
Authorised form of nameParsons; William (1800 - 1867); 3rd Earl of Rosse
Other forms of nameBaron Oxmantown
Dates1800 - 1867
Place of birthYork, Yorkshire, England
Date of birth17 June 1800
Place of deathMonkstown, County Dublin, Ireland
Date of death31 October 1867
Dates and placesBurial:
The old church of St Brendan, Parsonstown, County Offaly, Ireland
Research fieldMathematics
At home (until 1818); Trinity College, Dublin; Magdalen College, Oxford. BA (1822); hon LLD (1842, Cambridge); honorary degree from University of Dublin (1863)
Lord Oxmanton (1807); MP for the King's County (1821-1835); Lord Lieutenant of the King's County (1831); resigned to pursue other interests (1834); made experiments to improve the reflecting telescope (from 1827); invented a machine for grinding and polishing specula by steam power (1828); succeeded in producing speculae (1838, 1842, 1843) which he used for astronomical observations (begun 1845); on Senate of Queen's University; on Royal Commission of weights and measures; Lord Lieutenant of King's County (from 1831); Colonel of Militia, King's County (from 1834); Representative Peer for Ireland, House of Lords (from 1845); Knight of the Legion of Honour (1855); Chancellor, University of Dublin (1862); died from the removal of a tumour from his knee
KP 1845
MRIA (1822); FRAS (1824); Member of Imperial Academy of St Petersburg 1852
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election08/12/1831
Royal Society activityRoyal Society roles:
PRS 1848-1854; VP 1842-1843; 1854-1855
Medals and prizes:
Royal Medal 1851
RelationshipsEldest son of Sir Lawrence William Parson, 2nd Earl of Rosse and Alice Lloyd; succeeded his father as 3rd Earl (1841); married (14 May 1836) Mary, daughter and co-heiress of John Wilmer Field of Heaton Hall, Yorkshire (died 1885); father of Sir Charles Algernon Parsons (FRS 1898); three other sons
Bulloch's Roll; DNB; Irish Innovators
Proc Roy Soc 1867-1868 vol 16 pp xxxvi-xlii
A A Mills and R Hall, 'The Production of a Plane Surface. As Illustrated by Specula From Some Early Newtonian Telescopes' in NR 1982-83 vol 37 pp 147-166
Sir Bernard Lovell, 'Herschel's Work on the Structure of the Universe' in NR 1978-9 vol 33 pp 57-75
R K Bluhm, 'A Note on the Origin of the Society's Conversaziones' in NR 1958 vol 13 pp 61-63
From 1807 to 1841, he was styled as Baron Oxmantown.
Virtual International Authority File
Royal Society codeNA8084
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
MM/12/73Letter from TR Robinson, Armagh, to Lord Rosse30 December 1852
MS/769/74Letter from Lord Rosse. The Castle, Parsonstown, to [Walter White?]20 November 1864
MC/5/61Letter from C [Charles] Grey, Windsor Castle, to the Earl of Rosse, [President of the Royal Society]16 November 1852
MC/5/177Letter from P Ingall [?], Stock Exchange, London, to the Earl of Rosse, [President of the Royal Society]28 September 1854
MC/5/175Letter from M [Michel] Chasles, Paris, to the Earl of Rosse, President of the Royal Society11 August 1854
MM/12/72Letter from TR Robinson, Armagh, to Lord Rosse28 December 1852
MM/16/154Letter from Lord Rosse, Parsonstown, to Sir John Herschel21 June 1850
MM/12/74Letter from James Nasmyth, Manchester, to Lord Rosse30 December 1852
MM/16/153Letter from Lord Rosse, Parsonstown, to Sir John Herschel29 October 1849
MM/11/60Letter from William Parsons, 3rd Earl of Rosse, to Sir Edward Sabine17 September 1854
MM/12/68Letter from Lord Rosse, Parsonstown, to Sir Edward Sabine22 December 1852
MM/12/66Letter from James Nasmyth, Bridgewater Foundry, to Lord Rosse15 December 1852
MM/12/82Letter from TR Robinson, Armagh, to Lord Rosse6 May 1853
MM/12/67Letter from Lord Rosse, Parsonstown, to Sir Edward Sabine18 December 1852
MM/17/5Letter from A Erman to William Parsons, 3rd Earl Rosse4 August 1854
