
Authorised form of nameHopkinson; John (1849 - 1898); electrical engineer
Dates1849 - 1898
Place of birthManchester, Lancashire, England
Date of birth27 July 1849
Place of deathPetite Dent de Veisivi, Val d'Herens, Switzerland, Europe
Date of death27 August 1898
Dates and placesBurial:
Territet, Switzerland, Europe
Occupationelectrical engineer
Research fieldElectricity
Trinity College, Cambridge. BA (1871, Senior Wrangler and 1st Smith's Prizeman), MA; DSc (London)
Entered his father’s work (1871); became manager and engineer in the lighthouse and optical department of Chance Brothers of Birmingham (1872); set up as a consulting engineer in London (1878); scientific adviser to the British Edison Company (1881-1883); appointed professor of electrical engineering and head of the Siemens Laboratory at King's College, London (1890); appointed by the Manchester corporation to advise on the electric lighting of the city, acting as consulting engineer (1891); consulting engineer to the corporations of Leeds, Liverpool, and St Helens to supervise their works for electric traction (1896); consulting engineer to the contractors for the electrical work on the City and South London Railway; electrical engineer for the Kirkstall and Roundhay tramway at Leeds (1896); he died, alond with his son John, and two of his daughters, Alice and Lina, while ascending the Petite Dent de Veisivi in the Val d'Herens, an offshoot from the Rhone valley (1849).
Institution of Civil Engineers (1877)
Institution of Electrical Engineers (President 1890 and 1896).
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election06/06/1878
Age at election29
ProposerPhilip Kelland
William Thomson
Fleeming Jenkin
John Hall Gladstone
William Kingdon Clifford
James Prescott Joule
Thomas Andrews
William Benjamin Carpenter
George Carey Foster
James Clerk Maxwell
Royal Society activityRoles: Council 1886-7; 1891-3)
Medals and prizes:
Royal Medal 1890
RelationshipsParents: John Hopkinson, mechanical engineer, and Alice, daughter of John Dewhurst of Skipton.
Brother: Sir Alfred Hopkinson
Spouse: Evelyn Oldenbourg (1873)
Children: Bertram Hopkinson (FRS 1910); John; Alice; Lina.
Son in law: Sir James Alfred Ewing (FRS 1887)
General contextNoted for his proposal of the three-wire system of electric distribution (1882); a theory of the design of dynamos (1886); and the identification of the theoretical basis for running alternators in parallel.
Bulloch's Roll; DNB; DSB
Proc Roy Soc 1898-1899 vol 64 pp xvii-xxiv signed by J A E
T M Charlton, 'Professor Bertram Hopkinson, CMG, MA, BSc, FRS (1874-1918)' in NR 1974-5 vol 29 pp 101-109
Virtual International Authority File
Royal Society codeNA8063
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
PP/13/28Paper, 'Recalescence of iron' by J [John] Hopkinson1889
NLB/1/331Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr John Hopkinson, Fellow of the Royal Society23 December 1886
NLB/7/966Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Messrs Harrison & Sons, St Martin's Lane6 June 1893
NLB/3/517Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr [John] Hopkinson, Fellow of the Royal Society1 July 1889
NLB/3/241Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr John Hopkinson, Fellow of the Royal Society17 April 1889
NLB/3/616Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Messrs West, Newman & Company24 July 1889
NLB/3/352Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor William Edward Ayrton, Fellow of the Royal Society17 May 1889
NLB/4/888Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Dr John Hopkinson, Fellow of the Royal Society19 November 1890
NLB/3/357Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr John Hopkinson, Fellow of the Royal Society20 May 1889
NLB/3/513Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor William Edward Ayrton, Fellow of the Royal Society1 July 1889
NLB/3/530Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr John Hopkinson, Fellow of the Royal Society4 July 1889
NLB/3/610Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr John Hopkinson, Fellow of the Royal Society23 July 1889
