
Authorised form of nameCallendar; Hugh Longbourne (1863 - 1930); physicist
Dates1863 - 1930
Place of birthHatherop, Gloucestershire, England
Date of birth18 April 1863
Place of death11 Grange Park, Ealing, Middlesex, England
Date of death21/01/1930
Research fieldThermodynamics
ActivityEducation: Marlborough College; Trinity College, Cambridge (1882)
Appointed professor of physics at Royal Holloway College, Englefield Green (1893); took up the chair of physics at McGill University, Montreal where he was in charge of the new Macdonald physics building; returned to England as Quain professor of physics at University College, London (1898); succeeded Sir Arthur Rücker (FRS 1884) as professor of physics at the Royal College of Science, London, incorporated into the Imperial College of Science and Technology in 1907 (1902), remaining there until his death.
President of the Physical Society of London (1910)
CBE 1920
Watt medal 1898
Hawksley gold medal 1915
Duddell Medal and Prize 1924
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election07/06/1894
Age at election31
ProposerArthur William Rucker; Charles Vernon Boys; Thomas Edward Thorpe; George Carey Foster; Joseph John Thomson; Richard Tetley Glazebrook; George Howard Darwin; James Alfred Ewing; Andrew Russell Forsyth; Adam Sedgwick; Robert Baldwin Hayward
RSActivityMedals and prizes:
Rumford Medal 1906
Bakerian 1912
RelationshipsParents: Hugh Callendar, rector of Hatherop, and Anne (Annie) Cecilia Longbourne.
Spouse: Victoria Mary, eldest daughter of Alexander Stewart of Saundersfoot, Pembrokeshire (17 May 1894).
Children: Three sons and a daughter including Guy Stewart Callendar.
PublishedWorksRCN 31619
RCN 31620
RCN 31621
RCN 31625
RCN 31622
RCN 31623
RCN 31624
RCN 31626
RCN 31627
OtherInfoKnown for his contributions to thermometry and thermodynamics.
Developed an accurate platinum resistance thermometer suitable for use.
Published reliable tables on the thermodynamic properties of steam used for calculations.
Bulloch's Roll; DNB; DSB
Proc Roy Soc Series A 1932 vol 134 pp xviii-xxvi, plate, signed by S W J S
R W Home, 'The Royal Society and the Empire: the colonial and Commonwealth Fellowship. Part 2. After 1847' in NR 2003 vol 57 pp 47-84
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
EC/1894/08Callendar, Hugh Longbourne: certificate of election to the Royal Society
MC/19/160Letter from [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Board of Education, Royal College of Science, London, to the Royal Society24 August 1904
IM/000704Callendar, Hugh Longbourne2001
RR/26/34Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'Notes upon evaporation and the discharge of steam from orifices' by W Geoffrey Duffield[July 1921]
NLB/34/59Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society21 November 1906
NLB/4/972Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Hugh Longbourne Callendar, 2 Princes Mansions, Victoria Street, S.W.12 December 1890
NLB/6/233Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Hugh Longbourne Callendar, 2 Princes Mansions, Victoria Street, S.W.30 March 1892
RR/18/9Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The depression of freezing point in very dilute aqueous solutions' by T G BedfordMarch 1910
NLB/5/4Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Messrs West, Newman & Company, 54, Hatton Garden14 February 1891
NLB/5/3Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Hugh Longbourne Callendar, 2 Princes Mansions, Victoria Street13 February 1891
NLB/5/646Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Hugh Longbourne Callendar1 August 1891
NLB/9/995Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Messrs Harrison & Sons14 August 1894
NLB/9/249Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Lord Rayleigh [John William Strutt], Secretary, Royal Society[20 April 1894]
NLB/9/303Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Ernest Howard Griffiths27 April 1894
NLB/5/672Copy letter from Theodore E James, to John Evans, Treasurer, Royal Society1 September 1891
NLB/13/469Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society, 62 Hutchinson Street, Montreal, Canada21 September 1896
RR/15/164Referee's report by Osborne Reynolds, on a paper 'Continuous electrical calorimetry' by Hugh Longbourne Callendar9 January 1902
RR/15/115Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on the Bakerian Lecture 'The specific heat of metals and the relation of specific heat to atomic weight. (with an addendum by Prof. Perry)' by Professor William Augustus TildenFebruary 1900
RR/16/243Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'On the electric effect of rotating a dielectric in a magnetic field' by Harold Albert Wilson25 May 1904
RR/16/365Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The compressibility of gases between one atmosphere and half an atmosphere of pressure' by Robert John Strutt, Lord Rayleigh3 February 1905
NLB/44New Letter Book volume 44, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration12 April-4 December 1911
NLB/30/889Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee6 June 1905
RR/15/287Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The electrical conductivity of air and salt vapours' by Harold Albert WilsonApril 1901
RR/16/137Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'On the discharge of electricity from hot Platinum' by Dr H A WilsonJune 1903
RR/15/393Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The measurements of temperature. Parts I-III' by Morris William Travers, George Senter and Adrien JaquerodJuly 1902
RR/17/73Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'Researches on explosives.—Part IV' by Andrew Nobel[July 1906]
RR/16/118Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The vapour pressure of liquid Oxygen on the scale of the constant volume Oxygen thermometer filled at different initial pressures' by Morris William Travers and Charles J FoxAugust 1903
RR/17/103Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'On a static method of comparing the densities of gases' by Richard Threlfall[April 1906]
RR/16/289Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The refractive index of gaseous fluorine' by Clive Cuthbertson and E B R PrideauxJune 1905
