
Authorised form of nameCowling; Thomas George (1906 - 1990)
Dates1906 - 1990
Date of birth17/06/1906
Date of death16/06/1990
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election20/03/1947
Age at election40
Royal Society activityMedals and prizes:
Hughes Medal 1990
Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 1991 vol 37 pp 103-125, plate, by L Mestel
Royal Society codeNA601
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
PB/3/1/3/3/12Correspondece with Thomas Cowling following Blackett's 1947 paper on magnetismApril-December 1947
EC/1947/06Cowling, Thomas George: certificate of election to the Royal Society
RR/79/284Letter from Thomas George Cowling, on a paper 'Homogeneous dynamos and terrestrial magnetism' by Edward Crisp Bullard and H Gellman, to D C Martin, assistant secretary of the Royal Society16 December 1953
IM/GA/WS/2687Cowling, Thomas George1946
IM/GA/WRS/8391Cowling, Thomas Georgend
IM/000971Cowling, Thomas Georgec 1985
MS/837Thomas George Cowling papers1964-1981
RR/72/44Letter from Thomas George Cowling, on two papers 'Electronic wave functions - I. A general method of calculation for the stationary states of any molecular system' and 'Electronic wave functions II. A calculation for the ground state of the beryllium atom' by Samuel Francis Boys to D C Martin, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society19 September 1949
RR/68/31Letter from George Paget Thomson, to Sydney Chapman, regarding a paper 'The velocity of diffusion in a mixed gas; the second approximation' by Sydney Chapman and Thomas George Cowling14 March 1941
RR/68/452Referee's report by David Brunt, on a paper 'The electrical conductivity of an ionized gas in a magnetic field, with applications to the solar atmosphere and the ionosphere' by Thomas George Cowling[1944]
RR/71/285Referee's report by Thomas George Cowling, on a paper 'Kinetic theory of diffusion in gases and liquids' by L M Yang1948
RR/71/124Letter from Thomas George Cowling, to Mr Graddon, regarding a paper 'The thermal equilibrium at the tropopause and the temperature of the lower stratosphere' by R M Goody[August 1948]
RR/71/237Referee's report by Thomas George Cowling, on a paper 'The induction of electric currents in a non-uniform ionosphere' by A A Ashour and A T PriceJune 1948
PB/9/1/101/3Royal Society correspondence1960-1961
RR/72/217Referee's report by Thomas George Cowling, on a paper 'The derivation of a model solar chromosphere from radio data. I. The intensity and distribution of radiation. II. Evaluation of electron temperatures and densities' by J H Piddington 1949
RR/71/68Referee's report by Thomas George Cowling, on a paper 'The lunar atmospheric tide at twenty-seven stations widely distributed over the globe' by Sydney Chapman and K K Tschu[1948]
RR/71/48Referee's report by Thomas George Cowling, on a paper 'The structure of the reaction zone in a flame' by Samuel Francis Boys and J Corner6 October 1948
RR/71/125Referee's report by Thomas George Cowling, on a paper 'The thermal equilibrium at the tropopause and the temperature of the lower stratosphere' by R M Goody[1948]
MDA/C/10/3Correspondence of the Gassiot Committee1947-1953
RR/72/43Letter from Thomas George Cowling, on two papers 'Electronic wave functions - I. A general method of calculation for the stationary states of any molecular system' and 'Electronic wave functions II. A calculation for the ground state of the beryllium atom' by Samuel Francis Boys to D C Martin, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society13 September 1949
RR/68/32Memoranda, on a paper 'The velocity of diffusion in a mixed gas; the second approximation' by Sydney Chapman and Thomas George Cowling26 April 1941
RR/72/215Letter from Thomas George Cowling, on a paper 'The derivation of a model solar chromosphere from radio data. I. The intensity and distribution of radiation. II. Evaluation of electron temperatures and densities' by J H Piddington to the Chairman of the Physics Sectional Committee1949
RR/72/216Letter from Thomas George Cowling, on a paper 'The derivation of a model solar chromosphere from radio data. I. The intensity and distribution of radiation. II. Evaluation of electron temperatures and densities' by J H Piddington to D C Martin, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society9 September 1949
RR/73/105Referee's report by Thomas George Cowling, on a paper 'The westward drift of the Earth's magnetic field' by Edward Crisp Bullard, Cynthia Freedman, H Gellman and Jo Nixon17 May 1950
RR/73/104Letter from Edmund Clifton Stoner, on a paper 'The westward drift of the Earth's magnetic field' by Edward Crisp Bullard, Cynthia Freedman, H Gellman and Jo Nixon, to the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society [D C Martin]11 May 1950
RR/79/285Referee's report by Thomas George Cowling, on a paper 'Homogeneous dynamos and terrestrial magnetism' by Edward Crisp Bullard and H Gellman14 December 1953
RR/73/235Referee's report by Thomas George Cowling, on a paper 'Atmospheric transmission in the 1-14 micron region. II. Scattering by salt nuclei' by Cyril Hilsum28 September 1950
RR/73/234Letter from Thomas George Cowling, on two papers 'Atmospheric transmission in the 1-14 micron region. I. Experimental results' by H A Gebbie, W R Harding, Cyril Hilsum, A W Pryce and V Roberts and 'Atmospheric transmission in the 1-14 micron region. II. Scattering by salt nuclei' by Cyril Hilsum, to D C Martin, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society28 September 1950
RR/73/233Referee's report by Thomas George Cowling, on a paper 'Atmospheric transmission in the 1-14 micron region. I. Experimental results' by H A Gebbie, W R Harding, Cyril Hilsum, A W Pryce and V Roberts28 September 1950
RR/73/238Letter from Thomas George Cowling, on three papers 'Electronic wave functions. III. Some theorems on integrals of antisymmetric functions of equivalent orbital form', 'Electronic wave functions. IV. Some general theorems for the calculation of Schrodinger integrals between complicated vector coupled functions for many electron atoms' and 'Electronic wave functions. V. Systematic reduction methods for all Schrodinger integrals of conventional systems of antisymmetric vector coupled functions' by Samuel Francis Boys, to D C Martin, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society26 September 1950
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