
Authorised form of nameChadwick; Sir; James (1891 - 1974)
Dates1891 - 1974
Place of birthBollington, near Macclesfield, Cheshire, England
Date of birth20 October 1891
Place of deathCambridge
Date of death24/07/1974
Research fieldPhysics
Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, and Assistant Director of Radio-Active Research in the Cavendish Laboratory
Medals and prizes:
Nobel Prize (Physics) 1935
Kt 1945; CH 1970
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election12/05/1927
Royal Society activityRoyal Society roles:
VP 1937-1938, 1948-1949
Medals and prizes:
Hughes Medal 1932; Copley Medal 1950
Bakerian 1933; Rutherford 1953
Bulloch's Roll; DSB vol 17 pp 143-148
Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 1976 vol 22 pp 11-70, plate, by Sir Harrie Massey and N Feather
J R Holt, 'James Chadwick at Liverpool' in NR 1994 vol 48 pp 299-308
Sir Rudolf Peierls, 'Recollections of James Chadwick' in NR 1994 vol 48 pp 135-141
Margaret Gowing, 'James Chadwick and the Atomic Bomb' in NR 1993 vol 47 pp 79-92, plate
S Devons, 'Rutherford and the Science of His Day' in NR 1991 vol 45 pp 221-242
J W Boag and D Shoenberg (trans and eds), 'Letters from Kapitza to his Mother, 1921-27' in NR 1988 vol 42 pp 205-228, plate
Sir Harrie Massey, 'Nuclear Physics Today and in Rutherford's Day' in NR 1972-3 vol 27 pp 25-44
Sir Mark Oliphant, 'Some Personal Recollections of Rutherford, the Man' in NR 1972-3 vol 27 pp 7-23
Anon, 'Award of the Franklin Medal to Sir James Chadwick, FRS' in NR 1952 vol 9 pp 353-355
Virtual International Authority File
Royal Society codeNA8164
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
PB/1/19Correspondence re academic posts in Cambridge1953-1966
PB/1/33/1/2Nobel Prize1948
PB/9/1/25Correspondence with Sir James Chadwick1971
PB/4/11/7/1Copy of further memo to Sir James Chadwick from UK scientists protesting against proposed organisation at Harwell (unsigned)December 1945
PB/4/8/8Correspondence with Sir James Chadwick re appointments 1942
EC/1927/04Chadwick, Sir James: certificate of election to the Royal Society
PB/1/33/4/1President of the Royal Society1965
PB/4/11/7Letter from Sir James Chadwick re visits to Russia, and his (duplicated) note on work of Nuclear Physics Sub-committeec.1945
IM/GA/JGRS/8271Chadwick, Sir Jamesnd
MS/850/2/7Letter from James Chadwick, George Holt Physics Laboratories, The University of Liverpool to Mr Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society, Burlington House, London18 December 1941
RR/43/43Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The half-value period of uranium-Y' by O Gratias and C H CollieAugust 1931
RR/44/19Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The diffraction of electrons in mercury vapour. II' by F L Arnot1931
RR/52/22Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'Approximate phases in electron scattering' by F L Arnot and G O BainesMay 1934
RR/52/123Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'Note on a new transition produced by electron impact in helium' by Richard Whiddington and H PriestleyMarch 1934
RR/38/121Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The emission of secondary electrons and the excitation of soft X-rays' by Owen Willans RichardsonMay 1928
RR/35/59Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The mobility of the actinium a recoil atom measured by the cloud method' by Philip Ivor DeeAugust 1927
RR/47/70Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The parent of protactinium' by O A Gratias and C H CollieOctober 1932
RR/61/75Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The production of gamma-rays by neutrons' by E H S Burhop, R D Hill and A A TownsendJanuary 1938
RR/55/87Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The scattering of fast ß-particles by electrons' by F C ChampionJuly 1935
RR/41/42Referee's report by Charles Thomson Rees Wilson, on a paper 'The scattering of a-particles in helium' by James ChadwickApril 1930
RR/40/6Second referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'Secondary electronic emissions from metal foils and animal tissues' by William Valentine Mayneord September 1930
RR/46/67Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'Mobility of alkali ions in gases' by Cecil Frank Powell and Luang Brata[June 1932]
RR/44/114Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'Mobility of positive alkali ions in argon, neon and helium' by Arthur Mannering Tyndall and Cecil Frank PowellDecember 1931
RR/58/24Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'Studies of cosmic-ray showers by quintuple coincidences' by Hu Chien ShanAugust 1936
RR/52/124Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'Small angle inelastic electron scattering in helium, neon, and argon' by Richard Whiddington and J E TaylorMarch 1934
RR/57/79Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'A new process of negative ion formation - II' by F L Arnot[July 1936]
RR/44/125Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'Electron scattering in helium at low velocities' by Sven WernerJuly 1931
RR/50/122Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The reflection of X-rays from anthracene crystals' by B Wheeler RobinsonJune 1933
RR/50/107Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'Beryllium and helium. I.—The helium contained in beryls of varied geological age' by Robert John Strutt, Lord RayleighJuly 1933
RR/54/60Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'Neutrons of thermal energies' by Philip Burton Moon and J R TillmanNovember 1935
RR/49/94Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The deposition of sputtered films' by Robert William Ditchburn[February 1933]
RR/60/35Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The variation of the mobility of gaseous ions with temperature II-caesium and sodium ions in helium' by A F PearceFebruary 1936