RR/16/107Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'Studies in magnetic testing' by George Frederick Charles SearleJanuary 1904
RR/15/394Second referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The measurements of temperature. Parts I-III' by Morris William Travers, George Senter and Adrien Jaquerod4 July 1902
RR/16/255Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'Explosions of mixtures of coal-gas and air in a close vessel' by Leonard Bairstow and A D AlexanderMarch 1905
RR/16/104Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The determination of specific heats, especially at low temperatures' by H E SchmitzMarch 1903
RR/16/90Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The evaporation of water in a current of air' by Edgar Philip PermanMarch 1903]
RR/16/183Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The optical properties of vitreous silica' by J W Gifford and William Ashwell ShenstoneFebruary 1904
NLB/17/559Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Herbert Rix, Headland Cottage, Limpsfied, Surrey18 November 1898
RR/16/147Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'Saturated solutions' by Randal Thomas Mowbray Rawdon BerkeleyApril 1904
RR/16/189Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The high temperature standards of the National Physical Laboratory. An account of a comparison of Platinum Thermometers and Thermo-junctions with the Gas-thermometer' by Dr John Allen HarkerFebruary 1904
RR/16/342Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The flow of the River Thames in relation to British pressure & rainfall changes' by Sir Joseph Norman Lockyer and Dr W J S Lockyer5 June 1905
RR/16/394Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The vapour pressure in equilibrium with substances holding varying amounts of moisture' by Professor Frederick Thomas Trouton and Miss B PoolJanuary 1906
RR/18/113Referee's report by Arthur William Rucker, on a paper 'On the variation of the specific heat of water, with experiments by a new method' by Hugh Lonbourne CallendarJanuary 1912
RR/17/102Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'Calcium as an absorbent of gases for the production of high vacua and spectroscopic research' by Frederick Soddy[September 1906]
RR/17/19Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'On the specific heat of, heat flow from, and other phenomena of, the working fluid in the cylinder of the internal combustion engine' by Dugald Clerk[March 1906]
RR/17/52Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'Explosions of coal-gas and air' by Bertram Hopkinson[February 1906]
RR/16/350Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'Researches on Explosives. Part III' by Sir Andrew NobleJune 1905
RR/17/248Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'Contributions to the osmotic theory of solution' by Randal Thomas Mowbray Berkeley and C V Burton5 December 1908
NLB/17/471Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Theodore E James, to Messrs Harrison & Sons7 November 1898
NLB/17/459Copy letter from Arthur William Rucker, to Richard Tetley Glazebrook, Fellow of the Royal Society3 November 1898
NLB/17/529Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society14 November 1898
NLB/17/557Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society, University College, Gower Street, W.C.18 November 1898
NLB/21/329Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, [Fellow of the Royal Society]1 November 1900
NLB/18/164Copy letter from Arthur William Rucker, to Professor Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society27 January 1899
NLB/19/257Copy letter from Robert William Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society20 July 1899
NLB/20/501Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society[7 May 1900]
NLB/20/135Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor George Carey Foster, Fellow of the Royal Society10 February 1900
NLB/20/502Copy letter from Arthur William Rucker, to Hugh Longbourne Callendar, [Fellow of the Royal Society]7 May 1900
NLB/20/741Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society28 June 1900
NLB/20/709Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr Dukinfield Henry Scott, Fellow of the Royal Society22 June 1900
NLB/21/319Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society29 October 1900
NLB/21/114Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society30 July 1900
NLB/22/355Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society30 April 1901
NLB/23/2/166Copy letter from Joseph Larmor, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society20 February 1902
NLB/22/363Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society2 May 1901
NLB/21/546Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society7 December 1900
NLB/21/399Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society13 November 1900
NLB/22/818Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, [Fellow of the Royal Society]25 July 1901
NLB/24/305Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society23 April 1902
NLB/23/1/755Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society, Royal College of Science, South Kensington, S.W.16 January 1902
NLB/23/2/490Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society.3 June 1904
NLB/24/222Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society8 April 1902
NLB/24/75Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society25 February 1902
NLB/27/615Copy letter from Joseph Larmor, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, [Fellow of the Royal Society]29 October 1903
NLB/54/27Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee and FRS 24 January 1917
NLB/27/465Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society2 October 1903
NLB/29/79Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Sectional Committee1 July 1904
NLB/30/179Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society8 February 1905
NLB/34/110Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society29 November 1906
NLB/30/7Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee16 January 1905
NLB/30/209Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee13 February 1905
NLB/30/198Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee13 February 1905
