
Authorised form of nameBowen; Edmund John (1898 - 1980)
Dates1898 - 1980
Date of birth29 April 1898
Date of death19/11/1980
Fellow of University College, Oxford
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election16/05/1935
RSActivityMedals and prizes:
Davy Medal 1963
Bulloch's Roll
CSAC 81/5/81. Papers deposited in the Museum of the History of Science, Oxford
Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 1981 vol 27 pp 83-101, plate, by R P Bell
E J Bowen, 'Who Founded the R.S.?' in NR 1982-83 vol 37 p 5
Edmund J Bowen, 'The Balliol-Trinity Laboratories, Oxford 1853-1940' in NR 1970 vol 25 pp 227-236
J S Rowlinson, 'The war time work of Hinshelwood and his colleagues' in NR 2004 vol 58 pp 161-175
Archives associated with this Fellow
EC/1935/05Bowen, Edmund John: certificate of election to the Royal Society
IM/000467Bowen, Edmund Johnc 1935-6
IM/000468Bowen, Edmund Johnnd
MS/3/12'Photochemistry. Mr Bowen. Hilary term 1924 (?)' notebook of Arthur Mourant1924
RR/67/249Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The determination of the lifetime of active polymeric molecules' by T T Jones and Harry Work MelvilleMarch 1940
RR/67/301Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The photodynamic activity of the tissues of mice treated with 3:4-benzpyrene' by J C MottramNovember 1939
RR/55/56Referee's report by Thomas Smith 'Heterochromatic photometry of the ultra-violet region' by Edmund John BowenDecember 1935
RR/54/46Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The effect of imprisonment of resonance radiation in the decomposition of ammonia and of deutero-ammonia' by H W MelvilleMay 1935
RR/67/29Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The reaction of atomic hydrogen with hydrazine' by E A B Birse and Harry Work Melville1940
RR/55/137Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'Reactions in monolayers of drying oils II-Polymerization of the oxidized forms of the maleic anhydride compound of ß-elaeostearin' by Geoffrey GeeAugust 1935
RR/72/221Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'Flash photolysis and spectroscopy. A new method for the study of free radical reactions' by George Porter1949
RR/59/92Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'Kinetics of co-ordination reactions in the cobaltammine series' by F J Garrick[July 1936]
RR/62/98Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The rupture of carbon-nitrogen bonds. Kinetics of the thermal decomposition of w-azotoluene vapour' by Gwyn Williams and Arthur Stuart Clark Lawrence[March 1936]
RR/60/44Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'Electron affinity spectrum of ferrous ion in aqueous solution' by R H Potterill, O J Walker and Joseph WeissApril 1936
RR/62/96Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The kinetics of the thermal decomposition of benzalazine vapour' by Gwyn Williams and Arthur Stuart Clark Lawrence[March 1936]
RR/72/203Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The nature of the sulphur-oxygen bond' by W Moffitt31 August 1949
RR/67/28Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The photolysis of ammonia' by E A B Birse and Harry Work MelvilleJanuary 1940
RR/69/32Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'Kinetic studies in the chemistry of rubber and related materials. I. The thermal oxidation of ethyl linoleate' by J L Bolland1945
RR/69/316Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The sensitiveness of explosives - The onset of detonation in the sensitiveness of explosives' by Alfred Rene Jean Paul Ubbelohde, J L Copp, S E Napier, T Nash, W J Powell, H Skelly and P Woodward1946
RR/68/510Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The absorption spectra of hexatriene and divinyl acetylene in the vacuum ultra-violet' by William Charles Price and Arthur Donald Walsh[1944]
RR/68/512Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The absorption spectrum of acetaldehyde in the vacuum ultra-violet' by Arthur Donald Walsh[1944]
RR/72/265Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The non-planar vibrations of some substituted ethylenes and related compounds' by P Torkington1949
MS/840Edmund John Bowen letters of appointment1936-1972
IM/000469Bowen, Edmund Johnnd
RR/75/160Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The thermal decomposition of barium azide' by J C N Thomas and Frederick Clifford Tompkins9 July 1951
IM/000466Bowen, Edmund Johnnd
RR/66/97Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The absorption spectrum of nitrosyl chloride' by Charles Frederick Goodeve and S Katz[May 1939]
RR/26/63Referee's report by William Jackson Pope, on a paper 'The influence of physical conditions on the velocity of decomposition of certain crystalline solids' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood and Edmund John Bowen7 March 1921
RR/66/217Second referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The mechanism of polymerization reactions. I. The polymerization of styrene and methyl methacrylate' by Ronald George Wreyford Norrish and E F Brookman[March 1939]
RR/67/95Second referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on three papers 'A study of sensitized explosions. Parts V, VI and VII' by Frederick Sydney Dainton and Ronald George Wreyford NorrishJuly 1940
RR/66/216Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The mechanism of polymerization reactions. I. The polymerization of styrene and methyl methacrylate' by Ronald George Wreyford Norrish and E F Brookman[February 1939]
RR/66/16Second referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The photosynthesis of carbohydrates from hydrated carbon dioxide' by Edward Charles Cyril Baly[June 1939]
RR/67/94Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on three papers 'A study of sensitized explosions. Parts V, VI and VII' by Frederick Sydney Dainton and Ronald George Wreyford NorrishJune 1940
RR/69/252Referee's report by Edmund John Bower, on two papers 'The absorption spectra of benzene derivatives in the vacuum ultra-violet. Parts I and II' by William Charles Price and Arthur Donald Walsh1946
RR/66/15Letter from the Assistant Secretary, to Edmund John Bowen, regarding a paper 'The photosynthesis of carbohydrates from hydrated carbon dioxide' by Edward Charles Cyril Baly11 July 1939
RR/68/507Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on two papers 'The infra-red spectra of polymers and related monomers. I' and 'The infra-red spectra of polymers and related monomers. II' by Harold Warris Thompson and P Torkington[1944]
