
Authorised form of nameBrunton; Sir; Thomas Lauder (1844 - 1916)
Dates1844 - 1916
Place of birthHiltonshill, Roxburghshire, Scotland
Date of birth14 March 1844
Place of deathDe Walden Court, London
Date of death16/12/1916
Research fieldPhysiology
Edinburgh University. MB (1866), MD (1868), ScD (Edinb)
Assistant Physician, St Bartholomew's Hospital, London; Lecturer in Materia medica, St Bartholomew's Hospital; on the Chloroform Commission, Hyderabad (1889); Physician, St Bartholomew's Hospital (1897); retired (1904)
Kt 1900; Bt 1909
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election04/06/1874
Royal Society activityRoyal Society roles:
VP 1905-1906
RelationshipsSon of James Brunton and his wife Agnes Stenhouse; married Louisa Jane Stopford
Bulloch's Roll; DSB
Proc Roy Soc Series B 1915-1917 vol 89 pp xliv-xlviii, plate, signed by C A
DSB gives date of death as 16 September 1916; birthplace from 'The Times', 14 March 2001
Virtual International Authority File
Royal Society codeNA6432
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
MM/16/68Letter from TL Brunton, Stratford Place, Archibald Geikie4 October 1906
IM/Maull/000627Brunton, Sir Thomas Laudernd
NLB/19/833Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Messrs Harrison & Sons4 January 1900
IM/Maull/000628Brunton, Sir Thomas Laudernd
NLB/38/767Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society3 November 1908
RR/7/439Referee's report by Arthur Gamgee, on a paper 'On the physiological action of the bark of Erythrophleum guinense, generally called casca, cassa, or sassy bark' by Thomas Lauder Brunton and Walter Pye22 July 1876
NLB/7/852Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society9 May 1893
NLB/4/162Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Thomas Lauder Brunton28 February 1890
NLB/2/855Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr [Thomas Lauder] Brunton, [Fellow of the Royal Society]26 November 1888
NLB/2/1042Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society8 February 1889
NLB/4/544Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society5 July 1890
AP/66/22/1Unpublished manuscript, 'A new theory of colour blindness and colour perception' by F W [Frederick William] Edridge-Green 1890
NLB/6/957Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Thomas Launder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society26 September 1892
NLB/5/459Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Mr Collings, 172 Strand15 June 1891
NLB/8/636Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society30 November 1893
NLB/5/1104Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Messrs Harrison & Sons, 45 St Martin's Lane5 January 1892
NLB/10/40Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Dr Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society13 September 1894
NLB/10/635Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society10 January 1895
NLB/10/630Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society 8 January 1895
NLB/10/634Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Messrs Harrison & Sons10 January 1895
NLB/10/708Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society23 January 1895
NLB/9/66Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society20 March 1894
NLB/11/91Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society19 April 1895
NLB/9/919Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society27 July 1894
NLB/12/138Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society16 December 1895
NLB/16/301Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr T Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society11 March 1898
NLB/13/133Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Dr Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman of Board G19 June 1896
NLB/14/462Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Dr Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society4 March 1894
NLB/12/82Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society6 December 1895
NLB/14/143Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr Thomas Lauder Brunton; William Davidson Niven; Professor M Ward; Admiral William James Wharton, Fellows of the Royal Society12 January 1897
RR/15/183Referee's report by Thomas Lauder Brunton, on a paper 'The nature & origin of the poison of lotus arabicus' by Wyndham Rowland Dunstan and T A HenryJuly 1901
