
Authorised form of nameHull; Edward (1829 - 1917); geologist
Dates1829 - 1917
Place of birthAntrim, County Antrim, Ulster, Ireland
Date of birth21 May 1829
Place of death14 Stanley Gardens, Kensington, London, England
Date of death18/10/1917
Research fieldSurveying
Schools in Edgeworthstown, co. Longford and Lucan, co. Dublin; Trinity College, Dublin. BA
Joined Geological Survey of Great Britain under Sir Henry Thomas De la Beche (1796–1855) (1850); responsible for mapping the south Lancashire coalfield (1860-1867); improved his work under la Beche’s successor, Sir Roderick Impey Murchison (1792–1871) (FRS 1826) (1855); district surveyor of geological survey of Scotland under Archibald Geikie (1835–1924) (FRS 1865), when he mapped the Lanarkshire coalfield (1867); sent to Dublin to take charge of the Irish survey (1869); became Irish director (1869); supervised the preparation of the eighty-five sheets necessary to complete the survey's one-inch geological map of Ireland (1869-1890); visited Hungary (1873) and USA (1890) as a private consultant; led an expedition to the Wadi Araba on behalf of the Palestine Exploration Fund, with Horatio Herbert Kitchener as a member of his party (1883-4); professor of geology in the Royal College of Science for Ireland (1869–1890); retired from the survey (1890); left Dublin for London; died of bronchitis (1917).
Geological Survey of Ireland; worked in Wales and Lancashire; Geological Survey of Scotland (1867-1868); led expedition to survey parts of Arabia Petraea and Palestine (1883); Director, Irish branch of the Survey; retired (1891)
FGS (1855)
Royal Geological Society of Ireland (President 1873–5)
Murchison medal 1890
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election06/06/1867
Age at election38
ProposerThomas Henry Huxley; John Tyndall; Williamm Pengelly; Joseph Beete Jukes; Joseph Prestwich; Philip de Malpas Grey Egerton; Warington Wilkinson Smyth; Edward William Brayley
William Sanders; Andrew Crombie Ramsay; Charles Lyell; Henry William Bristow; James Prescott Joule; Robert Angus Smith; Frederick Crace Calvert; John Phillips; Archibald Geikie; Roderick Impey Murchison; Robert Hunt
RelationshipsParents: Revd John Dawson Hull (c.1801–1886).
Spouse: Mary Catherine Henrietta (d. 1901), daughter of Charles Turner Cooke of Cheltenham.
Children: Two sons and four daughters, one of whom was Eleanor Hull (1860–1935), historian and founder of the Irish Texts Society.
Published worksRCN 45319
RCN 45309
RCN 14678
RCN 45316
RCN 45321
RCN 45332
RCN 14679
RCN 45322
RCN 45323
RCN 45318
RCN 45311
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RCN 45314
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RCN 14677
RCN 45317
RCN 14680
RCN 45320

Hull E, IM Maull 002300.jpg

Bulloch's Roll
Proc Roy Soc Series B 1917-1919 vol 90 pp xxviii-xxxi, plate, signed by H W
Virtual International Authority File
Royal Society codeNA6845
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
MC/11/23Letter from Edward Hull, Geological Survey of Ireland, Office, 14 Hume Street, Dublin, to Walter White, [Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society]1 March 1877
IM/002299Hull, Edward2001
IM/Maull/002300Hull, Edwardnd
NLB/7/30Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Edward Hull, Fellow of the Royal Society14 November 1892
NLB/3/186Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Edward Hull, Fellow of the Royal Society5 April 1889
NLB/3/408Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Arthur Schuster, Fellow of the Royal Society3 June 1889
NLB/5/206Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Messrs Harrisons & Sons13 April 1891
RR/10/278Referee's report by Arthur Schuster, on a paper 'On a possible geological origin of terrestrial magnetism' by Edward Hullnd [1889]
NLB/6/354Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Edward Hull, Fellow of the Royal Society28 April 1892
NLB/7/800Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Edward Hull, Fellow of the Royal Society[April 1893]
AP/66/12/3Unpublished map, 'Map showing basaltic localities' by Edward Hull1889
NLB/15/691Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Edward Hull, Fellow of the Royal Society, 20 Arundel Gardens, W. 17 November 1897
NLB/16/625Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Hull, Fellow of the Royal Society9 May 1898
NLB/25/766Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Edward Hull, Fellow of the Royal Society22 December 1902