NLB/30/141Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society3 February 1905
NLB/29/148Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society15 July 1904
NLB/30/302Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee1 March 1905
NLB/30/314Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society3 March 1905
NLB/30/271Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee22 February 1905
NLB/30/437Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee23 March 1905
NLB/30/460Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society 28 March 1905
NLB/28/399Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society1 March 1904
NLB/30/627Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society19 April 1905
NLB/28/488Copy letter from [Robert William Frederick Harrison], to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society14 March 1904
NLB/29/343Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society27 September 1904
NLB/42/425Copy letter from Joseph Larmor to H [Hugh] L [Longbourne] Callendar10 June 1910
NLB/28/555Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee29 March 1904
NLB/34/98Copy letter from Joseph Larmor, to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callender, [Fellow of the Royal Society]27 November 1906
NLB/28/543Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, 2 Chester Place, Regents Park26 March 1904
NLB/28/639Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society22 April 1904
NLB/30/890Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee[6] June 1905
NLB/33/302Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society31 July 1906
NLB/31/774Copy letter from Robert Frederick William Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society13 November 1905
NLB/31/249Copy letter from Joseph Larmor, to Hugh Longbourne Callendar, [Fellow of the Royal Society]13 July 1905
NLB/29/590Copy letter from Joseph Larmor, to Hugh Longbourne Callendar, [Fellow of the Royal Society][November 1904]
NLB/33/220Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society17 July 1906
NLB/31/61Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society16 June 1905
NLB/31/448Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society21 September 1905
NLB/31/579Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee13 October 1905
NLB/31/665Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society28 October 1905
NLB/33/345Copy letter from A H White, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee9 August 1906
NLB/33/21Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Sectional Committee18 June 1906
NLB/32/550Copy letter from [Robert William Frederick Harrison], to [Messrs Harrison & Sons]30 March 1906
NLB/33/495Copy letter from Joseph Larmor, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, [Fellow of the Royal Society]12 September 1906
NLB/33/771Copy letter from Joseph Larmor, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society1 November 1906
NLB/32/808Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society28 May 1906
NLB/33/810Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Chairman of the Physiology Sectional Committee7 November 1906
NLB/34/135Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society4 December 1906
NLB/34/265Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee18 December 1906
NLB/37/410Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor [Joseph] Larmor, John's CambridgeMarch 1908
NLB/37/263Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Harrison & Sons24 February 1908
NLB/38/221Copy letter from Joseph Larmor, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society2 July 1908
NLB/37/322Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Messrs Harrison & Sons, St Martin's Lane, WC2 March 1908
NLB/39/391Copy letter from Joseph Larmor to [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar15 January 1909
NLB/39/64Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor Callendar19 November 1908
NLB/36/874Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to A E Thompson, care of Messrs Willans & Robinson, Limited, Victoria Works, Rugby6 January 1908
NLB/39/136Copy letter from Joseph Larmor to Professor Callendar1 December 1908
NLB/39/589Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor H [Hugh] L [Loungbourne] Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society10 February 1909
NLB/39/311Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor H [Hugh] L [Longbourne] Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society1 January 1909
NLB/39/300Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor H [Hugh] L [Longbourne] Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society23 December 1908
NLB/39/480Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor H [Hugh] L [Longbourne] Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society26 January 1909
NLB/40/445Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor H [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar FRS 9 June 1909
NLB/43/332Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society13 December 1910
NLB/42/57Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor H [Hugh] L [Longbourne] Callendar, FRS, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee17 March 1910
NLB/42/611Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor H [Hug] L [Longbourne] Callendar FRS 15 July 1910
NLB/43/195Copy letter from Joseph Larmor, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society 17 November 1910
NLB/41/206Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callender, Fellow of the Royal Society1 November 1909
NLB/43/584Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society16 January 1911
NLB/43/115Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society7 November 1910
NLB/43/415Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society6 January 1911
NLB/42/289Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor H [Hugh] L [Longbourne] Callendar FRS 9 May 1910
NLB/42/358Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor H [Hugh] L [Longbourne] Calldenar FRS, 49 Grange Road, Ealing, W27 May 1910
NLB/45/510Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor H [Hugh] L [Longbourne] Callendar FRS19 March 1912