NLB/14/762Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society 11 May 1897
NLB/14/759Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir John Evans, Treasurer, Royal Society11 May 1897
NLB/14/777Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Alfred Beit, 26 Park Lane, W. 14 May 1897
RR/16/169Referee's report by Thomas Lauder Brunton, on a paper 'The action of the venom of Bungarus coeruleus (the common krait)' by Major R H Elliot, W C Sillar and G S CarmichaelJune 1904
RR/16/168Referee's report by Thomas Lauder Brunton, on a paper 'A contribution to the study of the action of Indian Cobra poison' by Major R H ElliotFebruary 1904
RR/16/180Referee's report by Thomas Lauder Brunton, on a paper by 'Contributions to the study of the action of sea-snake venoms' Thomas Richard Fraser and Major R H ElliotJune 1904
NLB/15/319Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Dr Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society6 August 1897
NLB/15/74Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Dr Thomas Lauder Brunton, [Fellow of the Royal Society]18 June 1907
NLB/15/336Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Dr Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society12 August 1897
NLB/22/536Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir [Thomas] Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society31 May 1901
NLB/20/637Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society7 June 1900
NLB/21/422Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Sir Thomas Lauder Brunton, [Fellow of the Royal Society]16 November 1900
NLB/22/786Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir [Thomas] Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society18 July 1901
NLB/26/702Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to, Sir Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society14 May 1903
NLB/26/252Copy letter from Theodore E James to, Sir Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society17 February 1903
NLB/26/626Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to, Sir [Thomas] Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society1 May 1903
NLB/33/510Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Sir Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society19 September 1906
NLB/33/517Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Sir Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society19 September 1906
NLB/31/875Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society28 November 1905
NLB/33/427Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society29 August 1906
NLB/33/500Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Sir Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society14 September 1906
NLB/33/620Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society10 October 1906
NLB/33/448Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Sir Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society, Cushenden House, County Antrim3 September 1906
NLB/34/316Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society3 January 1907
NLB/39/173Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Sir [Thomas] Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society4 December 1908
NLB/39/338Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Unknown Recipient 6 January 1909
NLB/36/733Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society9 December 1907
NLB/37/339Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Sir Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society4 March 1908
NLB/37/479Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Sir T Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society 25 March 1908
NLB/40/201Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Sir T [Thomas] Lauder Brunton Bart FRS 1 May 1909
NLB/39/634Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Sir T Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society18 February 1909
NLB/39/313Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Sir T Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society1 January 1909
NLB/39/306Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Sir W [William] H [Henry] Power, Fellow of the Royal Society23 December 1908
MC/23/205Letter from [William Dobinson] Halliburton, Church Cottage, 17 Marylebone Road, NW, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [The Royal Society]5 January 1908
