Currey] | [1857] |
PT/75/6/2 | Drawings, asci of various Sphaeria by [Frederick Currey] | [1857] |
MC/9/445 | Letter from Fredk [Frederick] Currey, Secretary of the Linnean Society, 3 New Square, Lincolns Inn, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society | 10 December 1872 |
MC/9 | Volume 9 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1870-June 1873 |
AP/40/12/2 | Figures, fungal asci by Frederick Currey | 1857 |
AP/40/12 | Paper, 'On the existence of amorphous starch in a new tuberaceous fungus' by Frederick Currey | 1857 |
AP/40/12/1 | Manuscript, 'On the existence of amorphous starch in a new tuberaceous fungus' by Frederick Currey | 1857 |