NLB/6/182Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr John Hopkinson, Fellow of the Royal Society19 March 1892
NLB/3/954Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr John Hopkinson, Fellow of the Royal Society23 November 1889
NLB/3/1022Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr John Hopkinson, [Fellow of the Royal Society]13 December 1889
NLB/6/839Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Messrs Harrison & Sons21 July 1892
NLB/8/141Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Dr John Hopkinson, Fellow of the Royal Society20 July 1893
NLB/7/711Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Mr Collings13 April 1893
NLB/10/230Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Mr Collings26 October 1894
NLB/10/193Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Mr Collings19 October 1894
NLB/8/571Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr John Hopkinson, Fellow of the Royal Society17 November 1893
NLB/11/109Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr [John] Hopkinson, Fellow of the Royal Society22 April 1895
NLB/10/617Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to C Camme, Lead Mill Steel Works, Sheffield3 January 1895
NLB/11/186Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr John Hopkinson, Fellow of the Royal Society10 May 1895
NLB/10/864Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Messrs Dulau & Company21 February 1895
NLB/10/863Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr John Hopkinson, Fellow of the Royal Society21 February 1895
NLB/11/50Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr John Hopkinson, Fellow of the Royal Society6 April 1895
NLB/11/79Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Lord Rayleigh [John William Strutt]11 April 1895
NLB/14/442Copy letter from Arthur William Rucker, to Dr John Hopkinson, Fellow of the Royal Society12 March 1897
NLB/13/94Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr John Hopkinson, Fellow of the Royal Society8 June 1896
NLB/12/166Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Lord Rayleigh [John William Strutt], Secretary, Royal Society23 December 1895
NLB/12/65Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr John Hopkinson, Fellow of the Royal Society2 December 1895
NLB/12/129Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr John Hopkinson, Fellow of the Royal Society12 December 1895
NLB/14/192Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Mr Collings, Surrey Chambers, 172 Strand, W.C.20 January 1897
NLB/14/200Copy letter from Arthur William Rucker, to Professor John Ambrose Fleming, Fellow of the Royal Society20 January 1897
NLB/14/295Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr John Hopkinson, Fellow of the Royal Society11 February 1897
NLB/14/490Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr John Hopkinson, Fellow of the Royal Society18 March 1897
NLB/14/526Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr John Hopkinson, Fellow of the Royal Society24 March 1897
NLB/17/208Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Messrs Harrison & Sons30 August 1898
NLB/17/526Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Captain William de Wiveleslie Abney, Fellow of the Royal Society14 November 1898
NLB/18/480Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Ewing, Fellow of the Royal Society17 March 1899
NLB/18/513Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to B Hopkinson, 26 Victoria Street, S.W.24 March 1899
RR/7/451Referee's report by James Clerk Maxwell, on a paper 'The residual charge of the Leyden jar' by John Hopkinson1876
RR/9/283Referee's report by George Carey Foster, on a paper 'Magnetisation of iron' by John Hopkinson30 July 1885
RR/7/450Referee's report by George Carey Foster, on a paper 'The residual charge of the Leyden jar' by John Hopkinson14 June 1876
RR/8/31Referee's report by James Clerk Maxwell, on a paper 'Residual charge of the leyden jar.—II. Dielectric properties of various glasses' by John Hopkinson25 February 1877