NLB/40/245Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Sir T [Thomas] Lauder Brunton Bart FRS 6 May 1909
NLB/40/225Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Sir T [Thomas] Lauder Brunton, Bart FRS 4 May 1909
NLB/40/280Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Sir T [Thomas] Lauder Brunton, Bart FRS18 May 1909
NLB/40/349Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Sir T [Thomas] Lauder Brunton Bart FRS 25 May 1909
MC/23/72Letter from [Thomas] Lauder Brunton, 10 Stratford Place, Cavendish Square, to [Robert] Harrison, [The Royal Society]23 November 1908
NLB/38/825Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society11 November 1908
NLB/40/80Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Sir [Thomas] Lauder Brunton, Bart FRS 2 April 1909
NLB/46/603Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir [Thomas] Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society, 10 Stratford Place, W.2 October 1912
NLB/46/739Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir [Thomas] Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society26 October 1912
NLB/46/693Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir [Thomas] Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society17 October 1912
NLB/33/866Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society[14 November 1906]
NLB/50/745Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir [Thomas] Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society27 October 1914
NLB/51/163Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society to Sir Thomas Lauder Brunton, Bart FRS22 December 1914
MS/929/1/28Letter from [Thomas] Lauder Brunton, FRS, De Walden Court, Cavendish Street, to James Mackenzie Davidson18 October 1915
RR/7/460Referee's report by Thomas Lauder Brunton, on a paper 'On the physiological action of vanadium' by John Priestley10 February 1876
NLB/53/546Copy letter from [Sir Joseph John] Thomson, President of the Royal Society and FRS; to Captain Sir [James] S. Lauder Brunton, Bt., 1 De Walden Court, New Cavendish Street, W. 25 October 1916
NLB/53/522Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Clifford Allbutt, K.C.B., FRS24 October 1916
RR/7/322Referee's report by Thomas Lauder Brunton, on a paper 'On the physiological action of the chinoline and pyridine bases' by John Gray McKendrick and James Dewar30 July 1874
RR/9/37Letter from Thomas Lauder Brunton, on a paper 'On the rhythm of the heart of the frog, and on the nature of the action of the vagus nerve' by Walter Holbrook Gaskell to the Secretary of the Royal Society27 March 1882
RR/9/165Referee's report by Thomas Lauder Bruton, on a paper 'Observations on the colouring-matters of the so-called bile of invertebrates, on those of the bile of vertebrates, and on some unusual urine pigments' by Charles A MacMunn1883
RR/9/35Referee's report by Thomas Lauder Brunton, on a paper 'On the rhythm of the heart of the frog, and on the nature of the action of the vagus nerve' by Walter Holbrook Gaskell1882
RR/9/116Referee's report by John Newport Langley, on a paper 'Contributions to our knowledge of the connexion between chemical constitution, physiological action, and antagonism' by Thomas Lauder Brunton and John Theodore Cash1883
RR/8/352Referee's report by Thomas Lauder Brunton, on a paper 'On the differences in the physiological effects produced by the poisonous of certain species of Indian venomous snakes' by A J Wall16 May 1881
RR/11/18Referee's report by William Rutherford, on a paper 'Contributions to the study of the connection between chemical constitution and physiological action.—Part II' by Thomas Lauder Brunton and John Theodore Cash27 March 1891
RR/10/245Referee's report by William Turner Thiselton-Dyer, on a paper 'The ferment-action of bacteria' by Thomas Lauder Brunton and A Macfadyen27 June 1889
AP/68/2/5Unpublished figures, section of a rabbit's liver by [Thomas] Lauder Brunton and [A] Sheridan Delépine1891-1892
RR/11/22Referee's report by Edward Emanuel Klein on a paper 'On some of the variations observed in the rabbit’s liver under certain physiological and pathological circumstances' by Thomas Lauder Brunton and Sheridan Delépine 16 January 1892
RR/12/311Referee's report by Thomas Lauder Brunton, on a paper 'An enquiry into the nature of the vesicating constituent of croton oil' by Wyndham Rowland Dunstan and Lucy Everest Boole16 October 1895
