
Authorised form of nameClairaut; Alexis Claude (1713 - 1765)
Dates1713 - 1765
Place of birthParis, France
Date of birth07 May 1713
Place of deathParis, France
Date of death17 May 1765
Research fieldMathematics
Celestial mechanics
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election27/10/1737
Bulloch's Roll; DSB
Mari Williams, 'James Bradley and the Eighteenth Century "Gap" in Attempts to Measure Annual Stellar Parallax' in NR 1982-83 vol 37 pp 83-100
Richard Sorrenson, 'Towards a History of the Royal Society in the Eighteenth Century' in NR 1996 vol 50 pp 29-46
Sir Alan Cook, 'Ladies in the Scientific Revolution' in NR 1997 vol 51 pp 1-12
Judith P Zinsser, 'Translating Newton's Principia: the Marquise du Chatelet's revisions and additions for a French audience' in NR 2001 vol 55 pp 227-245
Alex D D Craik, 'James Ivory's last papers on the 'Figure of the Earth' (with biographical additions) in NR 2002 vol 56 pp 187-204
L B Glyn, 'Israel Lyons: a short but starry career. The life of an eighteenth-century Jewish botanist and astronomer' in NR 2002 vol 56 pp 275-305
J P Zinsser, 'Mentors, the marquise Du Chatelet and historical memory' in NR 2007 vol 61 pp 89-108
Royal Society codeNA8170
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
EC/1737/06Clairaut, Alexis Claude: certificate of election to the Royal Society27 October 1737
LBO/24/15Copy letter from Alexis Clairaut, Paris, to Cromwell Mortimer15 September 1737
CLP/8ii/77/1Manuscript, 'Inquiry concerning the figure of such planets as revolve about an Axis supposing the Density continually to vary, from the Center towards the Surface' by Alexis Claude Clairaut[1737]
EL/C3/24Letter, from Alexis Clairaut to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris15 September 1737
EL/C3/25Translation of a letter, from Alexis Clairaut to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris1737
MS/790/24Letter from Alexis Claude Clairaut, Paris, to [Martin Folkes] 5 September 1742
EL/C3/17Letter, from Alexis Clairaut to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Tornea20 February 1736
EL/C3/2Letter, from Alexis Clairaut to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris13 December 1737
EL/C3/23Translation of a letter, from Alexis Clairaut to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris1738
EL/C3/19Paper, 'Investigationes aliquot, ex quibus probatur terrae figuram secundum leges attractionis in ratione inversa quadrati distantiarum maxime ad ellipsin accedere debere [ Some investigations, by which it is proved that the figure of the earth must approach very near to an ellipsis, according to the laws of attraction inversely as the square of the distances]' by Alexis Clairaut February 1736
EL/C3/18Translation of a letter, from Alexis Clairaut to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Tornea1786
L&P/2/526Letter, 'On Melvill's optical paper in the Philosophical Transactions' from Alexis Claude Clairaut to Thomas Birch30 June 1754
EL/C3/26Translation of a letter, from Alexis Clairaut to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris1737
CLP/8ii/77Translated paper, 'Inquiry concerning the figure of such planets as revolve about an Axis supposing the Density continually to vary, from the Center towards the Surface' by Alexis Claude Clairaut[1737]
EL/C3/36Translation of a letter, from Alexis Clairaut to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris1737
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