RR/8/33Referee's report by James Clerk Maxwell, on a paper 'Electrostatic capacity of glass' by John Hopkinson21 June 1877
RR/8/36Second letter from John Hopkinson, regarding a paper 'Electrostatic capacity of glass' by John Hopkinson20 November 1877
RR/12/338Letter from John Hopkinson, regarding a paper 'Alternate current dynamo-electric machines' by John Hopkinson and E Wilson[1895]
RR/8/258Referee's report by John Hopkinson, on a paper 'On the dynamo-electric current, and on certain means to improve its steadiness' by Charles William Siemens1 April 1880
RR/8/35Letter from John Hopkinson, regarding a paper 'Electrostatic capacity of glass' by John Hopkinson12 November 1877
RR/8/34Referee's report by George Carey Foster, on a paper 'Electrostatic capacity of glass' by John Hopkinson30 July 1877
RR/8/324Referee's report by George Carey Foster, on a paper 'Electrostatic capacity of glass, II., and of liquids' by John Hopkinson5 February 1881
RR/9/363Referee's report by William Grylls Adams, on a paper 'Dynamo-electric machinery' by John Hopkinson1 June 1886
RR/9/284Referee's report by William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, on a paper 'Magnetisation of iron' by John Hopkinson8 October 1885
RR/9/318Referee's report by John Hopkinson, on a paper 'The influence of stress and strain on the physical properties of matter' by Herbert Tomlinson4 March 1885
RR/13/47Referee's report by Joseph John Thomson, on a paper 'On the capacity and residual charge dielectrics as affected by temperature and time' by John Hopkinson and E Wilson4 January 1897
RR/12/111Referee's report by John Hopkinson, on a paper 'On the measurement of the magnetic properties of iron' by Thomas Gray15 May 1894
RR/11/23Referee's report by John Hopkinson, on a paper 'On the time-relations of the excursions of the capillary electrometer, with a description of the method of using it for the investigation of electrical changes of short duration' by George James Burch7 October 1891
RR/12/413Referee's report by John Hopkinson, on a paper 'Iron and steel at welding temperatures' by T Wrightson11 March 1895
RR/12/335Referee's report by William Grylls Adams, on a paper 'Alternate current dynamo-electric machines' by John Hopkinson and E Wilson8 May 1895
RR/12/336Letter from William Edward Ayrton, to John William Strutt, Lord Rayleigh, regarding a paper 'Alternate current dynamo-electric machines' by John Hopkinson and E Wilson22 July 1895
RR/14/89Referee's report by John Hopkinson, on a paper 'Contributions to the theory of alternating currents' by W G Rhodes18 February 1898
RR/12/337Referee's report by William Edward Ayrton, on a paper 'Alternate current dynamo-electric machines' by John Hopkinson and E Wilson29 July 1895
RR/8/229Referee's report by William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, on a paper 'Electrostatic capacity of glass, II., and of liquids' by John Hopkinson11 January 1881
RR/8/32Referee's report by George Carey Foster, on a paper 'Residual charge of the leyden jar.—II. Dielectric properties of various glasses' by John Hopkinson24 April 1877
RR/9/349Referee's report by John Hopkinson, on a paper 'Effects of stress and magnetisation on the thermoelectric quality of iron' by James Alfred Ewing19 March 1886
RR/10/119Referee's report by John Hopkinson, on a paper 'On the changes produced by magnetisation in the dimensions of rings and rods of iron and of some other metals' by Shelford Bidwell29 February 1888
RR/10/275Referee's report by William Edward Ayrton, on a paper 'Magnetic and other physical properties of iron at a high temperature' by John Hopkinson16 May 1889
RR/10/97Referee's report by John Hopkinson, on a paper 'The influence of stress and strain on the physical properties of matter.—Part I. Elasticity (continued).—The effect of magnetisation on the elasticity and the internal friction of metals' by Herbert Tomlinson15 April 1887
MS/427/156Copy letter from [Michael] Foster, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Prof. [Henry Charles] Fleeming Jenkins and Dr. [John] Hopkinson21 January 1882