NLB/43/127Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society8 November 1910
NLB/42/501Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor H [Hugh] L [Longbourne] Callendar FRS 22 June 1910
NLB/41/693Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society7 February 1910
NLB/43/301Copy letter from Joseph Larmor, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society8 December 1910
NLB/42/785Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor H [Hugh] L [Longbourne] Callendar FRS 11 October 1910
NLB/42/729Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor H [Hugh] L [Longbourne] Callendar FRS 28 September 1910
NLB/44/512Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor H [Hugh] L [Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics & Chemistry Sectional Committee26 July 1911
NLB/43/203Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society18 November 1910
NLB/42/748Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor H [Hugh] L [Longbourne] Callendar FRS 30 September 1910
NLB/44/5Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to The Chairman, Physicis and Chemistry Sectional Committee [Hugh Longbourne Callendar]12 April 1911
NLB/44/459Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor H [Hugh] L [Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman, Physics & Chemistry Committee13 July 1911
NLB/43/251Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society30 November 1910
NLB/43/92Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society4 November 1910
NLB/44/226Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor H [Hugh] L [Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee27 May 1911
NLB/43/267Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society2 December 1910
NLB/44/288Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor H [Hugh] L [Longbourne] Callendar FRS 8 June 1911
NLB/44/315Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor H [Hugh] L [Longbourne] Callendar FRS 15 June 1911
NLB/44/301Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor H [Hugh] L [Longbourne] Callendar FRS10 June 1911
NLB/44/346Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to The Chairman P [Physics] and C [Chemistry] Committee, Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar FRS [Fellow of the Royal Society]21 June 1911
NLB/43/367Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Sectional Committee16 December 1910
NLB/43/523Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society3 February 1911
NLB/44/550Copy letter from Joseph Larmor to Professor H [Hugh] L [Longbourne] Callendar FRS4 August 1911
NLB/44/689Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor H [Hugh] L [Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics & Chemistry Sectional Committee20 October 1911
NLB/43/679Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callender, Fellow of the Royal Society9 March 1911
NLB/44/652Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor H [Hugh] L [Longbourne] Callendar FRS 9 October 1911
NLB/44/783Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor H [Hugh] L [Longbourne] Callendar FRS, Chairman, Physics & Chemistry Sectional Committee10 November 1911
NLB/44/805Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor H [Hugh] L [Longbourne Callendar FRS, Chairman of the Physics & Chemistry Sectional Committee14 November 1911
NLB/45/217Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar22 January 1912
NLB/45/64Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor H [Hugh] L [Longbourne] Callendar FRS15 December 1911
NLB/45/372Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor H [Hugh] L [Longbourne] Callendar FRS23 February 1912
NLB/45/336Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor H [Hugh] L [Longbourne] Callendar FRS15 February 1912
NLB/45/314Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor H [Hugh] L [Longbourne] Callendar FRS10 February 1912
NLB/45/322Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor H [Hugh] L [Longbourne] Callendar FRS12 February 1912
NLB/47/471Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor H [Hugh] L [Longbourne] Callendar FRS5 February 1913
NLB/48/673Copy letter from A H White, to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society16 September 1913
NLB/50/156Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society9 May 1914
NLB/50/92Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society29 April 1914
NLB/51/458Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar FRS23 March 1915
NLB/64/31Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, FRS22 January 1923
NLB/51/578Copy letter from Arthur Schuster, Secretary of the Royal Society to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar30 April 1915
NLB/51/531Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar FRS19 April 1915
NLB/51/576Copy letter from Arthur Schuster, Secretary of the Royal Society to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar FRS30 April 1915
NLB/51/58Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar FRS1 December 1914
NLB/53/388Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee and FRS25 July 1916
RR/16/77Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The measurement of the pressure coefficient of Oxygen' by W Makower and Henry R NobleAugust 1903
NLB/52/536Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, FRS10 January 1916
RR/17/75Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'On the inversion points for a fluid passing through a porous plug, and their use in testing proposed equations of state' by Alfred William Porter10 February 1906
RR/15/39Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The evolution of the colour sense' by Frederick Edridge-Green14 November 1900
NLB/52/678Copy letter from [Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society]; to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee and FRS11 February 1916
RR/18/19Referee's report by Charles Vernon Boys, on a paper 'On the absolute expansion of mercury' by Hugh Longbourne Callendar and Herbert MossDecember 1910
NLB/53/249Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee and FRS14 June 1916
NLB/52/695Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee and FRS15 February 1916