MM/19/101Letter from William Parsons, 3rd Earl of Rosse, President, Royal Society, to Edward Sabine, Treasurer, Royal Society4 January 1852
MM/17/9Letter from AT Kupffer to William Parsons, 3rd Earl RosseOctober 1854
MM/17/3Letter from MF Maury, National Observatory, Washington, USA, to William Parsons, 3rd Earl Rosse27 July 1854
MM/17/4Letter from LAJ Quetelet, Brussels, to William Parsons, 3rd Earl RosseJuly 1854
MS/769/75Letter from Lord Rosse, The Castle, Parsonstown, to [Walter White?]12 January 1865
MC/5/3Letter from Lord John Russell, Downing Street, to the Earl Rosse, [President of the Royal Society]28 January 1851
MC/4/344Letter from Lord John Russell, Downing Street, to the Earl of Rosse, President of the Royal Society15 April 1850
IM/003443Parsons, William, 3rd Earl of Rossend
MS/257/3/376Letter from Lord Rosse, William Parsons, Castle, Parsonstown to Edward Sabine8 April 1854
RR/2/231Referee's report by William Parsons, 3rd Earl of Rosse, on a paper 'On the change of refrangibility of light. No. II' by George Gabriel Stokes28 July 1853
MS/257/3/374Letter from Lord Rosse, William Parsons, Castle, Parsonstown to Edward Sabine29 October 1849
RR/1/212Referee's report by John William Lubbock, on a paper 'Observations on some of the nebulae' by William Parsons, Earl of Rosse24 June 1844
NLB/68/715Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Honourable Sir Charles Parsons, KCB, FRS21 October 1925
P/0110Portrait of Parsons, William; 3rd Earl of Rossec 1860
MS/426/534Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles] Babbage13 December 1854
MC/5/136Letter from H W [Heinrich Wilhelm] Dove, Berlin, to the Earl of Rosse, President of the Royal Society7 January 1854
MS/426/472Note of a letter from [the Secretaries of] the Royal Society; to Lord Rosse [William Parsons, President of the Royal Society]31 July 1852
MS/426/427Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to W F Haytin MP10 July 1850
MS/426/465Note of letters from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Rosse [William Parsons], Prof [Thomas] Graham, Capt [William Henry] Smyth7 May 1852
MS/426/430Copy letter from G [George] Rennie, Treasurer of the Royal Society; to Sir J W [John William] Lubbock20 July 1850
MS/426/368Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to L Harmer Esq6 February 1849
MC/5/165Letter from Benjamin Oliveira, 8 Upper Hyde Park Street, London, to the [Earl of Rosse], President of the Royal Society and to the Council22 May 1854
MC/5/43Letter from J H [John] Hay, Admiralty, to the Earl of Rosse, [President of the Royal Society], 13 Connaught Place29 April 1852
MS/426/563Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir James South1 April 1856
MS/426/493Copy letter from Rosse [William Parsons, President of the Royal Society]; to the Earl of Aberdeen [George Hamilton-Gordon]30 November 1853
MS/257/3/377Letter from Lord Rosse, William Parsons, Castle, Parsonstown to Edward Sabine23 October 1854
MC/5/67Letter from W [William] Hopkins, Cambridge, to [the Earl of Rosse, President of the Royal Society]4 December 1852
IM/007118Parsons, William, 3rd Earl of Rossend
EC/1831/24Parsons, William, 3rd Earl of Rosse: certificate of election to the Royal Society
MC/5/11Letter from Robert Lee, 4 Saville Row, Burlington Gardens, to the [Earl of Rosse], President of the Royal Society and to the Council19 March 1851
MS/426/367Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Rosse [William Parsons, President of the Royal Society]3 February 1849
MC/5/181Letter from the Earl of Rosse, [President of the Royal Society], Castle Parsonstown, to [Colonel Edward Sabine], Treasurer of the Royal Society6 November 1854
MM/14/13Memorandum from William Parsons, Lord Rosse1855
MC/5/56Letter from Edward Sabine, President of the British Association, Woolwich, to the Earl of Rosse, [President of the Royal Society]7 November 1852
