
Authorised form of nameGraham; Thomas (1805 - 1869); chemist
Dates1805 - 1869
Place of birthGlasgow, Scotland
Date of birth20 or 21 December 1805
Place of deathHis residence in Gordon Square, London
Date of death11 or 16 September 1869
Research fieldChemistry
FRSE; Royal Academy of Sciences of Berlin (Corresponding ); Philosophical Society of Glasgow
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election15/12/1836
Royal Society activityRoyal Society roles:
VP 1847-1848, 1853-1854, 1860-1861
Medals and prizes:
Royal Medal 1838 and 1850; Copley Medal 1862
Bakerian 1850 and 1854
Bulloch's Roll; DNB; DSB
Proc Roy Soc 1869-1870 vol 18 pp xvii-xxvi signed by R A S
Sir John Craig, 'The Royal Society and the Royal Mint' in NR 1964 vol 19 pp 156-167
J S Rowlinson, 'The work of Thomas Andrews and James Thomson on the liquefaction of gases' in NR 2003 vol 57 pp 143-159
DSB gives birth date as 21 December 1805. Boase and DSB give death date as 16 September 1869.
Virtual International Authority File
Royal Society codeNA6374
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
MS/426/275Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to T [Thomas] Graham Esq26 April 1847
IM/001731Graham, Thomasnd
MM/19/72Copy of a letter from Thomas Graham to John Stenhouse8 April 1861
MS/743/1/1Letter from Thomas Graham, University College, to John Gladstone, Stockwell Lodge2 January 1846
MS/743/1/7Letter from Thomas Graham, 4 Gordon Square, to John Hall Gladstone21 April 1853
MS/743/1/39Letter from Thomas Graham, Royal Mint, to John Hall Gladstone7 January 1860
MS/743/1/65Letter from Thomas Graham, 4 Gordon Square, to John Hall Gladstone11 February 1864
MS/743/1/175Letter from Thomas Graham, 4 Gordon Square, to John Hall Gladstone2 November [no year]
MS/743/1/18Letter from Thomas Graham to John Hall Gladstone18 December 1856
IM/001733Graham, Thomasnd
RR/4/118Referee's report by William Allen Miller, on a paper 'On liquid transpiration in relation to chemical composition' by Thomas Graham23 September 1861
RR/2/77Referee's report by William Allen Miller, on the Bakerian Lecture 'On osmotic force' by Thomas Graham13 September 1854
RR/4/23Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on a paper 'On the atomic weight of graphite' by Benjamin Collins Brodie30 May 1859
RR/2/122Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on a paper 'On the acidity, sweetness, and strength of wine, beer and spirits' by Henry Bence Jones7 February 1854
RR/5/76Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on a paper 'On the composition of sea-water in the different parts of the ocean' by Georg ForchhammerOctober 1864
RR/4/9Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on a paper 'On spontaneous evaporation' by Charles Cardale Babington2 July 1859
RR/6/15Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on the Bakerian Lecture 'On the continuity of the gaseous and liquid states of matter' by Thomas Andrews19 July 1869
RR/1/176Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on a paper 'On the respiration of the leaves of plants' by William Hasledine Pepys10 October 1843
RR/1/184Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on a paper 'Researches on the chemical equivalents of certain bodies' by Richard Phillips[1839]
RR/3/66Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on an unnamed paper by Frederick Crace Calvert29 March 1858
PT/49/1/3Plate, figures 2-3 showing construction of membrane osmometer by Thomas Graham[1854]
RR/6/112Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on a paper 'On the specific heat and other physical properties of aqueous mixtures and solutions' by August Dupré and Frederick James M Page22 March 1869
RR/2/76Referee's report by Benjamin Collins Brodie, on a paper [attributed] 'Supplementary observations on the diffusion of liquids' by Thomas Graham17 June [no year given]
PT/37/1/1Manuscript, 'On the diffusion of liquids' by Thomas Graham[1849]
RR/4/119Referee's report by William Allen Miller, on a paper 'Liquid diffusion applied to analysis' by Thomas Graham2 July 1861
RR/4/117Referee's report by Benjamin Collins Brodie, on a paper 'On liquid transpiration in relation to chemical composition' by Thomas Graham15 September 1861
RR/3/294Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on a paper 'On the existence of multiple proportion in the quantities of heat produced by the chemical combination of oxygen and other bodies' by Thomas Woods7 February 1856
RR/6/138Referee's report by James Clerk Maxwell, on a paper 'On the absorption and dialytic separation of gases by colloid septa' by Thomas Graham17 July 1866
PT/31/8Paper, 'On the motion of gases' by Thomas Graham[1846]
RR/1/82Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on a paper 'On some electro-nitrogurets' by William Robert Grove7 March 1841