RR/12/14Referee's report by Thomas Lauder Brunton, on a paper 'Organic oximides.—A research on their pharmacology' by H W Pomfret17 June 1893
RR/11/20Letter from John Newport Langley, on a paper 'On some of the variations observed in the rabbit’s liver under certain physiological and pathological circumstances' by Thomas Lauder Brunton and Sheridan Delépine to Foster16 November 1891
RR/8/280Referee's report by Arthur Gamgee, on a paper 'On the action of alkali and acid on muscle in frog and rabbit' by Thomas Lauder Brunton and John Theodore CashNovember 1881
RR/18/134Referee's report by Thomas Lauder Brunton, on a paper 'The action of the venom of Echis carinatus' by Thomas Richard Fraser and James A GunnFebruary 1911
RR/10/244Second referee's report by Edward Emanuel Klein, on a paper 'The ferment-action of bacteria' by Thomas Lauder Brunton and A Macfadyen4 May 1889
RR/9/120Letter from John Scott Burdon-Sanderson, on a paper 'Contributions to our knowledge of the connexion between chemical constitution, physiological action, and antagonism' by Thomas Lauder Brunton and John Theodore Cash to the Secretary of the Royal Society18 October 1883
RR/7/441Referee's report by John Scott Burdon-Sanderson, on a paper 'On the physiological action of the bark of Erythrophleum guinense, generally called casca, cassa, or sassy bark' by Thomas Lauder Brunton and Walter Pye27 November 1876
EC/1874/05Brunton, Sir Thomas Lauder: certificate of election to the Royal Society
NLB/16/53Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor T Clifford Allbutt, Fellow of the Royal Society21 January 1898
NLB/1/326Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Thomas Lauder Brunton21 December 1886
NLB/3/237Copy letter from Herbert Rix to Dr Thomas Lauder Brunton, [Fellow of the Royal Society]17 April 1889
NLB/3/619Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Michael Foster, Secretary, Royal Society25 July 1889
NLB/3/725Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Thomas Lauder Brunton, [Fellow of the Royal Society]25 September 1889
NLB/10/647Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society12 January 1895
NLB/33New Letter Book volume 33, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration13 June 1906-15 November 1906
MC/23/67Letter from [Thomas] Lauder Brunton, 10 Stratford Place, Cavendish Square, to [Robert] Harrison, [The Royal Society]5 March 1908
NLB/33/109Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir Thomas Lauder Brunton, Vice-President, Royal Society29 June 1906
NLB/39/21Copy letter from The Secretaries of the Royal Society to The Registrary of the University of Cambridge13 November 1908
RR/8/278Referee's report by Arthur Gamgee, on a paper 'On absorption of gas by the intestines and the action of carminatives upon it' by Thomas Lauder Brunton and John Theodore CashNovember 1881
RR/10/127Referee's report by Thomas Lauder Brunton, on a paper 'An investigation into the functions of the occipital and temporal lobes of the monkey's brain' by Sanger Brown and Edward Albert Sharpey-Schafer28 January 1888
MM/16/67Letter from TL Brunton, Stratford Place, Archibald Geikie30 October 1906
NLB/8/627Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society27 November 1893
RR/9/118Letter from John Scott Burdon-Sanderson, on a paper 'Contributions to our knowledge of the connexion between chemical constitution, physiological action, and antagonism' by Thomas Lauder Brunton and John Theodore Cash to the Secretary of the Royal Society4 October 1883
RR/8/279Referee's report by Arthur Gamgee, on a paper 'On the effect of electrical stimulation of the frog’s heart, and its modification by heat, cold, and the action of drugs' by Thomas Lauder Brunton and John Theodore CashNovember 1881
RR/11/19Referee's report by Arthur Sheridan Lea, on a paper 'Contributions to the study of the connection between chemical constitution and physiological action.—Part II' by Thomas Lauder Brunton and John Theodore Cash13 April 1891
MC/23/70Letter from [Thomas] Lauder Brunton, 10 Stratford Place, Cavendish Square, to [Robert] Harrison, [The Royal Society]4 November 1908
RR/8/277Referee's report by Arthur Gamgee, on a paper 'On the action of ammonia and its salts, and of hydrocyanic acid upon muscle and nerve' by Thomas Lauder Brunton and John Theodore Cash25 November 1881
MC/23/71Letter from [Thomas] Lauder Brunton, 10 Stratford Place, Cavendish Square, to [Robert] Harrison, Assistant Secretary, [The Royal Society]10 November 1908
