
Authorised form of nameBrunel; Isambard Kingdom (1806 - 1859)
Dates1806 - 1859
Place of birthPortsmouth, Hampshire, England
Date of birth09 April 1806
Place of deathGreat Eastern steamship
Date of death15 September 1859
Dates and placesBurial:
Kensal Green cemetery
OccupationCivil engineer
Designed Royal Albert Bridge, Saltash, Clifton Suspension Bridge, Great Western, Great Eastern and Great Britain steamships, Paddington Station, a hospital for Florence Nightingale, in the Crimea, Great Western Railway from Paddington to Bristol; died of a heart attack
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election10/06/1830
RelationshipsSon of Sir Marc Isambard Brunel (FRS 1814)
Bulloch's Roll; DNB; Guardian 2 (13/11/2000)
Proc Roy Soc 1859-1860 vol 10 pp vii-xi
Sir Alan Muir Wood, 'Self-Confident Engineer', review of Adrian Vaughan, Isambard Kingdom Brunel: Engineering Knight Errant in NR 1994 vol 48 pp 323-325
R A Buchanan, 'Science and Engineering: A Case Study in British Experience in the Mid-Nineteenth Century' in NR 1977-8 vol 32 pp 215-223
M V Wilkes, 'Charles Babbage and his world' in NR 2002 vol 56 pp 353-365
K K Schwarz, 'Faraday and Babbage' in NR 2002 vol 56 pp367-381
F C Moon, 'Robert Willis and Franz Reuleaux: pioneers in the theory of machines' in NR 2003 vol 57 pp 209-230
Royal Society codeNA7961
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
MS/710/21Letter from Isambard Kingdom Brunel, 18 Duke Street, Westminster, to Robert Were Fox, Falmouth 27 September 1855
IM/005442Brunel, Marc Isambardnd
EC/1830/34Brunel, Isambard Kingdom: certificate of election to the Royal Society
IM/000623Brunel, Isambard Kingdomnd
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