Reference number | Title | Date |
PT/71/1/12 | Plate, lateral aspect of pseudoembryo by [Edwin M Williams] | December 1862 |
PT/71/1/22 | Plate, pentacrinoid larva before expansion of ventral disk by [Edwin M Williams] | [1862] |
PT/71/1/19 | Plate, pentacrinoid larva after separation of oral valves by [Edwin M Williams] | [1862] |
PT/71/1/21 | Plate, arrangement of non-extensile tentacles of pentacrinoid larva by [Edwin M Williams] | [1862] |
AP/41/9/2 | Unpublished figure, Comatula rosacea larva by [Charles Thomas] Wyville Thomson | 1 November 1858 |
PT/71/1/7 | Plate, earlier stages of yolk segmentation by [Edwin M Williams] | December 1862 |
PT/71/1/11 | Plate, ventral aspect of pseudoembryo by [Edwin M Williams] | December 1862 |
PT/71/1/18 | Plate, portion of oral disc of pentacrinoid larva by [Edwin M Williams] | [1862] |
RR/6/197 | Letter from Wyville Thomas Charles Thomson, regarding a paper 'On Holtenia, a genus of vitreous sponges' by Charles Thomas Wyville Thomson | 20 September 1869 |
RR/7/347 | Referee's report by Henry John Carter on a paper 'On the echinoidea of the ’porcupine‘ deep-sea dredging-expeditions' by Charles Thomas Wyville Thomson | 10 June 1874 |
RR/7/346 | Referee's report by William Benjamin Carpenter, on a paper 'On the echinoidea of the ’porcupine‘ deep-sea dredging-expeditions' by Charles Thomas Wyville Thomson | 30 May 1874 |
RR/5/270 | Referee's report by William Benjamin Carter, on a paper 'On the embryogeny of Antedon rosaceus, Linck (Comatula rosacea of Lamarck)' by Charles Thomas Wyville Thomson | 12 March 1863 |
RR/6/288 | Committee report, on a paper 'On Holtenia, a genus of vitreous sponges' by Charles Thomas Wyville Thomson | nd [1869] |
PT/71/1/10 | Plate, dorsal view of pseudoembryo by [Edwin M Williams] | December 1862 |
MS/427/121 | Copy letter from [Thomas Henry] Huxley, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [Charles Wyville] Thomson | 14 July 1881 |
MS/427/119 | Copy letter from [Thomas Henry] Huxley, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Comptroller of the H. M. Stationary Office | 14 July 1881 |
MS/427/157 | Copy letter from Walter White, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir [Ralph Robert Wheeler] Lingen, Treasury | 24 January 1882 |
MS/427/173 | Copy letter from [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Admiralty | 1 April 1882 |
RR/7/453 | Referee's report by Charles Thomas Wyville Thomson, on a paper 'Preliminary report of the biological results of a cruise in H. M. S. 'Valorous’ to Davis Strait in 1875' by John Gwyn Jeffreys | 10 August 1876 |
EC/1869/17 | Thomson, Sir Wyville Thomas Charles: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
PT/71/1/4 | Plate, ovary and ova in various stages of development by [Edwin M Williams] | December 1862 |
RR/5/272 | Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the embryogeny of Antedon rosaceus, Linck (Comatula rosacea of Lamarck)' by Charles Thomas Wyville Thomson | 13 April 1863 |
PT/71/1/5 | Plate, vesicles of evolution and spermatozoa by [Edwin M Williams] | December 1862 |
PT/71/1/17 | Plate, pentacrinoid larva after separation of oral valves by [Edwin M Williams] | [1862] |
MS/427/120 | Copy letter from [Thomas Henry] Huxley, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the H. M. Treasury | 14 July 1881 |
NLB/11/907 | Copy letter from Michael Foster, to the Secretary, Her Majesty's Treasury, Whitehall | 1 November 1895 |
RR/6/286 | Referee's report by William Benjamin Carpenter, on a paper 'On Holtenia, a genus of vitreous sponges' by Charles Thomas Wyville Thomson | 3 August 1869 |
PT/71/1/2 | Plate, drafts of Comatula rosacea anatomy by [Charles Thomas Wyville Thomson?] | [1862] |
PT/71/1/3 | Plate, uncompressed pseudoembryo by [Edwin M Williams] | [1862] |
PT/71/1/16 | Plate, pseudoembryo losing organs of assimilation and locomotion by [Edwin M Williams] | December 1862 |
PT/71/1/1 | Manuscript, 'On the embryogeny of Antedon rosaceus (Lincks) (Comatula rosacea of Lamarck)' by Professor [Charles Thomas] Wyville Thomson | [1862] |
PT/71/1/13 | Plate, dorsal aspect of pseudoembryo by [Edwin M Williams] | December 1862 |
PT/71/1/8 | Plate, development of pseudoembryo by [Edwin M Williams] | December 1862 |
PT/71/1/9 | Plate, dorsal and ventral aspects of pseudoembryo by [Edwin M Williams] | December 1862 |
PT/71/1/6 | Plate, egg after impregnation and yolk segmentation by [Edwin M Williams] | December 1862 |
PT/71/1/14 | Plate, pseudoembryo losing organs of assimilation and locomotion by [Edwin M Williams] | December 1862 |
PT/71/1/20 | Plate, enlarged end of extending arm of pentacrinoid larva by [Edwin M Williams] | [1862] |
PT/71/1/15 | Plate, pseudoembryo losing organs of assimilation and locomotion by [Edwin M Williams] | December 1862 |
MC/11/91 | Letter from R R W [Ralph Robert Wheeler] Lingen, Treasury Chambers, to [Joseph Dalton Hooker], President of the Royal Society | 25 July 1877 |
