
Authorised form of nameSavory; Sir; William Scovell (1826 - 1895)
Dates1826 - 1895
Place of birthParish of St Mary-at-Hill, London, England
Date of birth30 November 1826
Place of deathHis house, 66 Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, London
Date of death04 March 1895
Dates and placesBurial:
Highgate Cemetery, London
MB (Lond)
Bt 1890
FRCS by examination
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election03/06/1858
Bulloch's Roll; DNB
Virtual International Authority File
Royal Society codeNA3691
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
NLB/10/912Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Messrs Harrisons & Sons5 March 1895
NLB/17/650Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Frederick Victor Dickins, University of London29 November 1898
RR/6/40Referee's report by William Scovell Savory, on a paper 'The formation and early growth of the bones of the human face' by George William Callender27 July 1868
AP/33/25/5Unpublished figures, bone surrounding the orifice of the aorta by William Scovell Savory1851
RR/4/234Referee's report by Joseph Henry Gilbert, on a paper 'Experiments on food; its destination and uses' by William Scovell Savory8 July 1862
EC/1858/13Savory, Sir William Scovell: certificate of election to the Royal Society
RR/6/264Referee's report by William Scovell Savory, on the Croonian Lecture 'On the influence exercised by the movements of respiration on the circulation of the blood' by John Scott Burdon-Sanderson4 April 1867
PT/51/2Paper, 'On the development of striated muscular fibre in mammalia' by William S [Scovell] SavoryNovember 1854
RR/2/217Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the development of muscular fibre in mammalia' by William Scovell Savory31 January 1855
RR/5/50Referee's report by William Scovell Savory, on a paper 'Experimental researches on spontaneous generation' by Gilbert W ChildJuly 1864
RR/5/182Referee's report by William Scovell Savory, on a paper 'On the arrangement of the muscular fibres in the ventricles of the vertebrate heart, with physiological remarks' by James Bell Pettigrew27 June 1863
RR/5/136Referee's report by William Scovell Savory, on a paper 'A description of the pneumogastric and great sympathetic nerves in an acephalous foetus' by Robert LeeFebruary 1864
MC/8/382Letter from Harry Lobb, 31 Sackville Street, Piccadilly, to Major General [Edward] Sabine, [President of the Royal Society]14 June 1869
MC/8/378Letter from Harry Lobb, 31 Sackville Street, Piccadilly, to Dr [William] Sharpey, [Secretary of the Royal Society]9 June 1869
MC/8/379Draft letter from the Royal Society to [Harry] Lobb10 June 1869
MC/8/372Letter from Harry Lobb, 31 Sackville Street, to the Secretary of the Royal Society2 June 1869
MC/8/377Draft letter from W S [William Sharpey], [Secretary of the Royal Society], to Harry Lobb, 31 Sackville Street8 June 1869
AP/33/25Unpublished paper, 'Observations on the structure and connection of the valves of the human heart' by William Scovell Savory1851
AP/33/25/4Figures, anterior aortic and pulmonary valves by William Scovell Savory1851
AP/33/25/1Unpublished manuscript, 'Observations on the structure and connection of the valves of the human heart' by William Scovell Savory1851
AP/33/25/6Unpublished figures, valves of the heart by William Scovell Savory1851
AP/33/25/3Figures, aorta and pulmonary artery by William Scovell Savory1851
AP/44/14Unpublished paper, 'Experiments on food; its destination and uses' by William S [Scovell] Savory1862
RR/4/123Referee's report by William Scovell Savory, on a paper 'On the physiological anatomy of the lungs' by James Newton HealeMarch 1861
RR/4/235Referee's report by Henry Bence Jones, on a paper 'Experiments on food; its destination and uses' by William Scovell Savory1862
AP/46/1/1Unpublished manuscript, 'On the distal communication of the blood vessels with the lymphatics; and on a diaplasmatic system of the vessels' by Thomas Albert Carter1864
AP/46/1Unpublished paper, 'On the distal communication of the blood vessels with the lymphatics; and on a diaplasmatic system of the vessels' by Thomas Albert Carter1864
AP/33/25/2Figure, ventricles by William Scovell Savory1851
RR/6/227Referee's report by William Scovell Savory, on a paper 'On the distribution of the fibres in the muscular tunics of the stomach in man and other mammalia' by James Bell Pettigrew30 August 1867
MC/8Volume 8 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1867-1869
AP/62/4Unpublished paper, 'The development of the great [greater] omentum and transverse mesocolon' by C B [Charles Barrett] Lockwood1883
AP/62/4/1Unpublished manuscript, 'The development of the great [greater] omentum and transverse mesocolon' by C B [Charles Barrett] Lockwood1883
PP/6/44Paper, 'The development of the arteries of the abdomen and their relation to the peritoneum' by C B [Charles Barrett] Lockwood1884
PP/6/44/1Manuscript, 'The development of the arteries of the abdomen and their relation to the peritoneum' by C B [Charles Barrett] Lockwood1884
PP/6/44/2Diagrams, the stomach and spleen by C B [Charles Barrett] Lockwood1884
PP/9/13Paper, 'The minute anatomy of the brachial plexus' by W P [Wilmot Parker] Herringham1886
PP/9/13/1Manuscript, 'The minute anatomy of the brachial plexus' by W P [Wilmot Parker] Herringham1886
RR/5/131Referee's report by William Scovell Savory, on a paper 'On the rate of passage of crystalloids into and out of the vascular and non-vascular textures of the body' by Henry Bence Jones13 July 1865
RR/6/159Referee's report by William Scovell Savory, on two papers 'On the phenomena observed to attend the propulsion of lymph from one of the lymphatic hearts into a vein in the frog' and 'Microscopical characters of the rhythmically contractile muscular coat of the veins of the bat’s wing, of the lymphatic hearts of the frog, and of the caudal heart of the eel. In three parts.—Part I. Microscopical characters of the rhythmically contractile muscular coat of the veins of the web of the bat’s wing' by Thomas Wharton Jones9 July 1868
RR/6/241Referee's report by William Scovell Savory, on a paper 'Observations on the ovum of osseous fishes' by William Henry Ransom10 September 1866
RR/4/233Letter from Joseph Henry Gilbert, on a paper 'Experiments on food; its destination and uses' by William Scovell Savory to The Royal Society11 July 1862
RR/5/17Referee's report by William Scovell Savory, on a paper 'New observations upon the minute anatomy of the papillae of the frog's tongue' by Lionel Smith BealeDecember 1864
RR/7/197Referee's report by William Scovell Savory, on a paper 'On the distribution of the fibres in the muscular tunics of the stomach in man and other mammalia' by James Bell Pettigrew25 June 1872
RR/2/11Letter and referee's reports by William Benjamin Carpenter, on a paper 'Observations on the respiratory movements of insects' by the late William Frederick Barlow; and on a paper 'On the development of striated muscular fibre in mammalia' by William Scovell Savory28 March 1855
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