Reference number | Title | Date |
MC/4/201 | Letter from Robert Lee, 4 Saville Row, to the Royal Society | 20 December 1847 |
MC/4/94 | Letter from Robert Lee, 4 Saville Row, to the Royal Society | 6 November 1845 |
MC/4/192 | Letter from Robert Lee, 4 Saville Row, to the Royal Society | 15 November 1847 |
MC/4/108 | Letter from Robert Lee, 4 Saville Row, to the Royal Society | 12 December 1845 |
MS/426/441 | Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr R [Robert] Lee | 20 February 1851 |
MC/4/198 | Letter from Robert Lee, 4 Saville Row, to the Royal Society | 13 December 1847 |
RR/2/132 | Referee's report by James Paget, on a paper 'On the nerves which supply the muscular structure of the heart' by Robert Lee | 15 February 1854 |
RR/1/144 | Letter from Robert Lee, about the awarding of a Royal Medal | [c.1840] |
RR/1/148 | Referee's report by Richard Owen and William Lawrence, on a paper 'On the ganglia and nerves of the heart' by Robert Lee | 8 August 1847 |
RR/1/145 | Referees' report by John Bostock, on a paper 'On the anatomy and physiology of the decidua' by Robert Lee | 11 March 1842 |
RR/3/175 | Referee's report by William Clark, on a paper 'On the existence of the decidua around the ovum within the fallopian tube, in four cases of fallopian-tube conception, and on the absence of any trace of decidua in the cavity of the uterus in the same cases' by Robert Lee | 22 June 1857 |
RR/7/252 | Referee's report by John Whitaker Hulke, on a paper 'Observations on the functions of the ganglia which are formed in the posterior roots of the spinal nerves' by Robert Lee | 30 June 1873 |
RR/1/150 | Letter from Robert Lee, on the late award of the Royal Medal to the Secretary of the Royal Society | 2 April 1846 |
MC/4/126 | Letter from Robert Lee, 4 Saville Row, to the Royal Society | 18 February 1846 |
MS/426/137 | Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to S H [Samuel Hunter] Christie Esq., Woolwich | 13 June 1845 |
MS/426/319 | Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr R [Robert] Lee | 28 March 1848 |
MS/426/318 | Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr R [Robert] Lee | 10 March 1848 |
MS/426/178 | Copy letter from S H [Samuel Hunter] Christie, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr [Robert] Lee, Woolwich | 30 December 1845 |
MS/426/348 | Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr R [Robert] Lee | 22 November 1848 |
MS/426/197 | Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr [Robert] Lee | 21 April 1846 |
MS/426/298 | Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr [Robert] Lee | 12 November 1847 |
MS/426/448 | Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr R [Robert] Lee | 23 May 1851 |
MS/426/308 | Copy letter from S H [Samuel Hunter] Christie, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr [Robert] Lee | 20 January 1848 |
RR/1/146 | Referee's report by unknown referee, on a paper 'On the ganglia and nerves of the virgin uterus' by Robert Lee | [1843] |
MS/426/304 | Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr [Robert] Lee | 18 December 1847 |
MS/426/151 | Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society' to Sir B C [Benjamin Collins] Brodie, Bart | 27 October 1845 |
MS/426/314 | Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr R [Robert] Lee | 3 March 1848 |
EC/1830/17 | Lee, Robert: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
MC/5/11 | Letter from Robert Lee, 4 Saville Row, Burlington Gardens, to the [Earl of Rosse], President of the Royal Society and to the Council | 19 March 1851 |
MC/4/116 | Letter from Robert Lee, 4 Saville Row, to the Royal Society | 24 December 1845 |
MS/426/54 | Copy letter from [Peter Mark] Roget, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Robert] Lee, FRS, 14 Golden Square | 12 May 1842 |
RR/2/133 | Second referee's report by James Paget, on a paper 'On the nerves which supply the muscular structure of the heart' by Robert Lee | 30 March 1854 |
RR/5/135 | Referee's report by Jacob Augustus Lockhart Clarke, on a paper 'A description of the pneumogastric and great sympathetic nerves in an acephalous foetus' by Robert Lee | 6 February 1864 |