MC/5/186Letter from James Wilson, Secretary of the Treasury, Treasury Chambers, to the [Earl of Rosse], President of the Royal Society and to the Council17 November 1854
PT/62/8/9Plate, nebulae observed in December 1850, January 1851, and January 1852 by [William Parsons][1861]
PT/28/4/3Plate, nebula similar to Milky Way and annular nebula of Lyra by William Parsons[1844]
PT/62/8/6Plate, disc-shaped nebula observed in December 1851 by [William Parsons][1861]
PT/28/4/2Plate, nebula with star in centre by William Parsons[1844]
PT/24/3Paper, 'An account of experiments on the reflecting telescope' by the Right Hon Lord Oxmantown [William Parsons][1840]
PT/28/4Paper, 'Observations on some of the nebulæ' by the Earl of Rosse [William Parsons][1844]
PT/28/4/4Plate, clusters of stars by William Parsons[1844]
PT/38/11Paper, 'Observations on the nebulæ' by the Earl of Rosse [William Parsons][1850]
PT/28/4/1Manuscript, 'Observations on some of the nebulæ' by the Earl of Rosse [William Parsons][1844]
PT/62/8/47Plate, plate XXX showing nebulae and stars by B [Bindon Blood] Stoney and Mitchell[1861]
PT/62/8/49Plate, outline of nebula by [William Parsons?][1861]
PT/62/8/39Plate, figures 24-34 showing nebulae and stars by Mitchell, B [Bindon Blood] Stoney, and S Hunter[1861]
PT/62/8/45Plate, plate XXVI showing spiral nebula by Mitchell[1861]
PT/62/8/7Plate, horseshoe-shaped nebula observed in October 1857 by [William Parsons][1861]
PT/62/8/14Plate, six nebulous knots observed in March 1851 by [William Parsons][1861]
PT/62/8/25Plate, nebula with outer nucleus by [William Parsons][1861]
PT/62/8/31Plate, principal stars in nebula observed in August 1850 by [William Parsons][1861]
PT/62/8/5Plate, spiral nebula observed in December 1848 by [William Parsons][1861]
PT/62/8/26Plate, spiral nebula with three stars observed in April 1855 by [William Parsons][1861]
PT/62/8/29Plate, ray with long split observed in April 1850 by [William Parsons][1861]
PT/62/8/48Plate, plate XXXI showing nebula by B [Bindon Blood] Stoney[1861]
PT/62/8/19Plate, nebula with spiral branch observed in April 1852 by [William Parsons][1861]
PT/62/8/30Plate, four nebulae observed in May 1850 by [William Parsons][1861]
RR/3/234Referee's report by William Parsons, Earl of Rosse, on a paper 'On the stability of loose earth' by William John Macquorn Rankine22 October 1856
PT/62/8/50Photograph, universal joint from specula by unknown artistJune 1861
PT/62/8/20Plate, two forms of spiral nebula observed in April 1855 by [William Parsons][1861]
PT/62/8/2Plate, nebulae observed in November 1850 by [William Parsons][1861]
PT/62/8/8Plate, nebulae observed in December 1850 and November 1851 by [William Parsons][1861]
PT/62/8/23Plate, nebula with broad nucelus observed in April 1855 by [William Parsons][1861]
PT/62/8/11Plate, scattered stars observed in January 1857 by [William Parsons][1861]
PT/62/8/12Plate, nebulous knots observed in December 1850 by [William Parsons][1861]
PT/62/8/21Plate, spiral nebula observed in April 1851 by [William Parsons][1861]
PT/62/8/22Plate, three nebulae observed in April 1852 and April 1855 by [William Parsons][1861]
PT/62/8/10Plate, spiral nebula observed in February 1852 by [William Parsons][1861]
PT/62/8/36Plate, three nebulae observed in November 1850 by [William Parsons][1861]
PT/62/8/15Plate, four nebulae observed in March 1850 by [William Parsons][1861]
PT/62/8/24Plate, spiral nebula observed in March 1850 by [William Parsons][1861]
PT/62/8/35Plate, curving nebula observed in November 1850 by [William Parsons][1861]
PT/62/8/40Plate, figure 35 showing spiral nebula by S Hunter[1861]
PT/62/8/18Plate, branched spiral nebula observed in March 1856 by [William Parsons][1861]
PT/62/8/28Plate, two parallel nebulae observed in April 1848 by [William Parsons][1861]