MC/23/73Letter from [Thomas] Lauder Brunton, 10 Stratford Place, Cavendish Square, to [Robert] Harrison, [The Royal Society]8 March 1908
MC/23/69Letter from [Thomas] Lauder Brunton, 10 Stratford Place, Cavendish Square, to [Robert] Harrison, [The Royal Society]26 October 1908
MC/23/68Letter from [Thomas] Lauder Brunton, 10 Stratford Place, Cavendish Square, to [Robert] Harrison, [The Royal Society]8 June 1908
MC/23/74Letter from [Thomas] Lauder Brunton, 10 Stratford Place, Cavendish Square, to the Secretaries of The Royal Society23 December 1908
MC/21/82Letter from [Thomas] Lauder Brunton, 10 Stratford Place, to [Robert William Frederick] Harrison12 November 1906
AP/66/22Unpublished paper, 'A new theory of colour blindness and colour perception' by F W [Frederick William] Edridge-Green 1890
MC/15/90Letter from [Thomas] Lauder Brunton, to [Michael] Foster4 July 1890
AP/58/9Unpublished paper, 'Physiological action of the bark of Erythrophleum guinense' by T [Thomas] Lauder Brunton and Walter Pye1876
RR/7/440Referee's report by William Rutherford, on a paper 'On the physiological action of the bark of Erythrophleum guinense, generally called casca, cassa, or sassy bark' by Thomas Lauder Brunton and Walter Pye3 October 1876
AP/61/2Unpublished paper, 'The absorption of gas by the intestines and the action of carminatives upon it' by T [Thomas] Lauder Brunton and [John] Theodore Cash1881
AP/61/1/2Unpublished photographs, experimental results by Thomas Lauder Brunton and John Theodore Cash1881
RR/9/117Referee's report by John Scott Burdon-Sanderson, on a paper 'Contributions to our knowledge of the connexion between chemical constitution, physiological action, and antagonism' by Thomas Lauder Brunton and John Theodore Cash19 September 1883
AP/67/1Unpublished paper, 'Contribution to the study of the vertebrate liver' by [A] Sheridan Delépine1890
RR/11/126Referee's report by Edward Albert Sharpey-Schafer, on a paper 'On some of the variations observed in the rabbit’s liver under certain physiological and pathological circumstances' by Thomas Lauder Brunton and Sheridan Delepine15 February 1892
RR/11/21Referee's report by John Newport Langley, on a paper 'On some of the variations observed in the rabbit’s liver under certain physiological and pathological circumstances' by Thomas Lauder Brunton and Sheridan Delépine 16 November 1891
AP/68/2/3Unpublished photographs, sections of a rabbit's liver by [Thomas] Lauder Brunton and [A] Sheridan Delépine1891-1892
MC/23/66Letter from [Thomas] Lauder Brunton, 10 Stratford Place, Cavendish Square, to [Robert] Harrison, [The Royal Society]31 January 1908
PP/3/8Paper, 'Preliminary note on the action of calcium, barium, and potassium on muscle' by Thomas Lauder Brunton and [John] Theodore Cash1883
PP/3/35Paper, 'On the effect of electrical stimulation of the frog’s heart, and its modification by heat, cold, and the action of drugs' by Thomas Lauder Brunton and John Theodore Cash1883
PP/14/37Paper, 'The ferment-action of bacteria' by Thomas Lauder Brunton and A Macfadyen1889
PP/4/44Paper, 'An essay upon the action of a secretion obtained from the medicinal leech on the coagulation of the blood' by John B [Berry] Haycraft1884
PP/5/28Paper, 'Experiments to determine the origin of the respiratory sounds' by J F [John Follett] Bullar1884
PP/5/28/1Manuscript, 'Experiments to determine the origin of the respiratory sounds' by J F [John Follett] Bullar1884
PP/13/35Paper, 'Experiments on the nutritive value of wheat meal' by A [Alexander] Wynter Blyth1889
PP/6/39Paper, 'On the mydriasis produced by the local application of cocaine to the eye' by Walter H [Hamilton Hylton] Jessop1885
PP/10/31Paper, 'Action of caffein and theine upon voluntary muscle' by T [Thomas] Lauder Brunton and J [John] Theodore Cash1887
PP/10/32Paper, 'Contributions to our knowledge of the connexion between chemical constitution and physiological action. Preliminary communication on the action of certain aromatic bodies' by T [Thomas] Lauder Brunton and J [John] Theodore Cash1887
PP/13/18Paper, 'On the comparative action of hydroxylamine and nitrites upon blood-pressure' by Thomas Lauder Brunton and T Jessopp Bokenham1889
RR/9/119Letter from John Newport Langley, on a paper 'Contributions to our knowledge of the connexion between chemical constitution, physiological action, and antagonism' by Thomas Lauder Brunton and John Theodore Cash to the Secretary of the Royal Society6 October 1883