NLB/36/293Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Edward Hull, Stanley Gardens, Notting Hill8 October 1907
MC/32/146Letter from C.M Hull, 14 Stanley Gardens, London, W 11, to the [Assistant] Secretary, Royal Society24 October 1917
NLB/39/472Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor E [Edward] Hull, Fellow of the Royal Society25 January 1909
NLB/39/395Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor E [Edward] Hull, Fellow of the Royal Society15 January 1909
NLB/40/83Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor E [Edward] Hull FRS5 April 1909
NLB/40/404Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor E [Edward] Hull FRS 3 June 1909
NLB/50/649Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr Edward Hull, Fellow of the Royal Society1 October 1914
MC/30/96Letter from Edward Hull, 14 Stanley Gardens, Notting Hill, W, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]1 May 1915
NLB/51/583Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society to Professor Edward Hull FRS30 April 1915
NLB/54/861Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Messrs Harrison & Sons]22 October 1917
NLB/52/693Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor Edward Hull, FRS 15 February 1916
MC/32/147Letter from C.M Hull, 201 Ruskin Road, Crewe, to the Assistant Secretary, Royal Society, London, W8 November 1917
AP/52/6/3Map, 'Map of England and
Wales showing the distribution of the coalmeasures at the commencement of the Permian period' by Edward Hull and John Betts
AP/59/5/2Unpublished figure, 'Carboniferous beds of [County] Fermanagh [Ireland]' by Edward Hull1877
RR/7/104Referee's report by Andrew Crombie Ramsay, on a paper 'On the extension of the coal-fields beneath the newer formations of England; and the succession of physical changes whereby the coal-measures have been reduced to their present dimensions' by Edward Hull21 January 1871
AP/59/5/3Unpublished figure, 'Carboniferous [levies] of Kilkenny [Ireland]' by Edward Hull1877
AP/59/5/4Unpublished figure, 'Dark chert in upper limestone north of Newmarket, County Cork [Ireland]' by Edward Hull1877
RR/8/39Referee's report by Henry Clifton Sorby, on a paper 'On the nature and origin of the beds of chert in the upper carboniferous limestones of Ireland' by Edward Hull and E T Hardman29 June 1877
AP/66/12/2Unpublished appendix, regarding 'On a possible geological origin of terrestrial magnetism' by Edward Hull29 May 1889
RR/10/277Referee's report by Arthur William Rucker, on a paper 'On a possible geological origin of terrestrial magnetism' by Edward Hull9 May 1889
RR/11/175Referee's report by Archibald Geikie, on a paper 'On the earthquake shocks in the British Isles and France in August 1892' by Edward Hull18 October 1892
AP/52/6/2Map, 'Map of England and Wales showing supposed areas of the coal-measures as originally deposited' by Edward Hull and John Betts1870
AP/66/12/4Unpublished diagram, 'Diagram to illustrate the analogy between the phenomena of terrestrial magnetism and that of an artificial magnet' by Edward Hull1889
RR/8/38Second referee's report by Henry Clifton Sorby, on a paper 'On the nature and origin of the beds of chert in the upper carboniferous limestones of Ireland' by Edward Hull and E T Hardmannd [1877]
AP/69/2Unpublished paper, 'Observations on the earthquake shocks which occurred in the British Isles and France during the month of August 1892' by Edward Hull1892
EC/1867/10Hull, Edward: certificate of election to the Royal Society
AP/59/5Unpublished paper, 'On the beds of chert in the Carboniferous limestone of Ireland' by Edward Hull and E [Edward] T Hardman1877
MC/11/114Letter from Edward Hull, Geological Survey of Ireland, Office, 114 Hume-Street, Dublin, to Professor [George Gabriel] Stokes, [Secretary of the Royal Society]5 November 1877
AP/52/6Unpublished paper, 'On the extension of the coal-fields of England beneath the newer formations; and the successive physical changes whereby they have been reduced to their present dimensions' by Edward Hull1870
MC/11Volume 11 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1877-1879
AP/52/6/1Unpublished manuscript, 'On the extension of the coal-fields of England beneath the newer formations; and the successive physical changes whereby they have been reduced to their present dimensions' by Edward Hull1870