RR/17/249Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'Contributions to the osmotic theory of solution' by Randal Thomas Mowbray Berkeley and C V Burton5 December 1908
NLB/58/212Copy letter from Edwin Deller, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, FRS27 March 1920
RR/27/46Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The vapour pressure of lead - I' by A C EgertonFebruary 1923
RR/18/112Referee's report by Arthur Schuster, on a paper 'On the variation of the specific heat of water, with experiments by a new method' by Hugh Lonbourne CallendarDecember 1911
NLB/62/562Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, FRS10 March 1922
NLB/54/92Copy letter from [Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society]; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee and FRS6 February 1917
RR/27/48Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'Separation of isotopes of zinc' by A C Egerton and W B LeeFebruary 1923
NLB/54/146Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee and FRS17 February 1917
NLB/54/296Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee and FRS26 March 1917
NLB/54/282Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee and FRS 21 March 1917
NLB/54/313Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee and FRS30 March 1917
NLB/54/249Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee and FRS16 March 1917
NLB/54/767Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Logbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS14 September 1917
RR/22/59Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The thermal conductivity of air' by E O Hercus and Thomas Howell LabyJune 1915
RR/21/29Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The osmotic data in relation to progressive hydration' by William Robert Bousfield[July 1914]
RR/22/58Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'An application of the principle of dynamical similitude to molecular physics' by William Bate HardySeptember 1915
RR/27/53Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'Some moisture relations of colloids - I. A comparative study of the rates of evaporation of water from wool, sand and clay' by E A FisherDecember 1922
RR/22/27Referee's report by Alfred Harker, on a paper 'On the specific heat of steam at atmospheric pressure between 104°C and 115°C' by J H Brinkworth and Hugh Longbourne CallendarMay 1915
RR/24/21Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The specific heat of aqueous solutions, with special reference to sodium and potassium chlorides' by William Robert Bousfield and C Elspeth Bousfield[June 1917]
NLB/43New Letter Book volume 43, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration20 October 1910-12 April 1911
NLB/54/533Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee and FRS11 June 1917
RR/27/47Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'Some density determinations' by A C Egerton and W B LeeFebruary 1923
RR/23/96Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'A determination of the heat of vaporisation of water at 100°C. and one atmosphere pressure in terms of the mean calorie' by T Carlton SuttonAugust 1916
RR/23/57Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The use of highly attenuated wires for platinum thermometers' by [John Job] ManleyDecember 1916
NLB/54/671Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee and FRS26 July 1917
NLB/54/756Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee and FRS12 September 1917
NLB/54/646Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee and FRS12 July 1917
RR/26/149Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The energy in air, steam and carbon dioxide from 100C to 2000C' by W D Womersley[October 1921]
NLB/56/19Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee and FRS5 November 1918
NLB/53/52Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, FRS27 March 1916
RR/28/2Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'Heat of crystallisation of quartz' by Rames Chandra Ray[May 1922]
NLB/56/122Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee and FRS27 November 1918
RR/25/17Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The extension of gas laws to liquids' by John Scott Haldane[May 1918]
NLB/56/155Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee and FRS3 December 1918
NLB/53/193Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee and FRS23 May 1916
NLB/53/368Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee and FRS22 July 1916
NLB/53/182Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee and FRS19 May 1916
NLB/53/267Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee and FRS21 June 1916
RR/18/138Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'On the specific heats at high temperature of the latest heats of metals' by H C GreenwoodNovember 1911
RR/20/35Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The boiling-point of sulphur on the thermodynamic scale' by N EumorfopoulosJanuary 1914
NLB/56/593Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, FRS24 March 1919
RR/9/329Referee's report by James Dewar, on a paper 'On the practical measurements of temperature. Experiments made at the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge' by Hugh Longbourne Callendar17 October 1886
RR/18/133Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'On the calorimetry of gases: with special reference to gases of low heating value' by W E FisherAugust 1911
NLB/64/683Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh2 June 1923
NLB/55/148Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee and FRS20 December 1917
NLB/53/652Copy letter from [Robert William Frederick Harrison], Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Society and FRS20 November 1916
RR/35/15Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The specific heats of ferromagnetic substances' by Leslie Fleetwood BatesNovember 1927
RR/34/27Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'Some observations on the Barnes Thermite ice system' by H W Johnston[December 1926]
RR/17/304Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The rate of heat transfer between fluids and metal surfaces' by H P JordanDecember 1908