MS/427/160Copy letter from [Michael] Foster, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lieut-Col. [John] Donnelly.3 February 1882
RR/9/47Referee's report by John Hopkinson, on a paper 'On the variation of the electrical resistance of glass with temperature, density, and chemical composition' by Thomas Gray2 February 1882
PP/13/29/1Manuscript, 'Electrical resistance of iron at a high temperature' by J [John] Hopkinson1889
NLB/2/512Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr John Hopkinson, Fellow of the Royal Society25 July 1888
NLB/3/620Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr [John] Hopkinson, Fellow of the Royal Society25 July 1889
NLB/3/1027Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr John Hopkinson, [Fellow of the Royal Society]16 December 1889
NLB/3/1063Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to [John William Strutt] the Lord Rayleigh, [Royal Society]3 January 1890
NLB/8/562Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr John Hopkinson, Fellow of the Royal Society15 November 1893
RR/10/154Referee's report by John Hopkinson, on a paper 'On the magnetisation of iron and other magnetic metals in very strong fields' by James Alfred Ewing and William Low11 November 1888
RR/12/138Referee's report by Joseph John Thomson, on a paper 'Propagation of magnetization of iron as affected by the electric currents in the iron' by John Hopkinson and E Wilson30 May 1894
EC/1878/11Hopkinson, John: certificate of election to the Royal Society
RR/9/350Letter from John Hopkinson, on a paper 'Effects of stress and magnetisation on the thermoelectric quality of iron' by James Alfred Ewing21 March 1886
RR/10/152Referee's report by John Hopkinson, on a paper 'Magnetic qualities of nickel' by James Alfred Ewing and G C Cowan15 May 1888
RR/12/334Referee's report by John Ambrose Fleming, on a paper 'Alternate current dynamo-electric machines' by John Hopkinson and E Wilson26 April 1895
RR/10/274Referee's report by James Alfred Ewing, on a paper 'Magnetic and other physical properties of iron at a high temperature' by John Hopkinson26 April 1889
RR/10/306Referee's report by John Hopkinson, on a paper 'On the magnetic action of displacement-currents in a dielectric' by Silvanus Phillips Thompson11 March 1889
PP/9/17Paper, 'Notiz über die Dielectricitätsconstante von Flüssigkeiten' [Note on the dielectric constant of liquids] by [Georg Hermann] Quincke1 December 1886
RR/8/98Referee's report by John Hopkinson, on a paper 'Double refraction and dispersion in Iceland Spar: an experimental investigation, with a comparison with Huyghen’s construction for the extraordinary wave' by Richard Tetley Glazebrook20 November 1879
RR/9/92Referee's report by John Hopkinson, on a paper 'The influence of stress and strain on the action of physical forces' by Herbert Tomlinson29 March 1882
RR/10/150Referee's report by John Hopkinson, on a paper 'Magnetic qualities of nickel (supplementary paper)' by James Alfred Ewing20 July 1888
RR/12/139Referee's report by John Perry, on a paper 'Propagation of magnetization of iron as affected by the electric currents in the iron' by John Hopkinson and E Wilson18 June 1894
AP/70/11Unpublished paper, 'The effect of mechanical stress and magnetisation on the physical properties of alloys of iron and nickel and of manganese steel' by Herbert Tomlinson1894
RR/13/48Referee's report by John William Strutt, Lord Rayleigh, on a paper 'On the capacity and residual charge dielectrics as affected by temperature and time' by John Hopkinson and E Wilson1896
RR/11/172Referee's report by John Hopkinson, on a paper 'On current curves' by R L Hippisley26 June 1892
PP/10/20/1Manuscript, 'Note on the theory of the alternate current dynamo' by John Hopkinson1887
PP/13/15/1Manuscript, 'Magnetisation of iron at high temperatures - preliminary notice' by John Hopkinson14 February 1889
PP/9/16Paper, 'Note on specific inductive capacity' by John Hopkinson1886
PP/10/19/1Manuscript, 'Note on induction coils or "transformers"' by John Hopkinson1887