MC/4/118 | Letter from Samuel Hunter Christie, The Common, Woolwich, to Charles Richard Weld, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society | 30 December 1845 |
PT/20/1 | Paper, 'On the structure of the human placenta and its connexion with the uterus' by Robert Lee | 20 October 1831 |
PT/25/11 | Paper, 'On the nervous ganglia of the uterus' by Robert Lee | [1841] |
PT/20/2 | Letter, on demonstrating vascular communication between uterus and placenta from Richd [Richard] Owen to Robert Lee | 17 November 1831 |
PT/35/2i | Paper, 'Postcript [sic] to a paper "On the ganglia and nerves of the heart" with two drawings' by Robert Lee | 21 December 1848 |
PT/26/10 | Paper, 'An appendix to a paper on the nervous ganglia of the uterus, with a further account of the nervous structures of that organ' by Robert Lee | [1842] |
PT/30/14 | Paper, 'Supplement to a paper "On the nervous ganglia of the uterus"' by Robert Lee | [1845] |
RR/1/141 | Referee's report by William Lawrence, on a paper 'Supplement to a paper “on the nervous ganglia of the uterus.”' by Robert Lee | 5 June 1846 |
MC/2 | Volume 2 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1832-1838 |
MC/2/69 | Letter from Robert Lee, Golden Square, to the Royal Society | 13 January 1833 |
MC/2/105 | Letter from J.F. Palmer, 38 Golden Square, to [Benjamin Collins] Brodie | 16 December 1833 |
PT/35/2 | Paper, 'On the ganglia and nerves of the heart' by Robert Lee | [1848] |
MC/3 | Volume 3 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1839-1843 |
MC/3/196 | Letter from Robert Lee, Somerset House, to the [Marquis of Northampton] President of the Royal Society and to the Council | 6 December 1841 |
MC/3/247 | Letter from Robert Lee, Somerset House, to Dr. [Peter Mark] Roget, Secretary of the Royal Society | 17 November 1842 |
MS/426/173 | Copy letter from S H [Samuel Hunter] Christie, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr Robert Lee | 16 December 1845 |
MS/426/156 | Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to S H [Samuel Hunter] Christie, Secretary of the Royal Society | 1 November 1845 |
MC/4/112 | Letter from Samuel Hunter Christie, [Secretary of the Royal Society] The Common, Woolwich, to Charles Richard Weld, [Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society] | 16 December 1845 |
MC/4/109 | Letter from Robert Lee, 4 Saville Row, to the Royal Society | 15 December 1845 |
MC/4/125 | Letter from Samuel Hunter Christie, The Common, Woolwich, to Charles Richard Weld, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society | 7 February 1846 |
MS/426/184 | Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Robert] Lee | 10 February 1846 |
MS/426/185 | Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Robert] Lee | 18 February 1846 |
MS/426/186 | Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Robert] Lee | 18 February 1846 |
MC/4/102 | Letter from Robert Lee, 4 Saville Row, to the [Marquis of Northampton] President of the Royal Society and to the Council | 1 December 1845 |
PT/73/15/1 | Painting, uterine surface of the placenta by Joseph Perry | 8 February 1832 |
MC/4/242 | Letter from Robert Lee, 4 Saville Row, to the Royal Society | 22 June 1848 |
MC/4/310 | Letter from Robert Lee, 4 Saville Row, to the [Earl of Rosse] President of the Royal Society and to the Council | 17 December 1849 |
MC/5/4 | Letter from Robert Lee, 4 Saville Row, Burlington Gardens, to the [Earl of Rosse] President of the Royal Society and to the Council | 19 February 1851 |
MC/5/12 | Letter from Robert Lee, 4 Saville Row, Burlington Gardens, to the Royal Society | 28 April 1851 |
MC/4 | Volume 4 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1844-1850 |
MC/5 | Volume 5 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1851-1858 |
RR/1/149 | Referee's report by Richard Owen and William Lawrence, on a paper 'On the ganglia and nerves of the heart' by Robert Lee | 13 October 1848 |
MC/7/377 | Letter from R [Robert] Lee, the Royal Society, Burlington House, to the Secretary of the Royal Society | 19 November 1866 |
MC/7 | Volume 7 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1864-1866 |