PT/62/8/42Plate, figure 43 showing nebula by B [Bindon Blood] Stoney[1861]
PT/62/8/34Plate, five nebulous stars observed in November 1850 by [William Parsons][1861]
PT/62/8/33Plate, nebula and five knots observed in September 1849 by [William Parsons][1861]
PT/62/8/43Plate, figure 10 showing spiral nebula by Mitchell[1861]
PT/62/8/62Photograph, crane for Lord Rosse's telescope at Birr Castle, Ireland by [Mary Parsons, Countess of Rosse?][1861]
PT/62/8/59Photograph, Lord Rosse's telescope at Birr Castle, Ireland by [Mary, Countess of Rosse?][1857]
MC/3Volume 3 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1839-1843
PT/62/8/32Plate, spiral nebula with three branches observed in September 1850 by [William Parsons][1861]
PT/62/8/41Plate, figures 36-42 showing nebulae and stars by B [Bindon Blood] Stoney and Mitchell[1861]
PT/62/8/44Plate, plate XXV showing nebulae and stars by Mitchell, B [Bindon Blood] Stoney, and S Hunter[1861]
PT/62/8/53Photograph, telescope speculum grinding tool for Lord Rosse's telescope at Birr Castle, Ireland by unknown artist[1861]
MC/3/242Letter from George Biddell Airy, Royal Observatory Greenwich, to George Fisher, Secretary of the Astronomical Committee of the Royal Society29 October 1842
PT/62/8/27Plate, large spiral nebula with arms and knots observed in March 1851 by [William Parsons][1861]
PT/62/8/61Stereo photograph pair, crane for Lord Rosse's telescope at Birr Castle, Ireland by [Mary, Countess of Rosse?][1861]
PT/62/8/55Stereo photograph pair, Lord Rosse's telescope at Birr Castle, Ireland by [Mary Parsons, Countess of Rosse?][1857]
MC/5/66Letter from John J [Joseph] Bennett, Secretary of the Linnean Society, to the Earl of Rosse, [President of the Royal Society]2 December 1852
MC/5/184Letter from Edward Sabine, 13 Ashley Place, to the Earl of Rosse, President of the Royal Society14 November 1854
MC/4/277Letter from Bucane [?], Académie des Sciences Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres de Toulouse, to the [Earl of Rosse] President of the Royal Society 15 February 1849
MC/4/276Letter from George Newport, 49 Cambridge Street, Hyde Park Square, to the [Earl of Rosse] President of the Royal Society and to the Council14 February 1849
MC/4/287Letter from John Elliotson, [37] Conduit Street, to the [Earl of Rosse] President of the Royal Society and to the Council8 June 1849
MC/4/333Letter from [John Henry] Pelly, Hudson's Bay House, to the [Earl of Rosse] President of the Royal Society and to the Council14 March 1850
MS/426/385Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Edward [Joshua] Cooper Esq15 June 1849
MC/4/312Letter from [Alphonse] Chaluz de Vernevil [?], 8 Fenison Street, York Road, Lambeth, to the [Earl of Rosse] President of the Royal Society and to the Council2 January 1850
MC/4/295Letter from [Thomas Romney] Robinson, President of the British Association [for the Advancement of Science], to the Earl of Rosse, [President of the Royal Society]15 October 1849
MC/4/298Letter from Jane Franklin, 21 Bedford Place, to the Earl of Rosse, [President of the Royal Society]15 November 1849
PT/74/7/9Diagrams, speculum and polishing machine by unknown artist[1840]
MC/4/305Letter from Reverend James Booth, 22 Sussex Gardens, Hyde Park, to the [Earl of Rosse] President of the Royal Society and to the Council29 November 1849
MC/4/304Letter from [John] Parker, [First Secretary to the] Admiralty, to the Earl of Rosse, President of the Royal Society 28 November 1849
MC/4/315Letter from George Newport, 49 Cambridge Street, to the [Earl of Rosse] President of the Royal Society and to the Council17 January 1850
MC/4/310Letter from Robert Lee, 4 Saville Row, to the [Earl of Rosse] President of the Royal Society and to the Council17 December 1849