RR/50/88Second referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'Experiments on the protons produced in the artificial disintegration of the nitrogen nucleus' by E C PollardApril 1933
RR/52/21Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The scattering of electrons in bromine vapour' by F L Arnot and J C McLauchlanMay 1934
RR/61/51Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The production of neutrons by bombardment of beryllium with alpha-particles' by T BjergeSeptember 1937
RR/55/13Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'Elastic and unilastic cross sections of the mercury atom' by F L Arnot and G O BainesMarch 1935
RR/56/89Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The disintegration of boron' by D Roaf[September 1935]
RR/65/81Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'Uranium Z and the problem of nuclear isomerism' by N Feather and E BretscherFebruary 1938
RR/59/27Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The passage of neutrons through matter' by C H Collie and J H E Griffiths[March 1936]
RR/61/54Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The nature of the penetrating coponent of cosmic rays' by Patrick Maynard Stuart BlackettJanuary 1938
RR/65/281Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The energy loss of penetrating cosmic-ray particles in copper' by J G WilsonFebruary 1938
RR/60/59Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'Note on the reported radioactivity of A38' by D Roaf23 November 1936
RR/57/5Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The secondary cathode rays expelled from metals by molybdenum Ka radiations' by Harold Roper Robinson and C J B Clews[March 1935]
RR/57/78Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'A new process of negative ion formation III - The energy distribution of the negative ions and accommodation coefficients of the positive ions' by F L Arnot[July 1936]
RR/65/110Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The absorption of neutrons of medium energy' by J H E GriffithsDecember 1938
RR/57/101Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The stopping-power of mica for a-particles' by W E Bennett[February 1936]
RR/57/77Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'A new process of negative ion formation' by F L Arnot and J C Milligan[April 1936]
RR/59/55Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The anomalous scattering of protons in light elements' by E G Dymond[May 1936]
RR/65/10Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'A new process of negative-ion formation. IV' by F L Arnot and Clark BeckettJuly 1938
RR/65/206Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The disintegration of boron by slow neutrons' by C O'Ceallaigh and W T DaviesApril 1938
RR/63/91Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'Investigation of cosmic-ray showers at 4000 m. above sea-level' by Hu Chien Shan, B B Kisilbasch and D KetiladgeApril 1937
RR/61/78Referee's report by Patrick Marnard Stuart Blackett, on a paper 'Measurements of range and angle of projection for the protons produced in the photo-disintegration of deuterium' by James Chadwick, Norman Feather and E BretscherSeptember 1937
RR/66/61Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The excitation of Y-radiation in processes of proton capture' by Samuel Crowe Curran and J E Strothers[May 1939]
RR/65/51Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The scattering of fast ß-particles by mercury nuclei' by F C Champion and A BarberJune 1938
RR/65/52Second referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The scattering of fast ß-particles by mercury nuclei' by F C Champion and A Barber20 July 1938
RR/65/66Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The excitation of ?-radiation in processes of proton capture by light elements' by Samuel Crowe Curran, Philip Ivor Dee and V PetržílkaOctober 1938
RR/66/36Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'Experiments on the transmutation of fluorine by deuterons' by J C Bower and William Ernest Burcham[August 1939]
RR/67/151Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'Experiments with a velocity-spectrometer for slow neutrons' by G E F Fertel, D F Gibbs, Philip Burton Moon, George Paget Thomson and C E Wynn-WilliamsApril 1940
RR/67/394Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The Y-ray transition of radio-bromine' by R E SidayMarch 1941
RR/68/80Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'Non-central forces in the nuclear two-body problem' by W Hepner and Rudolf Ernst Peierls[1941]
RR/68/70Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The 'second maximum’ of the shower transition curve of cosmic radiation' by E P George, L Jánossy and M McCaig[1941]
RR/68/118Letter from James Chadwick, to Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, regarding a paper 'The absorption spectra of the cyclic dienes in the vacuum ultra-violet' by William Charles Price and Arthur Donald Walsh31 May 1941
RR/68/98Second referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'Excitation function measurements for disintegrations produced by deuterons in the heavy elements' by R S Krishnan and E A Nahum[1941]
RR/68/90Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'Penetrating cosmic-ray showers' by L Jánossy[1941]
RR/68/84Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The electronic charge' by V D Hopper and Thomas Howell Laby[March 1941]
RR/68/234Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'Penetrating non-ionizing cosmic rays' by L Jánossy and George Dixon Rochester[1942]
RR/68/240Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The elastic scattering of fast positrons by heavy nuclei' by Harrie Stewart Wilson Massey[1942]