RR/5/136 | Referee's report by William Scovell Savory, on a paper 'A description of the pneumogastric and great sympathetic nerves in an acephalous foetus' by Robert Lee | February 1864 |
AP/44/7 | Unpublished paper, 'On the nerves of the liver, biliary ducts and gall bladder' by Robert Lee | 1862 |
AP/28/20 | Unpublished paper, 'On some peculiarities of foetal digestion' by George Robinson | June 1846 |
AP/28/14 | Unpublished letter, 'Microscopic examination of the uterine nerves' from John Dalrymple to Dr [Robert] Lee | 10 February 1846 |
AP/25/19 | Unpublished paper, 'Paper on the anatomy and physiology of the decidua' by Robert Lee | 1841 |
AP/30/11 | Unpublished paper, 'Ganglia and nerves of the virgin uterus' by Robert Lee | 1846 |
AP/29/10 | Unpublished paper, 'On the nervous system of the heart' by Robert Lee | April 1847 |
AP/28/13 | Unpublished paper, 'Further research on the nervous system of the uterus' by Robert Lee | February 1846 |
AP/30/9 | Paper, 'On the ganglia and nerves of the heart' by Robert Lee | May 1848 |
AP/30/10 | Appendix, 'Supplement to a paper on the nervous system of the heart' by Robert Lee | 20 April 1848 |
AP/19/16/1 | Unpublished manuscript, 'On the ova of woman and the mammiferous animals as they exist in the ovaries before impregnation, and on the discovery in them of a vesicle, analogous to that described by Professor Purkinje in the immature egg of the bird' by Thomas Wharton Jones | 1835 |
RR/3/176 | Referee's report by Arthur Farre, on a paper 'On the existence of the decidua around the ovum within the fallopian tube, in four cases of fallopian-tube conception, and on the absence of any trace of decidua in the cavity of the uterus in the same cases' by Robert Lee | 4 July 1857 |
RR/3/177 | Letter from Robert Lee, on his paper 'On the existence of the decidua around the ovum within the fallopian tube, in four cases of fallopian-tube conception, and on the absence of any trace of decidua in the cavity of the uterus in the same cases' to The Royal Society | 12 December 1857 |
RR/3/178 | Referee's report by Richard Owen, on a paper 'On the existence of the decidua around the ovum within the fallopian tube, in four cases of fallopian-tube conception, and on the absence of any trace of decidua in the cavity of the uterus in the same cases' by Robert Lee | 12 August 1857 |
AP/39/37 | Unpublished paper, 'On the existence of the decidua around the ovum within the fallopian tube, in four cases of fallopian-tube conception, and on the absence of any trace of decidua in the cavity of the uterus in the same cases' by Robert Lee | 1857 |
AP/45/7 | Unpublished paper, 'A description of the pneumogastric and great sympathetic nerves in an acephalous foetus' by Robert James Lee | 1863 |
AP/55/11 | Unpublished paper, 'Observations on the functions of the ganglia which are formed on the posterior roots of the spinal nerves' by Robert Lee | 18 June 1873 |
AP/34/13 | Unpublished paper, 'On the nerves which supply the muscular structure of the heart' by Robert Lee | 1853 |
AP/80/3 | Unpublished paper, 'On the functions of the foetal liver and intestines' by Robert James Lee | 1864 |
RR/1/140 | Letter from Robert Lee, on his paper 'Supplement to a paper “On the nervous ganglia of the uterus.”' | 2 June 1846 |
AP/19/16 | Unpublished paper, 'On the ova of woman and the mammiferous animals as they exist in the ovaries before impregnation, and on the discovery in them of a vesicle, analogous to that described by Professor Purkinje in the immature egg of the bird' by Thomas Wharton Jones | 1835 |
RR/1/139 | Referee's report by William Bowman, on a paper 'Supplement to a paper “On the nervous ganglia of the uterus.”' by Robert Lee | 3 June 1846 |
RR/1/142 | Referee's report by Richard Partridge, on a paper 'On the ganglia and nerves of the virgin uterus' by Robert Lee | [1843] |
RR/1/147 | Referee's report by Benjamin Collins Brodie and Richard Partridge, on a paper 'On the ganglia and nerves of the virgin uterus' by Robert Lee | [1843] |
RR/2/134 | Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the nerves which supply the muscular structure of the heart' by Robert Lee | 7 April 1854 |
PT/73/15/2 | Painting, gravid uterus, placenta, and membranes by Joseph Perry | 2 August 1831 |