RR/56/104Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'On the thermal decomposition of acetaldehyde and ethylene oxide' by R V Seddon and Morris William Travers[November 1935]
RR/26/64Referee's report by Frederick Alexander Lindemann, Viscount Cherwell, on a paper 'The influence of physical conditions on the velocity of decomposition of certain crystalline solids' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood and Edmund John Bowen[November 1921]
RR/44/53Referee's report by Arthur John Allmand, on a paper 'The kinetics of the decomposition, in carbon tetrachloride solution, of ozone and of ozone-chlorine mixtures' by Edmund John Bowen, E A Moelwyn-Hughes and Cyril Norman HinshelwoodAugust 1931
RR/55/136Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'Reaction in monolayers of drying oils I - The oxidation of the maleic anhydride compound of ß-Elaeostearin' by Geoffrey Gee and Eric Keightley RidealAugust 1935
RR/66/14Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The photosynthesis of carbohydrates from hydrated carbon dioxide' by Edward Charles Cyril Baly[June 1939]
RR/68/73Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The photosensitivity of visual purple solutions and the scotopic sensitivity of the eye in the ultra-violet' by Charles Frederick Goodeve, Richard James Lythgoe and E E Schneider[1941]
RR/73/257Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The photochemistry of native proteins' by Eric Keightley Rideal and R Roberts13 October 1950
RR/73/69Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'Aspects of hybridization' by William Moffitt1950
RR/73/290Referee's report by John Turton Randall, on a paper 'The quenching of anthracene fluorescence' by Edmund John Bowen and W S Metcalf17 January 1951
RR/75/159Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The photodecomposition of barium azide' by J G N Thomas and Frederick Clifford Tompkins9 July 1951
RR/75/192Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The rates of evaporation from different faces of rhombic sulphur' by Sir Eric Keightley Rideal and Philippa M Wiggins9 August 1951
RR/75/189Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The role of formaldehyde in the oxidation of ethylene' by A J Harding and Ronald George Wreyford Norrish15 September 1951
RR/75/220Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The photo-degradation of polymethyl methacrylate I The mechanics of degradation' by P R E J Cowley and Harry Work Melville15 September 1951
RR/77/75Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The inhibiting effect of the lead tetraethyl. Part I. The effect of lead compounds on the vapour phase slow oxidation of diisopropyl ether and on the ignition of diethyl ether' by G H N Chamberlain and Arthur Donald Walsh25 April 1952
RR/77/124Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The thermal decomposition of potassium azide' by P W M Jacobs and Frederick Clifford Tompkins12 July 1952
RR/75/221Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The photo-degradation of polymethyl methacrylate II Evaluation of absolute rate constants for a depolymerization reaction' by P R E J Cowley and Harry Work Melville15 September 1951
RR/79/45Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The direct measurement of the isothermal Joule-Thomson coefficients for gases' by A Charnley, G L Isles and J R Townley27 February 1953
RR/77/251Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'Catalysis on evaporated metal films. II. The efficiency of different metals for the reaction between methane and deuterium' by Charles Kemball22 December 1952
RR/79/281Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The decomposition of solid azides by electron bombardment' by J M Groocock and Frederick Clifford Tompkins18 November 1953
RR/79/2Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The kinetics of chemisorption of hydrogen and carbon monoxide on evaporated iron films' by A S Porter and Frederick Clifford Tompkins8 January 1953
RR/79/120Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The photolysis of acetaldehyde, diacetyl and acetone at high intensity' by M A Khan, Ronald George Wreyford Norrish and George Porter8 June 1953
RR/73/68Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'Term values in hybrid states' by William Moffitt1950
RR/79/161Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The photochemical decomposition of t-butyl hydroperoxide in solution' by J T Martin and Ronald George Wreyford Norrish15 July 1953
RR/79/207Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'Low temperature oxidation and cool flames of propane' by John Henderson Knox and Ronald George Wreyford Norrish15 August 1953
RR/77/236Referee's report by [Edmund John] Bowen, on a paper 'The Bequerel effect in the presence of dyestuffs and the action of light on dyes' by P J Hillson and Sir Eric Rideal15 November 1952
RR/77/131Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The inhibiting effect of lead tetraethyl II the effect of lead monoxide on the slow oxidation of methane' by D E Hoare and A D Walsh21 July 1952
RR/73/282Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'A study of the reactions that lead to 'knock' in the spark ignition engine' by Diarmuid Downs, Arthur Donald Walsh and R W Wheeler14 December 1950
RR/77/123Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The photolysis of solid potassium azide' by P W M Jacobs and Frederick Clifford Tompkins12 July 1952
RR/79/3Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'The sorption of hydrogen and other gases by evaporated iron films' by A S Porter and Frederick Clifford Tompkins8 January 1953
RR/77/12Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'Measurement of the thermal accommodation coefficients of gases' by A J E Eggleton, Frederick Clifford Tompkins and D W B Wanford1 February 1952
RR/77/86Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'Catalysis on evaporated metal films. I. The efficiency of different metals for the reaction between ammonia and deuterium' by Charles Kemball31 May 1952
RR/79/268Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'Catalysis on evaporated metal films. III. The efficiency of different metals for the reaction between ethane and deuterium' by J R Anderson and Charles Kemball21 October 1953
RR/79/269Referee's report by Edmund John Bowen, on a paper 'Catalysis on evaporated metal films. IV. Exchange between propane and deuterium and isobutane and deuterium' by Charles Kemball21 October 1953
MS/3/3'Rate of reaction. Mr Bowen. Michaelmas Term 1922. 1st half of course' notebook of Arthur Mourant1922
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