Reference number | Title | Date |
NLB/13/370 | Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Messrs Harrison & Sons | 5 July [August] 1896 |
IM/Maull/001806 | Grove, Sir William Robert | nd |
MDA/A/4/185 | Letter from Juliet Grove-Hills, Grayswood Copse, Haslemere, Surrey, to Sir Henry Dale | 30 November [1942] |
IM/Maull/001805 | Grove, Sir William Robert | nd |
RR/4/105 | Referee's report by William Robert Grove, on a paper 'On the stratifications in electrical discharges, as observed in torricellian and other vacua - second communication' by John Peter Gassiot | 7 February 1859 |
NLB/10/1031 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr William Sharp, Fellow of the Royal Society, Horton House, Rugby | 27 March 1895 |
RR/4/177 | Referee's report by William Robert Grove, on a paper 'On the electric conducting power of alloys' by Augutsus Matthiessen | 12 April 1860 |
RR/4/178 | Referee's report by William Robert Grove, on a paper 'On the specific gravity of alloys' by Augustus Matthiessen | 5 May 1860 |
MS/928/2/80 | Letter from William Robert Grove, 115 Harley Street, to Charles Vernon Boys | 26 June 1894 |
RR/3/199 | Referee's report by William Robert Grove, on a paper 'Electro-physiological researches. Physical and chemical phenomena of muscular contraction.— Tenth series. Part I' by Carlo Matteucci | 3 November 1856 |
RR/1/82 | Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on a paper 'On some electro-nitrogurets' by William Robert Grove | 7 March 1841 |
MS/426/494 | Note of a letter from [the Secretaries of] the Royal Society; to the Earl of Aberdeen [George Hamilton-Gordon] | [30 November 1853] |
MS/426/252 | Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Northampton [Spencer Joshua Alwyne Compton] President of the Royal Society | 29 January1847 |
EC/1840/32 | Grove, Sir William Robert: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
RR/1/109 | Referee's report by William Robert Grove, on an unnamed paper by Robert Hunt | [c. 1840] |
IM/001804 | Grove, Sir William Robert | nd |
P/0056 | Portrait of Grove, Sir William Robert | 1872 |
IM/001357 | Deputation to Michael Faraday | nd |
IM/001807 | Grove, Sir William Robert | nd |
PT/32/2 | Paper, 'Supplementary paper on certain phenomena of voltaic ignition and on the decomposition of water into its constituent gases by heat' by W R [William Robert] Grove | 10 November 1846 |
PT/35/3/3 | Plate, figure 2 showing bent tube of hydrogen and platinum wire by William Robert Grove | [1848] |
PT/35/3/2 | Plate, figure 1 showing apparatus for testing ignition of wire in atmospheres of various gases by William Robert Grove | [1848] |
PT/32/1/4 | Plate, perspective view of gas battery by William Robert Grove | 21 August 1846 |
PT/43/7 | Paper, 'On the electro chemical polarity of gases' by W R [William Robert] Grove | 27 December 1851 |
PT/29/13 | Paper, 'On the gas voltaic battery. Voltaic action of phosphorus, sulphur and hydrocarbons' by W R [William Robert] Grove | 30 May 1845 |
PT/27/8 | Paper, 'On the gas voltaic battery - Experiments made with a view of ascertaining the rationale of its action and its application to eudiometry' by William Robert Grove | [1843] |
PT/32/1/2 | Plate, figures 1-10 showing eudiometer apparatuses by William Robert Grove | 21 August 1846 |
PT/32/1/1 | Manuscript, 'On certain phenomena of voltaic ignition and the decomposition of water into its constituent gases by heat' by W R [William Robert] Grove | 21 August 1846 |
PT/32/1 | Paper, 'On certain phenomena of voltaic ignition and the decomposition of water into its constituent gases by heat' by W R [William Robert] Grove | 21 August 1846 |
PT/35/3 | Paper, 'On the effect of surrounding media on voltaic ignition' by W R [William Robert] Grove | [1848] |
PT/37/13 | Paper, 'Electro-physiological researches' by C [Carlo] Matteucci | June 1849 |
PT/35/3/4 | Plate, figure 3 showing iron cylinders in hydrogen tubes by William Robert Grove | [1848] |
PT/35/3/1 | Manuscript, 'On the effect of surrounding media on voltaic ignition' by W R [William Robert] Grove | [1848] |
RR/2/74 | Referee's report by William Robert Grove, on a paper 'Researches into the identity of the existences or forces, light, heat, electricity and magnetism' by John Goodman | October 1851 |
RR/4/107 | Referee's report by William Robert Grove, on a paper 'On the stratifications in electrical discharges, as observed in torricellian and other vacua - second communication' by John Peter Gassiot | 14 April 1859 |
PT/39/3 | Paper, 'Electro-physiological researches on induced contraction. 9th series' by Mr Ch [Carlo] Matteucci | 1 April 1850 |
MC/4/127 | Letter from Edward William Brayley, London Institution, Finsbury Circus, to [William Robert] Grove | 18 February 1846 |
MC/4 | Volume 4 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1844-1850 |
MS/426/530 | Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Wilson Esq | 28 October 1854 |
PT/32/1/3 | Plate, figures 1-5 showing arrangement of eudiometer and gas battery by William Robert Grove | 21 August 1846 |
MC/8/81 | Letter from Geo [George] Grant Francis, Cae Bailey, Swansea, to W R [William Robert] Grove | 12 September 1867 |
RR/1bis/24 | Referee's report by Michael Faraday, on a paper 'Experiments on the gas voltaic battery, with a view of ascertaining the rationale of its action, and on its application to eudiometry' by William Robert Grove | 29 May 1843 |
AP/25/8 | Unpublished paper, 'On some electro-nitrogurets' by W R [William Robert] Grove | 1841 |
RR/2/251 | Referee's report by William Robert Grove, on a paper 'On the vibrations and tones produced by the contact of bodies having different temperatures' by John Tyndall | 15 February 1854 |
RR/2/83 | Referee's report by Michael Faraday, on a paper 'On the electro-chemical polarity of gases' by William Robert Grove | 10 April 1852 |
RR/3/103 | Referee's report by William Robert Grove, on a paper 'Experimental researches in electricity - thirtieth series' by Michael Faraday | 11 December 1856 |
MC/8 | Volume 8 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1867-1869 |
RR/4/171 | Referee's report by William Robert Grove, on a paper 'Electro-physiological researches - Eleventh series. On the secondary electromotor power of nerves, and its application to the explanation of certain electrophysiological phenomena' by Carlo Matteucci | 26 June 1860 |
PP/14/24 | Paper, 'A new form of gas battery' by Ludwig Mond and Carl Langer | 1889 |
AP/32/11 | Unpublished paper, 'On the direct production of heat by magnetism' by W R [William Robert] Grove | 23 May 1849 |
MC/17 | Volume 17 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1897-1899 |
P/0147 | Deputation to Michael Faraday | c1857 |
HS/9/148 | Letter, from William Robert Grove to Sir John Herschel, dated at 4 Hare Court | 27 April 1847 |
HS/23/379 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to William Robert Grove | 1862 |
HS/22/314 | Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to William Robert Grove, dated at Collingwood | 22 April 1847 |