MC/4/336Letter from Edward Sabine and [John] Forbes Royle, General Secretaries [of the British Association for the Advancement of Science], 6 Queen Street Place, London, to [Samuel Hunter Christie and Thomas Bell] the Secretaries of the Royal Society22 March 1850
MC/4/345Letter from [Charles William] Pasley, London, to the [Earl of Rosse] President of the Royal Society and to the Council15 April 1850
MC/4/362Letter from H [Humphrey] Lloyd, Trinity College Dublin, to the Earl of Rosse, [President of the Royal Society]13 November 1850
MC/4/370Letter from P [Peter Andreas] Hansen, Gotha, to Colonel Edward Sabine, [Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society]17 December 1830
MC/4/361Letter from Colonel Edward Sabine, Woolwich, to the Earl of Rosse, President of the Royal Society22 October 1850
MC/4/355Letter from Colonel Edward Sabine, Woolwich, to the Earl of Rosse, President of the Royal Society29 June 1850
MC/4/367Letter from a Committee of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, to the Earl of Rosse, President of the Royal Society25 November 1850
MC/4/364Letter from Richard Owen, Royal College of Surgeons, to the [Earl of Rosse], President of the Royal Society and to the Council14 November 1850
MC/5/4Letter from Robert Lee, 4 Saville Row, Burlington Gardens, to the [Earl of Rosse] President of the Royal Society and to the Council19 February 1851
MC/5/1Letter from Lord John Russell, Downing Street, to the Earl Rosse, [President of the Royal Society]6 January 1851
MC/5/21Letter from [General] Edward Sabine, Treasurer and Vice-President of the Royal Society, Woolwich, to the Earl of Rosse, President of the Royal Society8 September 1851
MC/5/96Letter from [Christian Charles Josias von] Bunsen, Prussia House, to the Earl of Rosse, the President of the Royal Society27 April 1853
MC/5/12Letter from Robert Lee, 4 Saville Row, Burlington Gardens, to the Royal Society28 April 1851
MC/5/18Letter from C M [Charles Morgan] Elliot, Captain of the Madras Engineers, Lanes Hotel, St Alban's Place, to the [Earl of Rosse] President of the Royal Society and to the Council18 June 1851
MC/5/23Letter from W R [William Radcliffe] Birt, 11 Wellington Street, Victoria Park, London, to the [Earl of Rosse] President of the Royal Society and to the Council5 November 1851
MC/5/24Letter from E Gout Desmartres, Librarian of the Académie Nationale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Bordeaux, Rue Saint-Dominique 1, Bordeaux, to the [Earl of Rosse], President of the Royal Society10 November 1851
MC/4Volume 4 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1844-1850
MC/5/42Letter from Aug [Augustus] Stafford, Admiralty, to the Earl of Rosse, [President of the Royal Society], Castle Parsonstown26 April 1852
MC/5/45Letter from C [Charles] Trevelyan, Treasury Chambers, to the [Earl of Rosse], President of the Royal Society8 May 1852
MC/5/47Letter from Geo [George] Ullamillan [?], Treasury Chambers, to the Earl of Rosse, [President of the Royal Society]25 June 1852
MC/5/41Letter from Tho [Thomas] Graham, A W [August Wilhelm von] Hofmann, Wm [William] Allen Miller, London, to the [Earl of Rosse] President of the Royal Society and to the Council22 April 1852
MC/5/79Letter from Baron de Humboldt, Berlin, to the Earl of Rosse, President of the Royal Society30 December 1852
MS/426/474Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles Young1 November 1852
MC/5/78Letter from W H [William Henry] Smyth, St John's Lodge, to Lord Rosse, [President of the Royal Society]23 December 1852
MC/5/88Letter from [Earl of] Rosse, [President of the Royal Society], Castle Parsonstown, to [Edward] Sabine, [Treasurer of the Royal Society]4 March 1853
MS/426/481Copy letter from Edward Sabine, Vice President and Treasurer of the Royal Society; to Lord Rosse [William Parsons], President of the Royal Society28 February 1853