MS/426/465Note of letters from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Rosse [William Parsons], Prof [Thomas] Graham, Capt [William Henry] Smyth7 May 1852
MS/426/434Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to W Wyon Esq19 November 1850
MS/426/431Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to on C B [Charles Beaumont] Phipps15 November 1850
MS/426/494Note of a letter from [the Secretaries of] the Royal Society; to the Earl of Aberdeen [George Hamilton-Gordon][30 November 1853]
IM/001734Graham, Thomasnd
EC/1836/25Graham, Thomas: certificate of election to the Royal Society
MM/19/70Copy of a letter from Thomas Graham to John Stenhouse13 March 1861
IM/Maull/001732Graham, Thomasnd
MC/23/140Letter from Charles [Edward] Fawsitt, The University, Glasgow, to the Secretary, Royal Society27 November 1908
IM/001736Graham, Thomasnd
RR/5/130Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on a paper 'On the rate of passage of crystalloids into and out of the vascular and non-vascular textures of the body' by Henry Bence Jones25 June 1865
RR/6/109Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on a paper 'The specific heat of mixtures of alcohol and water' by August Dupré and Frederick James M Page19 May 1868
RR/6/137Referee's report by William Allen Miller, on a paper 'On the absorption and dialytic separation of gases by colloid septa' by Thomas Graham4 July 1866
RR/3/108Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on a paper 'Researches on organo-metallic bodies' by Edward Frankland21 April 1855
RR/5/138Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on a paper 'On a colloid acid, a normal constituent of human urine' by William Marcet30 June 1864
IM/001735Graham, Thomasnd
P/0053Portrait of Graham, Thomas
PT/63/10Paper, 'Liquid diffusion applied to analysis' by Thomas Graham[1861]
PT/29/7Paper, 'An account of the artificial formation of a vegeto-alkali' by Geo [George] Fownes9 January 1845
RR/1/220Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on a paper 'On the ashes of wheat' by William Sharp5 June 1845
PT/31/1Paper, 'Contributions to the chemistry of the urine. Pt [Part] II. On the variations in the alkaline and earthy phosphates in disease' by Henry Bence Jones[1846]
PT/34/4/1Manuscript, 'Examination of the proximate principles of some of the lichens' by John Stenhouse25 January 1848
PT/42/7Paper, 'Additional observations on the diffusion of liquids' by Thomas Graham[1851]
PT/34/4/2Plate, figures 1-2 showing the structure of pseudo-orcin by John Stenhouse25 January 1848
PT/37/1Paper, 'On the diffusion of liquids' by Thomas Graham[1849]
RR/1/80Referee's report by William Hasledine Pepys, on a paper 'Researches on the arseriates, phosphates, and modifications of phosphoric acid' by Thomas Graham[1833]
PT/37/1/2Plate, two glass bottles with joined mouths by Thomas Graham[1849]
PT/36/2Paper, 'On the motion of gases, part II' by Thomas Graham[1849]
RR/4/151Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on a paper 'On the relation between boiling-point and composition organic compounds' by Hermann Kopp16 June 1860
PT/37/1/3Plate, vial of saline in glass jar by Thomas Graham[1849]
PT/37/1/4Plate, vial and brass plate with descending pin by Thomas Graham[1849]
PT/49/1/4Plate, osmometer in glass jar of distilled water by Thomas Graham[1854]
PT/63/10/2Plate, hoop dialyser by unknown artist[1861]
PT/49/1/1Manuscript, 'The Bakerian Lecture. On osmotic force' by Thomas Graham[1854]
PT/49/1Paper, 'The Bakerian Lecture. On osmotic force' by Thomas Graham[1854]
RR/2/104Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on a paper 'Researches into the molecular constitution of the organic bases' by August Wilhelm von Hofmann16 April 1851
RR/3/140Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on a paper 'Researches on the phosphorus-bases' by August Wilhelm von Hofmann and Auguste Cahours7 July 1857
PT/63/19/2Plate, glass bulb on thick glass tube by [Thomas Graham][1861]
PT/63/19Paper, 'On liquid transpiration in relation to chemical composition' by Thomas Graham[1861]
PT/63/19/1Manuscript, 'On liquid transpiration in relation to chemical composition' by Thomas Graham[1861]
PT/63/10/3Plate, bulb dialyser by unknown artist[1861]
PT/63/10/1Manuscript, 'Liquid diffusion applied to analysis' by Thomas Graham[1861]
RR/5/84Referee's report by Alexander William Williamson, on a paper 'On the molecular mobility of gases' by Thomas Graham29 July 1863
PT/69/2Paper, 'On the molecular mobility of gases' by Thomas Graham[1863]
RR/5/83Referee's report by William Allen Miller, on a paper 'On the molecular mobility of gases' by Thomas Graham10 July 1863