PP/10/19Paper, 'Note on induction coils or "transformers"' by John Hopkinson1887
PP/10/20Paper, 'Note on the theory of the alternate current dynamo' by John Hopkinson1887
PP/10/19/2Diagrams, geometrical diagrams by John Hopkinson1887
PP/10/20/2Diagram, alternate current dynamo by John Hopkinson1887
PP/11/6Paper, 'Specific inductive capacity [dielectric constant]' by J [John] Hopkinson1887
PP/11/6/1Manuscript, 'Specific inductive capacity [dielectric constant]' by J [John] Hopkinson1887
PP/11/6/2Diagrams, circuit diagrams by J [John] Hopkinson1887
PP/13/29Paper, 'Electrical resistance of iron at a high temperature' by J [John] Hopkinson1889
PP/12/24Paper, 'Magnetic properties of an impure nickel' by J [John] Hopkinson1888
PP/12/24/1Manuscript, 'Magnetic properties of an impure nickel' by J [John] Hopkinson1888
PP/12/24/2Diagrams, experimental results by J [John] Hopkinson1888
PP/13/15Paper, 'Magnetisation of iron at high temperatures - preliminary notice' by John Hopkinson14 February 1889
PP/13/15/2Diagrams, experimental results by John Hopkinson14 February 1889
PP/13/29/2Diagram, experimental results by J [John] Hopkinson1889
PP/20/19Paper, 'Magnetic properties of pure iron' by Francis Lydall and Alfred W S Pocklington1892
PP/15/4/1Manuscript, 'Magnetic properties of alloys of nickel and iron' by J [John] Hopkinson1889
PP/15/4/2Diagrams, experimental results by J [John] Hopkinson1889
PP/15/11Paper, 'Physical properties of nickel steel' by J [John] Hopkinson1890
PP/16/1Paper, 'Magnetic properties of alloys of Nickel and iron' by John Hopkinson1890
PP/16/1/1Manuscript, 'Magnetic properties of alloys of Nickel and iron' by John Hopkinson1890
PP/16/1/2Diagrams, experimental results by John Hopkinson1890
PP/15/4Paper, 'Magnetic properties of alloys of nickel and iron' by J [John] Hopkinson1889
PP/16/33/2Diagrams, experimental equipment and results by John Hopkinson1890
PP/21/8Paper, 'Magnetic viscosity' by John Hopkinson, E Wilson and Francis Lydall1893
PP/19/3Paper, 'Dynamo-electric machinery' by John Hopkinson and E Wilson1892
PP/19/3/1Manuscript, 'Dynamo-electric machinery' by John Hopkinson and E Wilson1892
PP/19/3/2Diagrams, experimental observations by John Hopkinson and E Wilson1892
PP/21/8/1Manuscript, 'Magnetic viscosity' by John Hopkinson, E Wilson and Francis Lydall1893
PP/21/8/2Diagrams, experimental equipment and results by John Hopkinson, E Wilson and Francis Lydall1893
PP/16/33/1Manuscript, 'Magnetism and recalescence' by John Hopkinson1890
PP/22/26Diagrams, experimental equipment and results by John Hopkinson, E Wilson and Francis Lydall1893
PP/16/33Paper, 'Magnetism and recalescence' by John Hopkinson1890
RR/8/96Referee's report by John Hopkinson, on a paper 'An experimental determination of the values of the velocities of normal propagation of plane waves in different directions in a biaxal crystal, and a comparison of the results with theory' by Richard Tetley Glazebrook22 July 1878
RR/9/300Referee's report by John Hopkinson, on a paper 'On the connexion between electric current and the electric and magnetic inductions in the surrounding field' by John Henry Poynting19 May 1885
RR/10/251Referee's report by John Hopkinson, on a paper 'On the effect of temperature on the specific inductive capacity of a dielectric' by W Cassie13 July 1889
RR/10/276Referee's report by Arthur William Rucker, on a paper 'Magnetic and other physical properties of iron at a high temperature' by John Hopkinson19 June 1889
RR/10/312Referee's report by John Hopkinson, on a paper 'The influence of stress and strain on the physical properties of matter.— Part III. Magnetic induction (continued).—The internal friction of nickel, and cobalt, studied by means of magnetic cycles of very minute range' by Herbert Tomlinson[1889]
MC/15/112Letter from [John] Hopkinson, Holmwood, Wimbledon Common, to the Royal Society22 November 1890
MC/15Volume 15 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1889-1892
MC/17Volume 17 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1897-1899
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