AP/52/6/4Map, 'Map of England and Wales showing the distribution of the coal-measures at the commencement of the Triassic period' by Edward Hull and John Betts1870
AP/59/5/1Unpublished manuscript, 'On the beds of chert in the Carboniferous limestone of Ireland' by Edward Hull and E T Hardman1877
AP/66/12/1Unpublished manuscript, 'On a possible geological origin of terrestrial magnetism' by Edward Hull1889
AP/66/12Unpublished paper, 'On a possible geological origin of terrestrial magnetism' by Edward Hull1889
PP/10/37Paper, 'Note on Dr G J Hinde’s paper "On beds of sponge-remains in the lower and upper greensand of the South of England"' by Edward Hull1887
RR/7/105Referee's report by Warington Wilkinson Smyth, on a paper 'On the extension of the coal-fields beneath the newer formations of England; and the succession of physical changes whereby the coal-measures have been reduced to their present dimensions' by Edward Hull15 February 1871
RR/7/106Referee's report by Robert Alfred Cloyne Godwin-Austen, on a paper 'On the extension of the coal-fields beneath the newer formations of England; and the succession of physical changes whereby the coal-measures have been reduced to their present dimensions' by Edward Hull27 February 1871
RR/7/107Letter from Edward Hull, on his paper 'On the extension of the coal-fields beneath the newer formations of England; and the succession of physical changes whereby the coal-measures have been reduced to their present dimensions' to the Secretary of the Royal Society4 March 1871
RR/8/37Referee's report by Peter Martin Duncan, on a paper 'On the nature and origin of the beds of chert in the upper carboniferous limestones of Ireland' by Edward Hull and E T Hardman30 May 1877
RR/19/71Referee's report by Augustus Edward Hough Love, on a paper 'On the effect of continental attraction in determining the levels of the surface of adjoining oceanic-waters' by Edward Hull26 November 1912
MC/15/306Letter from Edward Hull, Constitutional Club, Northumberland Avenue, 20 Arundel Gardens, to the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society5 October 1892
MC/15Volume 15 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1889-1892
NLB/39/239Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor E [Edward] Hull, Fellow of the Royal Society14 December 1908
MC/23/228Letter from Edward Hull, 14 Stanley Gardens, Notting Hill, London, to Robert Harrison, [Assistant] Secretary-Royal Society9 December 1908
NLB/42/77Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Professor E [Edward] Hull FRS22 March 1910
MC/25/114Letter from Edward Hull, 14 Stanley Gardens, Notting Hill, W, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]19 March 1910
MC/27/182Letter from Edward Hull, 14 Stanley Gardenms Notting Hill, W, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]12 October 1912
MC/28/154Letter from Edward Hull, 14 Stanley Gardens, Notting Hill, W, to [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]23 September 1913
MC/28/153Letter from Edward Hull, 14 Stanley Gardens, Notting Hill, W, to Professor Schuster, [Royal Society]30 January 1913
NLB/50/684Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor [Edward] Hull, Fellow of the Royal Society12 October 1914
MC/29/140Letter from Edward Hull, 14 Stanley Gardens, W, to [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]7 October 1914
NLB/50/660Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Edward Hull, Fellow of the Royal Society6 October 1914
MC/29/141Letter from Edward Hull, 14 Stanley Gardens, Notting Hill, W, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]3 October 1914
MC/30/95Letter from Edward Hull, 14 Stanley Gardens, Notting Hill, W, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]17 February 1915
MC/31/79Letter from Edward Hull, 14 Stanley Gardens, W, to the Secretary of the Royal Society12 February 1916
NLB/54/897Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to C. M. Hull Esquire; 14 Stanley Gardens, W.31 October 1917
MC/32/148Letter from Eleanor Hull, 14 Stanley Gardens, London, W11, to the President of the Royal Society, Burlington House28 October 1917
MC/32/275Letter from Henry Woodward, 13 Arundel Gardens, Notting Hill, W., to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]31 October 1917
MC/32/276Letter from Henry Woodward, 13 Arundel Gardens, Notting Hill, W., to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]13 November 1917
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