RR/18/120Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'Radiation in explosions of coal-gas and air' by W T DavidMay 1911
NLB/28New Letter Book volume 28, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration17 December 1903-13 June 1904
NLB/55/299Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee and FRS18 February 1918
NLB/55/149Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee and FRS20 December 1917
NLB/55/47Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee and FRS15 November 1917
NLB/19/279Copy letter from Robert William Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society26 July 1899
NLB/55/483Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee and FRS24 April 1918
RR/18/43Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'On the magnetic properties of iron and its alloys in intense field' by Robert Abbott Hadfield and Bertram HopkinsonJune 1910
RR/40/87Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'A new form of calorimeter suitable for determining heats of solutions, with an application to worked and annealed metals' by C J SmithSeptember 1929
NLB/59/86Copy letter from [Maud K. Jukes, Clerk of the Royal Society]; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, FRS16 July 1920
MS/928/6/2/14Letter from Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Imperial College of Science and Technology, South Kensington, London, to Charles Vernon Boys6 October 1926
RR/14/126Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'On the oxidation of carbon at ordinary temperature by means of atmospheric oxygen with the production of electrical energy' by Willard E Case30 May 1899
RR/24/32Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The deviation of certain gases from Boyle's Law at high temperatures' by C Cochrane[June 1917]
RR/16/332Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'Effects of temperature & pressure on the thermal conductivities of solids. Part I. The effect of temperature on the thermal conductivities of some electrical insulations' by Charles Herbert Lees12 December 1904
RR/39/113Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The melting point of palladium' by F H Schofield[July 1929]
RR/15/372Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on the Bakerian Lecture 'The law of the pressure of gases between 75 and 150 millimeters of mercury' by John William Strutt, Lord RayleighFebruary 1902
RR/20/157Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'On negative adsorption' by A M Williams20 November 1913
RR/23/3Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'Further determinations of direct osmotic pressures' by the Earl of Berkely and E G J HuntleyJune 1916
RR/14/131Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'Investigations on platinum thermometry at Kew Observatory' by Charles Chreend [January 1900]
RR/17/8Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'On the osmotic pressures of some concentrated aqueous solutions' by Randal Thomas Mowbray Rawdon Berkeley and E G J Hartley[June 1906]
RR/24/46Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The discharge of gases under high pressures' by L Hartshorn[October 1917]
RR/14/278Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'On the electrical conductivity of flames containing salt vapours' by Harold Albert Wilsonnd [March 1899]
RR/37/159Third referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The effect of temperature on the viscosity of air' by W G Shilling and A E Laxton[1929]
RR/22/26Referee's report by Arthur Schuster, on a paper 'On the specific heat of steam at atmospheric pressure between 104°C and 115°C' by J H Brinkworth and Hugh Longbourne Callendar1915
NLB/19/311Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Professor George Carey Foster, Fellow of the Royal Society1 August 1899
RR/14/262Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The thermal expansion of pure nickel and cobalt' by Alfred Edwin Howard Tutton[May 1899]
RR/18/107Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The specific heat of water and the mechanical equivalent of the calorie at temperatures from 0° C. to 80° C' by William Robert Bousfield and W Eric BousfieldJanuary 1911
NLB/54/426Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee and FRS11 May 1917
NLB/55/839Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee and FRS14 October 1918
NLB/55/635Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Professor Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, FRS05 July 1918
NLB/55/752Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Professor Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, FRS28 August 1918
NLB/62/572Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, FRS15 March 1922
RR/18/49Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'On radiation in a gaseous explosion' by Bertram HopkinsonMay 1910
NLB/64/287Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, FRS7 March 1923
NLB/62New Letter Book volume 62, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration11 November 1921-10 June 1922
RR/33/18Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'Some physical properties of lcebergs and a method for their destruction' by Howard Turner BarnesDecember 1926
RR/39/116Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The ageing of standard cells; increased accuracy in their use; and international comparisons' by A Norman Shaw, H E Reilley and R J Clark[April 1929]
RR/34/110Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The temperature coefficient of the molecular heats of steam' by W G Shilling[August 1926]
NLB/66/422Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; [Robert John Strutt] Lord Rayleigh, FRS6 May 1924
NLB/71/198Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Editor, the Encyclopedia Britannica, 80 Regent Street, W.18 February 1928
NLB/71/731Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, FRS16 October 1928
NLB/71/802Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, FRS5 November 1928
NLB/72/642Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Samuel Walter Johnson] Smith, FRS7 February 1930
NLB/73/53Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Samuel Walter Johnson] Smith, FRS7 November 1930