MC/5/94Letter from [Christian Charles Josias von] Bunsen, Prussia House, to Colonel [Edward] Sabine, [Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society]18 April 1853
MC/5/90Letter from Francis Higginson, 2 Marine Place, Dover, to S [Samuel] Hunter Christie, Secretary of the Royal Society, and to the President [the Earl of Rosse] and the Fellows16 March 1853
MS/426/485Copy letter from S H [Samuel Hunter] Christie, Secretary of the Royal Society; to J C [James Cosmo] Melvill, Esq29 April 1853
MC/5/107Letter from C W [Charles William] Pasley, 12 Norfolk Crescent, Hyde Park, to the [Earl of Rosse], President of the Royal Society and to the Council28 May 1853
MC/5/103Letter from Francis Higginson, Great Globe Exhibition, Leicester Square, London, to the Earl of Rosse, President of the Royal Society14 May 1853
MC/5/167Letter from G [George] Grove, secretary, Secretary's Office, Crystal Palace, Sydenham, to C R [Charles Richard] Weld, [Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society]29 May 1854
MC/5/171Letter from John P [Peter] Gassiot, Chairman of the Kew Committee of the British Association, to the Earl of Rosse, President of the Royal Society25 June 1854
PT/62/8/54Photograph, telescope speculum grinding tool for Lord Rosse's telescope at Birr Castle, Ireland by unknown artist[1861]
PT/62/8/63Photographs, Lord Rosse's telescope at Birr Castle, Ireland, by [Mary Parsons, Countess of Rosse?] and unkown artist[s][1861]
MS/426/532Copy letter from Edward Sabine, Treasurer of the Royal Society; to Lord Rosse [William Parsons], President of the Royal Society10 November 1854
MC/5/206Letter from Lord Rosse, 27 Brunswick Terrace, Brighton, to the Royal Society25 July 1855
PT/62/8/16Plate, ringed nebula observed in March 1851 by [William Parsons][1861]
PT/62/8/17Plate, spiral nebula with two arms observed in April 1851 by [William Parsons][1861]
MS/426/564Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir James South2 April 1856
MC/5Volume 5 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1851-1858
PT/62/8/37Plate, figures 1-9 showing nebulae and stars by Mitchell, B [Bindon Blood] Stoney, and S Hunter[1861]
PT/62/8/38Plate, figures 11-23 showing nebulae and stars by Mitchell, B [Bindon Blood] Stoney, and G J [George Johnstone] Stoney[1861]
RR/4/219Referee's report by Thomas Romney Robinson, on a paper 'On the construction of specula of six-feet aperture; and a selection from the observations of nebulae made with them' by William Parsons, Lord Rosse14 August 1861
PT/62/8Paper, 'On the construction of specula of six feet aperture; and a selection of observations of nebulae made therewith' by the Earl of Rosse [William Parsons][1861]
PT/62/8/1Manuscript, 'On the construction of specula of six feet aperture; and a selection of observations of nebulae made therewith' by the Earl of Rosse [William Parsons][1861]
PT/62/8/3Plate, four stars and three novae observed in December 1850 by [William Parsons][1861]
PT/62/8/4Plate, split nebula and large spiral nebula observed in November 1850 and December 1851 by [William Parsons][1861]
PT/62/8/46Plate, plate XXVII showing nebulae and stars by Mitchell, B [Bindon Blood] Stoney, and G J [George Johnstone] Stoney[1861]
PT/62/8/51Photograph, telescope speculum for Lord Rosse's telescope at Birr Castle, Ireland by unknown artist[1861]
PT/62/8/52Photograph, telescope speculum for Lord Rosse's telescope at Birr Castle, Ireland by unknown artist[1861]
PT/62/8/56Photograph, Lord Rosse's telescope at Birr Castle, Ireland by [Mary Parsons, Countess of Rosse?][1857]
PT/62/8/57Photograph, Lord Rosse's telescope at Birr Castle, Ireland by [Mary Parsons, Countess of Rosse?][1857]
PT/62/8/58Photograph, Lord Rosse's telescope at Birr Castle, Ireland by [Mary Parsons, Countess of Rosse?][1857]
AP/33/1Unpublished letter, 'Explanation of the so-called "mysterious circles"' from Robert H Atherton to the President of the Royal Society24 April 1850