RR/10/243Referee's report by Edward Emanuel Klein, on a paper 'The ferment-action of bacteria' by Thomas Lauder Brunton and A Macfadyen12 April 1889
RR/9/5Referee's report by William Rutherford, on five papers 'On the effect of electrical stimulation of the frog’s heart, and its modification by cold, heat, and the action of drugs', 'On the action of alkaline and acid on muscle', 'On the action of ammonia and its salts, and of hydrocyanic acid upon muscle and nerve' and 'On absorption of gas by the intestines' [np] by Thomas Lauder Brunton and John Theodore Cash; 'The effects of certain modifying influences on the latent period of muscle contraction' by Gerald Francis Yeo and John Theodore Cash4 February 1882
PP/23/30Paper, 'Report on some of the changes produced on liver cells by the action of some organic and inorganic compounds' by Thomas Lauder Brunton and Sheridan Delépine1894
MC/16/258Letter from Cecil Dowson, 17 Whitehall Place, London, to [Thomas] Lauder Brunton8 November 1895
NLB/16/137Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr Foster [Fellow of the Royal Society]8 February 1898
MC/15Volume 15 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1889-1892
MC/16Volume 16 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1893-1896
AP/61/1/1Unpublished manuscript, 'On the action of ammonia and its salts and of hydrocyanic acid upon muscle and nerve' by T [Thomas] Lauder Brunton and [John] Theodore Cash1881
AP/68/2/1Unpublished manuscript, 'On some of the variations observed in the rabbit's liver under certain physiological and pathological circumstances' by [Thomas] Lauder Brunton and [A] Sheridan Delépine1891
AP/68/2/2Unpublished photographs, sections of a rabbit's liver and stomach by [Thomas] Lauder Brunton and [A] Sheridan Delépine1891-1892
AP/68/2Unpublished paper, 'On some of the variations observed in the rabbit's liver under certain physiological and pathological circumstances' by [Thomas] Lauder Brunton and [A] Sheridan Delépine1891-1892
AP/68/2/4Unpublished diagram, experimental apparatus by [Thomas] Lauder Brunton and [A] Sheridan Delépine1891-1892
AP/61/1Unpublished paper, 'On the action of ammonia and its salts and of hydrocyanic acid upon muscle and nerve' by T [Thomas] Lauder Brunton and [John] Theodore Cash1881
NLB/38/815Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society9 November 1908
NLB/39/181Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Sir T [Thomas] Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society8 December 1908
MC/23/206Letter from [William Dobinson] Halliburton, Church Cottage, 17 Marylebone Road, NW, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [The Royal Society]6 January 1908
MC/23/306Letter from [Silas] Weir Mitchell, Bar Harbor, Maine, to the Secretary of the Royal Society, London, England21 July 1908
MC/17Volume 17 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1897-1899
MC/23Volume 23 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1908
MC/25/192Letter from [William] Ramsay, 19 Chester Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]13 April 1910
MC/26/91Letter from [Alfred Francis] Bilderbeck Gomess, 33 Drayton Gardens, to the [Secretary], Royal Society of London2 December 1911
MC/21Volume 21 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1906
MC/21/78Letter from [Thomas] Lauder Brunton, 10 Stratford Place, to [Robert William Frederick] Harrison[1906]
MC/21/79Letter from [Thomas] Lauder Brunton, 10 Stratford Place, to [Robert William Frederick] Harrison16 June 1906
NLB/33/28Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir Thomas Lauder Brunton, [Fellow of the Royal Society], 10 Stratford Place, W18 June 1906
MC/21/80Letter from [Thomas] Lauder Brunton, 10 Stratford Place, to [Robert William Frederick] Harrison20 June 1906
NLB/33/78Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir Thomas Lauder Brunton, Vice-President, Royal Society27 June 1906
MC/29/31Letter from [Thomas] Lauder Brunton, 10 Stratford Place, Cavendish Square, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]23 November 1914
MC/18Volume 18 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1903
MC/22/40Letter from Thomas Lauder Brunton, 10 Stratford Place, Cavendish Square, to [Robert William Frederick] Harrison16 December 1907
MC/22Volume 22 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1907
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