NLB/40/363Copy letter from Joseph Larmor to [Hugh Longbourne] CallendarUndated
NLB/1/420Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Hugh Longbourne Callendar7 March 1887
NLB/33New Letter Book volume 33, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration13 June 1906-15 November 1906
NLB/42New Letter Book volume 42, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration4 March 1910-19 October 1910
RR/15/165Referee's report by Herbert McLeod, on a paper 'Continuous electrical calorimetry' by Hugh Longbourne CallendarJanuary 1901
NLB/45New Letter Book volume 45, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration5 December 1911-21 May 1912
RR/16/217Memoranda from Robert William Frederick Harrison, and reply from Hugh Longbourne Callendar and Joseph Larmor, on a paper 'On the seismic effect of tidal stresses' by Richard Dixon Oldham10 May 1904
NLB/20/334Copy letter from Arthur William Rucker, to Professor George Carey Foster, Fellow of the Royal Society26 March 1900
NLB/21/22Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society17 July 1900
NLB/21/275Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society16 October 1900
NLB/42/10Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor H [Hugh] L [Longbourne] Callendar FRS7 March 1909
NLB/28/251Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society4 February 1904
NLB/28/258Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society5 February 1904
NLB/28/738Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Physics Committee10 May 1904
NLB/31/62Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee16 June 1905
NLB/32/70Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee20 December 1905
NLB/33/214Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society17 July 1906
NLB/35/280Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Arthur Schuster, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee10 May 1907
NLB/36/632Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society22 November 1907
NLB/41/577Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee17 January 1910
RR/18/18Referee's report by George Downing Liveing, on a paper 'On the absolute expansion of mercury' by Hugh Longbourne Callendar and Herbert Moss10 November 1910
RR/24/19Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'Note on the specific heat of water' by William Robert Bousfield[June 1917]
NLB/54/225Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee and FRS8 March 1917
NLB/54/281Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee and FRS 21 March 1917
NLB/54/532Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee and FRS11 June 1917
RR/35/133Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The mechanical equivalent of heat' by Thomas Howell Laby and E O HercusFebruary 1927
NLB/53/124Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee and FRS2 May 1916
RR/10/330Referee's report by Robert Bellamy Clifton, on a paper 'On the determination of the boiling-point of sulphur, and on a method of standardising platinum resistance thermometers by reference to it.—Experiments made at the Cavendish laboratory, Cambridge' by Hugh Longbourne Callendar and Ernest Howard Griffiths20 January 1891
RR/15/163Referee's report by Ernest Howard Griffiths, on a paper 'Continuous electrical calorimetry' by Hugh Longbourne Callendar4 January 1902
NLB/28/70Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr Joseph Larmor, Fellow of the Royal Society5 January 1904
NLB/30/205Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee13 February 1905
NLB/29/325Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee22 September 1904
NLB/32/879Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hugh Longbourne Callendar, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of the Physics and Chemistry Committee11 June 1906
NLB/39/264Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Dr R [Richard] T [Tetley] Glazebrook, Fellow of the Royal Society18 December 1908
NLB/54New Letter Book volume 54, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration10 January 1917-2 November 1917
NLB/61/336Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Hugh Callendar] Longbourne, FRS21 June 1921
IM/000844Foster, George Carey2001
NLB/32New Letter Book volume 32, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration9 December 1905-13 June 1906
NLB/53New Letter Book volume 53, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration9 March 1916-10 January 1917
NLB/30New Letter Book volume 30, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration14 January 1905-6 June 1905
RR/15/155Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'A determination by a thermal method of the variation of the critical velocity of water with temperature' by Howard Turner Barnes and Ernest George Coker28 October 1901
RR/34/40Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'On the determination of the specific heats of gases at constant pressure' by Charles Herbert Lees[May 1926]
RR/28/67Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'Vapour pressure and density of sodium chloride solutions' by William Robert Bousfield and C Elspeth Bousfield12 March 1923
RR/37/158Second referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The effect of temperature on the viscosity of air' by W G Shilling and A E Laxton31 December 1928
RR/17/430Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The porpous plug experiment' by W A D RudgeNovember 1909
AP/78/5Unpublished paper, 'The specific heats of air and carbon dioxide. Details of the method of calibration of the potentiometer, with record of data' by W F G [William Francis Gray] Swann1908
RR/14/94Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The electrical conductivity and luminosity of flames containing vaporised salts' by Arthur Smithells, Harry Medforth Dawson and Harold Albert Wilson24 November 1898
RR/15/106Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'Underground temperature at Oxford in the year 1899 as determined by five platinum resistance thermometers' by Arthur Alcock RambautJune 1900
RR/16/196Memoranda from Robert William Frederick Harrison [Assistant Secretary], and reply from Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'Two-dimensional problems in magnetic induction, with special reference to flux distribution in toothed-core armatures' by Professor Henry Selby Hele-Shaw, Dr Alfred Hay and Mr P H Powell15 March 1904