MC/8/202 | Letter from [Charles] Wyville Thomson, Strandtown, Belfast, to W B [William Benjamin] Carpenter, Vice-President of the Royal Society | 30 May 1867 |
MC/8/222 | Letter from Willm B [William Benjamin] Carpenter, University of London, Burlington House, to [Sir Edward Sabine], President of the Royal Society | 18 June 1868 |
MC/8/440 | Letter from [Charles] Wyville Thomson, Strandtown Belfast, to Dr [William] Sharpey, Secretary of the Royal Society | 3 November 1869 |
MC/9/30 | Letter from Willm B [William Benjamin] Carpenter, University of London, Burlington House, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society] | 15 February 1870 |
MC/9/459 | Letter from C [Charles] Wyville Thomson, The Royal Society, Burlington House, London, to the Royal Society | 18 December 1872 |
MC/9 | Volume 9 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1870-June 1873 |
MC/10/35 | Letter from C [Charles] Wyville Thomson, HMS 'Challenger', Simons Bay, to the Royal Society | 4 November 1873 |
MC/10/147 | Letter from C [Charles] Wyville Thomson, Kadava [?], to Walter White, [Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society] | 4 August 1874 |
MC/10/291 | Letter from J Christison, Secretary, University Court Edinburgh, Edinburgh, to Dr [Joseph Dalton] Hooker, President of the Royal Society, London | 15 October 1875 |
MC/10/451 | Letter from C [Charles] Wyville Thomson, 20 Palmerston Place, Edinburgh, to the Royal Society | 28 September 1876 |
MC/10/449 | Letter from C [Charles] Wyville Thomson, 20 Palmerston Place, Edinburgh, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society] | 15 September 1876 |
MC/10 | Volume 10 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | July 1873-1876 |
MC/10/463 | Letter from R R W Lingen, Treasury Chambers, to [Joseph Dalton Hooker], President of the Royal Society | 22 November 1876 |
MC/11/15 | Letter from C [Charles] Wyville Thomson, 20 Palmerston Place, Edinburgh, to [John Young] Buchanan | 3 February 1877 |
MC/11/14 | Letter from J Y [John Young] Buchanan, 10 Moray Place, Edinburgh, to Walter White, [Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society], Burlington House | 30 January 1877 |
MS/257/5/11 | Letter from Charles Wyville Thomson, 'HMS Porcupine' to Edward Sabine | 24 July [1869] |
MC/11 | Volume 11 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1877-1879 |
MC/12/80 | Letter from C [Charles] Wyville Thomson, Bonsyde, Linlithgow, North Britain, to [Thomas Henry] Huxley, [Secretary of the Royal Society] | 15 July 1880 |
MS/427/85 | Copy letter from [George Gabriel] Stokes, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary of the Admiralty | 26 January 1881 |
MC/12/108 | Letter from C [Charles] Wyville Thomson, Bonsyde, Linlithgow, to the Secretary of the Royal Society | 2 November 1880 |
MS/257/5/10 | Letter from Charles Wyville Thomson, Strandtown Belfast to Edward Sabine | 2 June 1870 |
AP/41/9/1 | Unpublished manuscript, 'On the embryogeny of Comatula rosacea (Linck)' by [Charles Thomas] Wyville Thomson | 1 November 1858 |
AP/41/9 | Unpublished paper, 'On the embryogeny of Comatula rosacea (Linck)' by [Charles Thomas] Wyville Thomson | 1 November 1858 |
MC/12 | Volume 12 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1880-1883 |
MC/12/79 | Copy letter from C [Charles] Wyville Thomson, Bonsyde, Linlithgow, to the Controller, HMS Stationery Office | 14 July 1880 |
MC/8 | Volume 8 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1867-1869 |
PP/3/19 | Paper, 'Remarks on the soundings and temperatures obtained in the Faeroe [Faroe-Shetland] Channel during the summer of 1882' by T H Tizard | 1883 |
PP/3/16 | Paper, 'Note on syringammina, a new type of arenaceous rhizopoda' by Henry B [Bowman] Brady | 1882 |
RR/6/287 | Letter from Henry B Wheatley, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding two papers 'On Holtenia, a genus of vitreous sponges' by Charles Thomas Wyville Thomson and 'On Palaeocoryne, a genus of tubularine hydrozoa from the Carboniferous formation' by Peter Martin Duncan and H M Jenkins | 3 September 1869 |
RR/6/289 | Referee's report by Henry John Carter, on two papers 'On Holtenia, a genus of vitreous sponges' by Charles Thomas Wyville Thomson and 'On Palaeocoryne, a genus of tubularine hydrozoa from the Carboniferous formation' by Peter Martin Duncan and H M Jenkins | 9 August 1869 |
PT/71/1 | Paper, 'On the embryogeny of Antedon rosaceus (Lincks) (Comatula rosacea of Lamarck)' by Professor [Charles Thomas] Wyville Thomson | [1862] |
RR/6/209 | Letter from Henry Benjamin Wheatley, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding three papers 'On Holtenia, a genus of vitreous sponges' by Charles Thomas Wyville Thomson, 'The physiological action of atropine, digitaline, and aconitine on the heart and blood-vessels of the frog' by Frederic B Nunneley and 'Description of Parkeria and Loftusia, two gigantic types of arenaceous foraminifera' by William Benjamin Carpenter and Henry Bowman Brady | 1 September 1869 |
MC/17 | Volume 17 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1897-1899 |