AP/35/6Unpublished paper, 'Experiments on vegetation' by George Ville1853
MS/257/3/370Letter from Lord Rosse, William Parsons, Castle, Parsonstown to Edward Sabine3 February 1849
MS/257/3/371Letter from Lord Rosse, William Parsons, Castle, Parsonstown to Edward Sabine11 March 1849
MS/257/3/373Letter from Lord Rosse, William Parsons, Castle, Parsonstown to Edward Sabine22 October 1849
MS/257/3/372Letter from Lord Rosse, William Parsons, Castle, Parsonstown to Edward Sabine7 October 1849
MS/257/3/363Letter from Lord Rosse, William Parsons, Castle, Parsonstown to Edward Sabine22 January 1870
MS/257/3/367Letter from Lord Rosse, William Parsons, Castle, Parsonstown to Edward Sabine23 March 1848
MS/257/3/364Letter from Lord Rosse, William Parsons, Castle, Parsonstown to Edward Sabine18 January 1871
MS/257/3/369Letter from Lord Rosse, William Parsons, 33 Brunswick Terrace, Brighton to Edward Sabine5 December 1848
MS/257/3/368Letter from Lord Rosse, William Parsons, Kingstown to Edward Sabine26 November 1848
MS/257/3/361Letter from Lord Rosse, William Parsons to Edward Sabine[1800-1867]
MS/257/3/375Letter from Lord Rosse, William Parsons, Castle, Parsonstown to Edward Sabine26 October 1854
MS/257/3/378Letter from Lord Rosse, William Parsons, Castle, Parsonstown to Edward Sabine6 November 1854
MS/257/3/362Letter from Lord Rosse, William Parsons to Edward Sabine[1800-1867]
PT/62/8/60Photograph, Lord Rosse's telescope at Birr Castle, Ireland by [Mary Parsons, Countess of Rosse?][1861]
RR/1/211Referee's report by John Frederick William Herschel, on a paper 'An account of experiments on the reflecting telescope' by William Parsons, 'Lord of Oxmantown'[c.1840]
RR/4/220Referee's report by George Biddell Airy, on a paper 'On the construction of specula of six-feet aperture; and a selection from the observations of nebulae made with them' by William Parsons, Lord Rosse20 September 1861
PT/62/8/13Plate, three nebulous stars observed in January 1851 by [William Parsons][1861]
HS/25/15/15Copy of extracts from letter, from Sir John Herschel to William Parsons (Lord Rosse)5 April 1851
MM/11/158Letter from J F W Herschel, Collingwood16 November 1841
HS/13/230Letter, from William Parsons (Lord Rosse) to Sir John Herschel, dated at 19 Great Cumberland St.3 June 1850
HS/13/228Letter, from William Parsons (Lord Rosse) to Sir John Herschel, dated at The Castle, Parsonstown29 January 1849
HS/13/231Letter, from William Parsons (Lord Rosse) to Sir John Herschel, dated at The Castle, Parsonstown6 November 1853
HS/13/233Letter, from William Parsons (Lord Rosse) to Sir John Herschel, dated at 4 Connaught Place22 July 1867
HS/13/231aCopy letter, from Sir John Herschel to William Parsons (Lord Rosse), dated at 32 Harley St.9 November 1853
HS/13/229Letter, from William Parsons (Lord Rosse) to Sir John Herschel, dated at The Castle, Parsonstown15 February 1849
HS/13/227Letter, from William Parsons (Lord Rosse) to Sir John Herschel, dated at The Castle, Parsonstown9 July 1843
MC/5/158Letter from J F W [John Frederick William] Herschel, Harley Street, to Lord Rosse, [President of the Royal Society]24 March 1854
HS/19/177Incomplete memorandum on the construction of the framework of Lord [William Parsons] Rosse's telescope, by Sir John Frederick William Herschel1840s
HS/13/232Letter, from William Parsons (Lord Rosse) to Sir John Herschel, dated at The Castle, Parsonstown1 December 1860
HS/23/141Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to William Parsons (Lord Rosse), dated at 32 Harley St.9 November 1853
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    the world's most eminent scientists and is the
    oldest scientific academy in continuous existence.
    Registered charity number 207043

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