RR/16/362Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The pressure of explosions - experiments on solid & gaseous explosives' by James Ernest Petavel[c 28 October 1905]
PP/18/11Paper, 'On a compensated air thermometer' by Hugh Longbourne Callendar1891
RR/16/231Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The construction of some mercury standards of resistance, with a determination of the temperature co-efficient of resistance of mercury' by Frank Edward SmithMarch 1904
RR/18/20Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'Sound vibrations of very high frequency produced by electric sparks' by A Campbell and D W Dye10 December 1910
RR/14/176Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'A comparison of platinum and gas thermometers, including a determination of the boiling-point of sulphur on the nitrogen scale. An account of experiments made in the laboratory of the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures Sèvres' by John Allen Harker and Pierre Chappuisnd [July 1899]
RR/15/20Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'Some new observations on the static diffusion of gases and liquids and their significance in certain natural processes occurring in plants' by Horace Tabberer Brown and F EscombeJune 1900
RR/10/329Referee's report by George Carey Foster, on a paper 'On the determination of the boiling-point of sulphur, and on a method of standardising platinum resistance thermometers by reference to it.—Experiments made at the Cavendish laboratory, Cambridge' by Hugh Longbourne Callendar and Ernest Howard Griffiths5 January 1891
RR/13/175Referee's report by John William Strutt, Lord Rayleigh, on a paper 'On the variation of the electromotive force of different forms of the Clark standard cell with temperature and with strength of solution' by Hugh Longbourne Callendar and Howard Turner Barnes17 March 1897
RR/14/132Detailed referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'Investigations on platinum thermometry at Kew Observatory' by Charles Chreend [1900]
RR/14/244Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper [attributed] 'On the reflection of cathode rays' by Alan Archibald Campbell Swinton4 February 1899
RR/17/254Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'Contributions to the osmotic theory of solution' by Randal Thomas Mowbray Berkeley and C V Burton1908
RR/20/76Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The thermal properties of carbonic acid low temperatures' by Charles Frewen Jenkin and David Randall PyeFebruary 1913
RR/21/31Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'An approximate estimate of the constituents of water' by William Robert Bousfield[December 1914]
RR/21/102Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'On the convection of heat from small cylinders in a stream of fluid: Determination of the convection constants of small platinum wires with applications to hot-wire anemometry' by Louis Vessot King[May 1914]
RR/24/7Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'On osmotic pressures derived from vapour-pressure measurements: Aqueous solutions of cane sugar and methyl glucoside' by Randal Thomas Mowbray Rawdon Berkeley, 8th Earl Berkeley, E G J Hartley and C V Burton[March 1917]
RR/27/106Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The thermal stresses in solid and in hollow circular cylinders concentrically heated' by Charles Herbert LeesMay 1922
RR/37/157Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The effect of temperature on the viscosity of air' by W G Shilling and A E Laxton[September 1928]
RR/38/59Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The international temperature scale between 0° and 100° C' by J A HallJuly 1929
RR/39/117Second referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The ageing of standard cells; increased accuracy in their use; and international comparisons [abstract]' by A Norman Shaw, H E Reilley and R J Clark[April 1929]
RR/16/267Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The determination of the osmotic pressure of solutions by the measurement of their vapour pressures' by the Earl of Berkeley and E G J Hartley, and on a paper 'The relation between osmotic pressure & the vapour pressure of a solution' by Will Spens17 November 1905
RR/16/353Referee's report by Hugh Longbourne Callendar, on a paper 'The determination of the specific heat of superheated steam by throttling & other experiments' by Mr A H Peak30 March 1905
MC/14/219Letter from Hugh [Longbourne] Callendar, Trinity College, Cambridge, to the Secretary of the Royal Society6 June 1887
MC/19/156Letter from [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, 2 Chester Place, Regents Park, to [Robert William Frederick] Harrison4 February 1904
MC/14Volume 14 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1885-1888
MC/19/157Letter from [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, 2 Chester Place, Regents Park, to [Robert William Frederick] Harrison21 March 1904
MC/19/159Letter from [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, Saundersfoot, South Wales, to [Robert William Frederick] Harrison16 July 1904
MC/19/163Letter from [Hugh Lonbourne] Callendar, Board of Education, South Kensington, London, to [Robert William Frederick] Harrison16 November 1904
MC/19/162Letter from [Hugh Lonbourne] Callendar, Board of Education, South Kensington, London, to [Joseph] Larmor14 November 1904
MC/19/158Letter from [Hugh Lonbourne] Callendar, Board of Education, Royal College of Science, London, to [Robert William Frederick] Harrison12 May 1904
MC/19/161Letter from [Hugh Longbourne] Callendar, 2 Chester Place, Regents Park, to [Robert William Frederick] Harrison22 September 1904
AP/78/5/1Unpublished manuscript, 'The specific heats of air and carbon dioxide. Details of the method of calibration of the potentiometer, with record of data' by W F G [William Francis Gray] Swann1908
MC/17Volume 17 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1897-1899
MC/19Volume 19 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1904
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