Authorised form of name | Turnbull; Herbert Westren (1885 - 1961) |
Dates | 1885 - 1961 |
Nationality | British |
Place of birth | Tettenhall, Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, England |
Date of birth | 31 August 1885 |
Place of death | Grasmere, Cumbria |
Date of death | 04/05/1961 |
Activity | Education: MA (Cantab) Career: Professor of Mathematics in the University of St Andrews
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 05/05/1932 |
Royal Society activity | Royal Society roles: VP 1943-1944 |
Sources | Sources: Bulloch's Roll Obituaries: Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 1962 vol 8 pp 149-158, plate, by A C Aitken |
Royal Society code | NA6028 |
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference number | Title | Date |
RR/51/133 | Referee's report by Herbert Westren Turnbull, on a paper 'On the independence of sums of squares in the analysis of variance' by S S Wilks | [January 1934] |
RR/69/308 | Referee's report by Herbert WestrenTurnbull, on a paper 'On the simple group of order 25920' by John Arthur Todd | 14 August 1946 |
RR/72/263 | Referee's report by Herbet Western Turnbull, on a paper 'The characters of a collineation group in five dimensions' by John Arthur Todd | 1949 |
EC/1932/16 | Turnbull, Herbert Westren: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
RR/68/206 | Referee's report by Alexander Craig Aitken, on a paper 'The geometry of matrices' by Herbert Westren Turnbull | [1941] |
RR/52/148 | Referee's report by Herbert Westren Turnbull, on a paper 'The application of substitutional analysis to invariants' by Alfred Young | 30 August 1934 |
RR/71/267 | Referee's report by Herbet Westren Turnbull, on a paper 'Ternary quadratic types' by John Arthur Todd | February 1948 |