RR/5/133Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on a paper 'Investigations of the specific heat of solid and liquid bodies' by Hermann Kopp7 June 1864
PT/49/1/2Plate, earthenware osmometer by Thomas Graham[1854]
MC/4/365Letter from C B [Charles Beaumont] Phipps, Windsor Castle, to C R [Charles Richard] Weld, [Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society]18 November 1850
MC/4Volume 4 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1844-1850
MS/426/464Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Mr [Thomas] Graham20 April 1852
MC/5/41Letter from Tho [Thomas] Graham, A W [August Wilhelm von] Hofmann, Wm [William] Allen Miller, London, to the [Earl of Rosse] President of the Royal Society and to the Council22 April 1852
MC/5/40Letter from Tho [Thomas] Graham, London, to Thomas Bell, Secretary of the Royal Society22 April 1852
PT/34/4Paper, 'Examination of the proximate principles of some of the lichens' by John Stenhouse25 January 1848
MC/5Volume 5 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1851-1858
MC/6Volume 6 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1859-1863
MC/8/365Letter from Tho [Thomas] Graham, Royal Mint, to Dr [William] Sharpey, [Secretary of the Royal Society]10 May 1869
AP/27/27Unpublished letter, 'An account of compact aluminum [aluminium]' from Friedrich Wöhler to Thomas Graham1845
RR/3/128Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on a paper 'On the condition of the oxygen absorbed into the blood during respiration' by George Harley5 May 1856
AP/39/22Paper, 'On the serpentines of Canada and their associated rocks' by Thomas Sterry Hunt1857
AP/39/27Paper, 'On the part which the silicates of the alkalies may play in the metamorphism of rocks' by Thomas Sterry Hunt1857
AP/40/19Paper, 'On the probable origin of some magnesian rocks' by T [Thomas] Sterry Hunt1857
RR/1/231Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on a paper 'Examination of the proximate principles of some of the lichens' by John Stenhouse19 February 1848
MC/8Volume 8 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1867-1869
RR/1/79Referee's report by William Hasledine Pepys, on a paper 'Inquiries respecting the constitution of salts. Of oxalates, nitrates, phosphates, sulphates and chlorides' by Thomas Graham[1837]
RR/5/85Referee's report by George Gabriel Stokes, on a paper 'On the molecular mobility of gases' by Thomas Graham[1863]
RR/1/47Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on a paper 'Memoir on the rotation of crops, and on the quantity of inorganic matters abstracted from the soil by various plants under different circumstances' by Charles Giles Bridle Daubeny5 June 1845
RR/1/180Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on a paper 'On the application of the conversion of chlorates and nitrates into chlorides, and of chlorides into nitrates, to the determination of several equivalent numbers' by Frederick Penny21 February 1839
RR/1/222Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on a paper 'On the production of ozone by chemical means. By Professor Shoenbein, in a letter to Michael Faraday, Esq., D. C. L., F. R. S.' by C F Schoenbein27 October 1846
RR/2/9Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on a paper 'On the action of nitric acid on various vegetables, with a more particular examination of spartium scoparium, linn., or common broom' by John Stenhouse28 December 1850
RR/2/78Referee's report by William Hallowes Miller, on the Bakerian Lecture 'On osmotic force' by Thomas Graham11 October 1854
RR/3/293Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on a paper 'On the existence of multiple proportion in the quantities of heat, or equivalent alteration of internal space of bodies, caused by definite changes of state as produced by chemical combination or otherwise' by Thomas Woods[1856]
MC/23Volume 23 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1908
MC/28/19Letter from [William Maddock] Bayliss, Institute of Physiology, University College, Gower Street, London, W.C, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]3 February 1913
HS/8/230Letter, from Thomas Graham to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Mint27 April 1865
HS/8/228Letter, from Thomas Graham to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Mint30 November 1859
HS/8/229Letter, from Thomas Graham to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Mint30 November 1863
HS/8/232Letter, from Thomas Graham to Sir John Herschel, dated at Athenaeum22 May 1845
HS/8/231Letter, from Thomas Graham to Sir John Herschel, dated at Great Malvern19 August 1869
HS/8/227Letter, from Thomas Graham to Sir John Herschel, dated at 4 Gordon Square12 December 1848
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