RR/68/229Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'On nuclear energy levels' by K M Guggenheimer[1942]
RR/68/384Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The production of penetrating showers' by L Jánossy and George Dixon Rochester[1943]
RR/68/251Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'Applications of photographic method to problems in nuclear physics. I (a) The determination of the energy of homogeneous groups of a-particles and protons (b) The determination of the energy of fast neutrons' by Cecil Frank Powell[1942]
RR/68/264Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'A new method of determining half-value periods from observations with a single Geiger counter' by A G Ward[1942]
RR/68/273Referee's report by George Paget Thomson, on a paper 'An investigation of the scattering of high-energy particles from the cyclotron by the photographic method, I. The experimental method' by James Chadwick, A N May, Thomas Gerald Pickavance and Cecil Frank Powell[1943]
RR/68/274Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'Applications of the photographic method to problems in nuclear physics. II. The scattering of 8.8 and 13 MeV neutrons by protons' by F C Champion and Cecil Frank Powell[1943]
RR/40/4Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'Secondary electronic emissions from metal foils and animal tissues' by William Valentine Mayneord May 1930
RR/44/113Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The mobility of positive ions in helium. Part I. Helium ions' by Arthur Mannering Tyndall and Cecil Frank Powell1931
PB/1/33/3/1Companion of Honour1965
RR/56/85Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The absorption of monochromatic X-ray beams, of wave-length in the region 50 to 20 X-units, in lead, tin, copper, and iron' by John Read[June 1935]
RR/50/18Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The diffraction of electrons in the halogens' by F L ArnotNovember 1933
RR/49/153Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The mean lives of excited neon atoms' by J H E Griffiths[October 1933]
RR/61/119Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The angular distribution of photoelectrons from the K shell' by F F H Eggleston and Leslie Harold MartinMay 1937
RR/55/2Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The effect of secondary emission upon the fluctuations of the current in a triode (shot effect)' by W H Aldous and N R CampbellJune 1935
RR/57/58Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The energies of nuclear reactions' by Harold Albert Wilson[July 1935]
RR/67/227Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'Precise measurements of the energies of ß-rays from radium (B + C)' by A F A Harper and N F Roberts1940
RR/66/88Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The photodisintegration of the deuteron in the meson theory' by Herbert Fröhlich, Walter Heinrich Heitler and B Kahn[October 1939]
RR/66/86Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'Theory of electrical breakdown in ionic crystals. II' by Herbert Fröhlich[May 1939]
RR/68/401Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The scattering and polarization of fast electrons by heavy elements' by C B O Mohr[1943]
MS/850Papers concerning nuclear fission by Hans von Halban and Lew Kowarski and correspondence regarding their deposit with the Royal Society1939-1942
RR/53/158Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'On nuclear structure and induced radioactivity' by F H Newman and H T Walke[July 1934]
RR/50/87Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'Experiments on the protons produced in the artificial disintegration of the nitrogen nucleus' by E C PollardMarch 1933
RR/66/123Referee's report by James Chadwick, on two papers 'A quantitative study of pleochroic haloes. IV. New types of haloes' by George Hugh Henderson and F W Sparks, and 'A quantitative study of pleochroic haloes. V. The genesis of haloes' by George Hugh Henderson21 July 1939
RR/66/87Referee's report by James Chadwick and Charles Galton Darwin, on a paper 'Deviation from the Coulomb law for the proton' by Herbert Fröhlich, Walter Heinrich Heitler and B Kahn[March 1939]
RR/53/159Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'On nuclear structure and particle emission' by F H Newman and H T Walke[July 1934]
RR/57/34Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The variation of the mobility of gaseous ions with temperature I–Positive ions in their own gas' by Arthur Mannering Tyndall and A F Pearce[February 1935]
RR/65/175Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The ß-ray spectrum of Ra E' by Leslie Harold Martin and Albert Alan TownsendOctober 1938
RR/67/353Letter from J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society, on a paper 'On the salinity of the surface waters of the Irish Sea' by Joseph Proudman to members of the Sectional Committee for Physics27 December 1940
RR/68/96Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'Excitation function measurements for disintegrations produced by deuterons in the heavy elements' by R S Krishnan and E A Nahum[1941]
RR/68/117Letter from Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, to James Chadwick, regarding a paper 'The absorption spectra of the cyclic dienes in the vacuum ultra-violet' by William Charles Price and Arthur Donald Walsh25 May 1941
RR/71/12Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'Neutron diffraction' by G E Bacon and J Thewlis[1948]
RR/71/132Referee's report by James Chadwick, on a paper 'The emission of light charged particles in the slow neutron fission of uranium' by L L Green and D L Livesey[1948]
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